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Minutes - February 3, 1998

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by President John Blessing, N&1xbet best casino website ;YRL.

First on the agenda was improvements to Superstation W&1xbet best casino website ;QQQ. Norm Dillman, N&1xbet best casino website ;JCC reported on some telephone shopping he'd done regarding 2m FM transceivers. He mentioned three likely options: an ICOM 2000 for 0, a Kenwood 261 for 0, or the Yaesu FT-2500 for 0. A motion was made and passed for the club to get the Yaesu FT-2500. The secretary-treasurer was directed to initiate procurement procedures after calling for a couple more bids.

The decision then before the 1xbet best casino website was how to provide an adequate supply of electrons for the behemoth Yaesu transceiver. After some high-power catalog gazing and technical discourse, the distinguished members of 1xbet best casino website passed a motion to acquire one (1) Astron RS-20M power supply, a 16-amp beauty, complete with meters, for approximately 0.

The treasurer was directed to find the going rate for a Cushcraft 13B2, a 13-element 2m antenna. Norm Dillman kindly offered to sell the 1xbet best casino website his 13B2 for half the current retail price, which the 1xbet best casino website appreciates and agreed to.

There was discussion on various methods for mounting our gigantic new bulletin board in the weapons room. The consensus was that concrete anchors would be used.

Norm Dillman mentioned that our favorite trustee, Dr. Dave Soldan, N&1xbet best casino website ;IN was not included in the members section of our www page. The webmaster apologizes for the oversight, and will add N&1xbet best casino website ;IN to the members section as well as the officers section post haste.

For the second consecutive KSUARC meeting, adviser Norm 1xbet best casino website provided mid-meeting refreshments, i.e. Wrigley's Extra Peppermint gum, from his colorful PlenTPak dispenser.

The 1xbet best casino website voted to loan our Cushcraft R5 HF vertical antenna to the Manhattan Area ARS for Field Day 1998.

There was discussion on interesting stunts for KSU Open House in April, such as satellite contacts, a presentation of SAREX amateur radio activity on past NASA shuttle missions, etc., as well as the best location for our display. This discussion will continue in the next three meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM


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e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu

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