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Minutes - February 7, 2006

The monthly meeting was called to order in 401 Seaton Hall by president Mark Benfer, KC&1xbet online sports betting ;QAS.

The annual election of officers was conducted, with these results: President: Mark Benfer, KC&1xbet online sports betting ;QAS, Secretary-Treasurer: David Yoder, KA&1xbet online sports betting ;JPM, Station Manager: Mike Spottswood, KC&1xbet online sports betting ;IWH and Activities Manager: Joshua Jones, KI4LZK.

The Collegian is about to run an ad for student organizations. The club voted to pay the for a 1" x 3" ad, which will have basic contact information such as the Web page URL.

Members got a first look at a new 2m repeater, assembled for the club by Mike Spottswood, KC&1xbet online sports betting ;IWH.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online sports betting ;JPM

