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Minutes - October 26, 2008

The club met briefly in 401 Seaton Hall.

  • It was proposed to buy two multiband 1xbet online games login radios to use for foxhunts, etc. Each radio is to cost less than 0. The motion passed.

  • David, KA&1xbet online games login ;JPM, reported that he went over to the station the previous Monday to investigate misbehavior by the 2-meter version of W&1xbet online games login ;QQQ/R. It was kerchunking every five seconds or so, and the heat sink on the transmitter was extremely hot. As a result, the repeater was shut down. The repeater was restarted during the meeting with good results.

  • The club is looking for group activities.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online games login ;JPM

