1xbet sports betting KAØJPM,secretary-treasurer,
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Minutes - February 4, 1997

The regular meeting of the KSUARC was called to order by Kurt Zoglmann, KB&1xbet sports betting ;TMQ at 7:00 P.M.

Chris Casey, N&1xbet sports betting ;VRP reported on the packet/internet project. We have an IP number. He is working on the source code at this time.

Chris presented a bill for four 4MB SIMMS, totaling 2.18. Funds had been previously allocated.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet sports betting ;JCC informed us that the solar car team members were working on sending info from the solar car to the chase car via packet radio. (Apparently some teams have run up sizable cellular phone bills in the past).

Our contribution the fund for Elma Bratovic is now .

Norm Dillman distributed some Kenwood logbooks to members in need.

There was a lengthy 1xbet sports betting radios and antennas for the Open House special event station. One possibility is to have at some classic or earlier vintage equipment, in view of the fact that we're observing seventy years. A number of proposals were made on antennas, for example a sloper, a Butternut vertical, the club's R5, repairing the club's 40m homebrew vertical, etc. This discussion lead us into considering interference between our two stations on the 40m and 20m bands. Since the event was still two months away, no final decisions were made.

David Yoder announced a generous contribution from Dr. Dave Soldan (N&1xbet sports betting ;IN) and his wife Dorothy.

A 1xbet sports betting a microphone for the special event station lead to a motion to buy a Heil headset (DX cartridge and double earphones). The club voted to make the purchase. No exact amount was set.

A W5YI-VEC license test session was 1xbet sports betting for 152 Durland Hall, Wed., Feb. 19 at 7 P.M. The 1997 fee is .25 (exact change requested).

Luis Jimenez, N&1xbet sports betting ;UZR announced the development of the new MAARS home page, requested a link to that page, and was invited to link to the KSU page. The URL is: http:// www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1173

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 P.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM

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e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu

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