1xbet sports betting

Minutes - May 4, 2004

The meeting was called to order in 274 Rathbone Hall by President Mike Spottswood, KC&1xbet sports betting ;IWH at 7:00 P.M.

Mike, KC&1xbet sports betting ;IWH, David, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM and Mark, KC&1xbet sports betting ;QAS were present.

The W&1xbet sports betting ;QQQ license will expire on August 24, 2004. We are unable to take action yet, as the FCC only allows renewals within 90 days of expiration. We're keeping this in the minutes until then as a reminder to ourselves. Expiration coincides with the license of our trustee, Dr. Soldan, N&1xbet sports betting ;IN, so he will renew both.

The QSL card supply is very low (under 100). A final design was approved, as well as approximately 9 for 2000 cards. The second 1,000 cards added about to the cost.

The rest of our very informal meeting was spent sightseeing on the roof, visiting the Auxiliary Weapons Room, inspecting W&1xbet sports betting ;QQQ repeater cards, etc.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 7.

The meeting ended at 8:25 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM

