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Minutes - April 30, 1996

The regular meeting of the KSUARC was called to order by president Robert Cox, KB&1xbet online casino ;MVZ at 7:15 P.M. on April 30, 1996.

Pres. Cox reported on work he had done recently in the station, 1xbet online casino : tracing transmission lines, locating a power supply for the KPC3, and checking software.

A 1xbet online casino of the station and roof was scheduled for 9 to noon on Saturday, May 4.

There was a discussion of what 1xbet online casino be considered trash vs. potential hamfest sale items.

1xbet online casino was discussion on the 40m vertical which is presently horizontal.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet online casino ;JCC expressed concern on the 80m caged dipole which hangs over a parking area. It was informally agreed that the ropes, etc. should be inspected for weakness that could allow it to drop.

Norm mentioned that a good dual-band vertical antenna 1xbet online casino be useful for the horse race. A proposal might be submitted to the race sponsor to stand half the cost if the antenna 1xbet online casino go to the club afterward.

Norm stated that Western Resources has been sent a proposal for installation of a high-speed packet link on Jeffrey Energy Center. Between equipment and antennas, this project 1xbet online casino cost in the range of 00, and Western Resources 1xbet online casino hopefully finance this. Various letters of support have been sent, including one from the Adjutant General of the Kansas National Guard.

In the matter of the constitutional revision, 1xbet online casino was final consideration of two amendments proposed at the April 16 meeting.

In Article VI, paragraph 1 on the trustee, the requirement that the trustee be a faculty member was amended to faculty/staff.

In Article VII on the adviser, the requirement that the adviser be a faculty member was amended to faculty/staff.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet online casino ;JCC made a motion that, "The president will notify all current and past members that there is a clean-up day on Saturday, and all unclaimed personal items will be moved to Dillman's storage area or discarded." The motion was seconded and passed.

David Yoder informed the 1xbet online casino that we own a three-year-old gift certificate from Radio Shack. He asked if we should use it to get a clock battery and change. The 1xbet online casino made an informal decision to buy a clock battery, and use the remainder (plus additional funds, if necessary) to buy Gordon West technician study manuals that could be sold in the fall.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online casino ;JPM


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