1xbet online casino

1xbet online casino - April 4, 2000

The 1xbet online casino was called to order in Rathbone Hall 274, at 7:05 P.M. by President John Blessing, NØYRL.

The 1xbet online casino from the previous meeting were not read.


There was a brief recap of Open House on April 1.

The Leaning Tower of Seaton will be given a chance at survival on Saturday, April 15. One guy wire is missing, and will be replaced via the heroics of club activities manager David Handlos, KBØKQY. We need to be sure a ladder is available for access to the part of the roof where that tower is located. The guy wire is ready. We will need to get some clamps. The time for the work has not been set.


President Blessing discussed his research project on linking repeaters in northeast Kansas, possibly with APRS involved.

We are trying to get a RAM upgrade for the 486 computer in the Weapons Room. The APRS software needs the extra memory (16 MB is available now). 72-pin chips are needed.

The 1xbet online casino was adjourned at 7:54 P.M.

David Yoder, KAØJPM

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