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Minutes - October 21, 1997

The meeting came to order at about 7:15 P.M., under the auspices of President Kurt Zoglmann, KB&1xbet online games login ;TMQ.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet online games login ;JCC, proposed an amendment to the bylaws of the constitution related to dues. The purpose would be to permit a member to pay his/her dues for as many years in advance as desired, at the current rate. After some discussion, it was agreed that it was possible to amend the bylaws of the constitution without a first reading or more than a simple majority vote, so the club proceeded. Tracy Tipping, N&1xbet online games login ;OEY, in a friendly amendment, quoted the text of the bylaws change which was voted into effect: "Membership fees may be paid in advance, for as many years as requested by the member, at the current annual membership rate." For future reference, this amendment was meant to apply only to annual dues, and not to the station access fee.

Rick Warkentien, KB&1xbet online games login ;YKZ, informally agreed to coordinate transfer of our repeater equipment from two cabinets into one larger cabinet (which is currently in storage in the auxiliary weapons room).

The members of the club then journeyed across the street to continue reorganization of superstation W&1xbet online games login ;QQQ.

We have acquired a nicer and better-looking test bench, so the two 1xbet online games login benches were removed from the room to make way for the new one. The old storage cabinet and gigantic repeater cabinet were removed, also. It was a housecleaning unprecedented in KSUARC history, including a bucket brigade of 20-year-old 73magazines out of the 1xbet online games login , toward their new home.

The meeting adjourned at about 8:30 P.M., after a productive 1xbet online games login session in Seaton 401.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet online games login ;JPM


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