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1xbet best casino website - February 6, 2007

The monthly meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. in 401 Seaton Hall by president Mark Benfer, KC&1xbet best casino website ;QAS.

It was time for the annual election of officers. Mark Benfer, KC&1xbet best casino website ;QAS. was re-elected president. David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM, was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Mike Spottswood, KC&1xbet best casino website ;IWH, was re-elected station manager and Ross Von Fange was elected activities manager. Our adviser continues to be Dr. Bill Kuhn, KO4MH.

As a result of the demise of Morse code in terms of license exams, we know of individuals who are looking at taking tests in the near future. It was decided to try having a study session in our previous second 1xbet best casino website time slot, namely the third Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 P.M. Those who are interested are encouraged to contact president Mark Benfer. The location has not been set. If the group is small, the session will probably in the station in Seaton Hall. If a larger number will attend, we will probably book a room in Rathbone Hall.

We goofed around for an hour and twenty minutes prior to the official 1xbet best casino website . We discussed the solar cycle, HF propagation and our 50-foot tower. We opened up a Viking boat anchor transceiver from the 60s. We inspected a 2-meter antenna that Mike Spottswood made from copper tubing. Our background entertainment was the 40-meter version of the 3905 Century Club Net. We looked over the W9INN dipole antenna we bought in 2003. We went out to the roof to show our new member, Ross Von Fange, our TH6DXX Super Thunderbird. A good time was had by all.

The 1xbet best casino website was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM

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