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Minutes - November 18, 1997

The meeting never actually came to order, but was quite a productive gathering, nonetheless.

The club has 1xbet online games login a used office desk and office swivel chair, and we miracled those onto KSUARC premises...both fine additions.

Thanks to adviser Norm Dillman, N&1xbet online games login ;JCC for arranging for a different (new?), quiet, state-of-the-art window air conditioner for the weapons room.

The club members also inspected the nice couch donated by Mike Penrod, KB&1xbet online games login ;FAX. This couch, besides being quite a sporty piece of furniture, will be most useful as members contemplate DXing strategies.

A gigantic dot matrix printer which we 1xbet online games login for free several years ago (and which was never plugged into a 117-V AC outlet), was taken to its final resting place.

An impromptu auction was held for a drafting board of unknown origin (that we found behind the pop machine). Rich Warkentien, KB&1xbet online games login ;YKZ was the high bidder at .

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online games login ;JPM


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e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu

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