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1xbet online sports betting - November 18, 2000

An impromptu meeting was held in Seaton Hall 401, in the morning of Nov. 18. These are the somewhat informal 1xbet online sports betting of that meeting.

The 1xbet online sports betting from the previous meeting were not read.

We 1xbet online sports betting the shack, in great disarray as a result of concrete drilling by University Facilities personnel which was not 1xbet online sports betting . We had intended to sort tubes, but ran out of time. It is good we took care of things, because the shack is in much better shape now. We still need to find a time to do sorting.

We voted to purchase a 2001 ARRL Handbook. Also, we decided to look for a new 24-hour clock. We would like to get one that sets off of WWVB. Let us know if you have seen any such clocks at a good price. It should preferably be a large clock that can be hung on a wall. We're considering one by Arcron-Zeit, for about . Input is welcome.

David Yoder, KAØJPM

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