1xbet sports betting

Minutes - November 16, 1999

The meeting was called to order in Rathbone Hall 274, at 7:12 P.M. by President John Blessing, N&1xbet sports betting ;YRL.

The minutes from the previous 1xbet sports betting were read.


1xbet sports betting has been some response to the quest for used tools...mostly odds and ends as opposed to full sets. We will wait a bit longer before purchasing items, since we are procrastinating on dropping the tower, and therefore don't need tools at this time.

A motion -- or something resembling a motion -- was made that KO4MH, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM and KA&1xbet sports betting ;SWM would not be sent up the auxiliary tower on the guy wire rescue project. There was a second, but technically there was no vote. It was more of a consensus. You sort of had to be there to understand what happened. See, if you'd come to the meetings you'd witness all the fascinating behind-the-scenes action.


For our program tonight, one of our members related a true story about the dangers of careless handling of metal poles (such as antenna masts) near electrical power distribution lines. While the subject of the true story was not doing antenna work, he could have been. Rather, he was attempting to knock 1xbet sports betting from an avocado tree with a long metal pole. In doing so, the pole made contact with an overhead power line nearby. Before it was over, the avocado tree was on fire and the man trying to pick 1xbet sports betting was on fire, as well as being electrocuted beyond all repair. The power line reportedly carried about 7,000 volts.

For the second part of our program, we all took turns looking over a color brochure about KP4 Land (Puerto Rico).

The 1xbet sports betting was adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM

