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Minutes - May 5, 1998

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by President John Blessing, N&1xbet best casino website ;YRL.

The minutes from the April 21 meeting were read and approved.

In unfinished business, Norm Dillman, N&1xbet best casino website ;JCC reported on progress in restoring a 486 PC for general use in the weapons room. The computer currently has two hard drives. The computer will be set up to only use one of the two drives. The computer has 4 MB of RAM. There was discussion on the usefulness of 4 MB. 16 MB was suggested as more suitable. After discussion on purchase of addition RAM, it was decided to hold off on that for the time being, and in the grand old tradition of amateur radio, we'll attempt to scrounge more RAM.

Pres. Blessing wants to know what the IP number of the computer is or should be. This is unresolved.

Norm Dillman announced that it would be possible to have the 2m repeater documentation typed and put on disk. It was agreed that this would be a good idea.

It was moved and seconded to cram the 2m and 440 MHz 1xbet best casino website into one cabinet. Motion passed. This decision tended to disrupt the proceedings from that point on, since the meeting was being held in the weapons room. The members proceeded to the 1xbet best casino website to assess the situation. Before we left the room, the 440 MHz repeater had been removed from its cabinet, pending final installation in the 2m repeater cabinet. The 440 MHz repeater power supply will be moved to a location under the operating console.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM asked about the possibility of trashing an entire file cabinet drawer full of mechanical RTTY manuals (which probably dated back to the early part of the 19th century). The club informally agreed that this would be acceptable.

There was discussion on the future of the pop machine. KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM reported that he'd found a dozen slugs in the coin mechanism, and apparent forcing of the vending mechanism. The club, lacking any idea of how to get repairs, agreed to look into possible buyers. Pictures of the machine were taken for use in marketing it.

After experimenting with various configurations for the two 1xbet best casino website , the members exited the premises at 8:58 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM


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