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Minutes - March 18, 1997

The regular meeting of the KSUARC was called to order by Kurt Zoglmann, KB&1xbet online games login ;TMQ at 7:00 P.M.

The club, and this writer, deeply regret the news that our former adviser, Dr. Bill Dawes, W&1xbet online games login ;IPV, passed away on March 15. This writer was club president while Bill was adviser, and he will be remembered as a fine man whose enthusiasm, humor, professional ability and genuine concern for students were always admired and appreciated. Instead of flowers, club members and any local amateurs may contribute to a fund (being collected by Norm Dillman) to purchase amateur radio books for local libraries in his memory.

Email from Chris Casey, N&1xbet online games login ;VRP indicates that he has swapped parts in our now-legendary packet/Internet project computer(s). The computer now works, and he believes that it will no longer crash.

Bill Kuhn, KO4MH reported that equipment of a 1xbet online games login amateur is being sold. One item of possible interest is a 2m amplifier (10W in, 160 W out), with power supply, for about 5 to 0. No action was taken.

A motion was made and 1xbet online games login to buy the Yaesu thrust bearing for about .

Well, you can't have a thrust bearing 1xbet online games login a mounting plate. A motion was made and passed to purchase a mounting plate for up to 0, but we assume it will cost much less.

The three of us in attendance went QRT at approximately 8:30 P.M., quite proud of ourselves for not squandering all of the 1xbet online games login 's funds when most of our distinguished members weren't looking.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online games login ;JPM


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e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu

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