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Minutes - April 17, 2003

The meeting was called to order by 1xbet online casino Mike Spottswood, KCØIWH at 7:00 P.M.

The 1xbet online casino apparently forgot to pick up the key for the confrence room, so he waited by the balcany for members to show with the intent of moving to the shack in Seaton Hall.

Interested party Mark Benfer met the 1xbet online casino and waited until more members arrived. There was a call out on the KSUARC two meter repeater for anyone running late. Nothing was heard.

The two moved to the shack where the 1xbet online casino climbed the tower with the intent of removing the feedline from the multi-band dipole for inspection. Due to the condition of the safety belt and the wind, the 1xbet online casino chickened out about half way up and decided to try again another day.

There was then a discussion about a testing session in Topeka for the interested party, repeater control, and IRLP. The meeting was concluded with a demonstration QSO on 20mtr phone and a last check for members who may have been scratching at the confrence room doors.

The meeting was unofficially ajourned around 8:00PM and the generous 1xbet online casino gave a ride home to all attending persons.

The 1xbet online casino then retired to his residence... scratching his head.

Michael Spottswood KC0IWH

