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Minutes - June 14, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. on June 14, 2016 with President James Copeland, KD&1xbet online games login ;ICP, Activities Manager Max Nager, W2MAX, and Station Manager Vern Wirka, W&1xbet online games login ;VMP in attendance.

MAARS Secretary Jim Foster, KD&1xbet online games login ;NQQ, led a presentation about the upcoming Field Day in Long's Park, which will take place June 25th - 26th. Part of the presentation included a slide show that will be shown to visitors at Field Day at the Get on the Air Station.

KSUARC members are planning on assisting with the MAARS 1xbet online games login , including setup and operation. Posters promoting the event have been made available, and will be put up on campus.

There are no scheduled summer meetings coming up, but club members are encouraged to watch their email for any opportunities that may arise during the summer.

James Copeland, KD&1xbet online games login ;ICP

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