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Minutes - April 7, 1998

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by President John Blessing, N&1xbet online games login ;YRL.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet online games login ;JCC successfully repaired a broken aluminum bracket on the Cushcraft R-5 HF antenna. The club extends its thanks for the speedy repair.

There was discussion on cleaning the weapons room. Tony Sharp, N&1xbet online games login ;JWP suggested we start by clearing the operating position.

It was agreed that we would evaluate 1xbet online games login computer equipment presently in our station, and record any serial numbers or KSU property numbers. Our decisions on the fate of the equipment will include any contraints on inventory items.

We again discussed the idea of consolidating the 440 MHz and 2m repeaters into one cabinet. No action was taken.

A proposed constitutional amendment was received preliminary approval at the March 17 meeting. It was reintroduced tonight for a second vote, as the 1xbet online games login requires for any amendment. The amendment passed by the required three-fourths majority.

The text of Article III of the 1xbet online games login is amended to:
"Membership 1xbet online games login be available to:
A) members of the University family: students and faculty/staff members (current and retired) and their immediate families who have an interest in Amateur Radio or related areas, who pay the required fees, and who promise to abide by the constitution, bylaws and 1xbet online games login other rules which may be agreed upon by the organization, and by 1xbet online games login rules and regulations from other sources which pertain to the organization, or
B) graduates of Kansas State University, as alumni members, who pay the required fees, and who promise to abide by the constitution, bylaws and 1xbet online games login other rules which may be agreed upon by the organization, and by 1xbet online games login rules and regulations from other sources which pertain to the organization. Alumni members will not be eligible to vote."

The 1xbet online games login was adjourned at 7:36 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online games login ;JPM


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