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Minutes - October 19, 1999

The 1xbet best casino website met in Rathbone Hall 274, at 7:03 P.M.

The minutes from the previous 1xbet best casino website were paraphrased.


If 1xbet best casino website was unfinished business, the club never got to it.


Norm Dillman, N&1xbet best casino website ;JCC announced that there will be an amateur radio auction immediately after the MAARS meeting on November 12. Presently there are mostly computer items to be sold. The location will be outside the Red Cross building, 2601 Anderson Ave.

The proceeds for certain equipment which will be auctioned would usually go to the KSUARC. There was discussion on the fact that MAARS has a major project underway, namely equipment and antenna improvements for the KS&1xbet best casino website ;MAN station at the Red Cross building. A motion was made to assign the funds generated from the aforementioned equipment to MAARS. Motion passed.

Pres. Blessing reported on progress for the APRS set-up in the club station. Although most needed equipment is in place and working, for best results the software, WINAPRS, needs to be purchased and registered to W&1xbet best casino website ;QQQ for it to fully function. A motion was made to purchase the software at an approximate cost of . Motion passed.

Pres. Blessing announced that after the windy weekend, the 2m beam antenna on the tower will no longer rotate the full 360°. For example, it cannot presently be turned toward the Kansas City area. No action was taken; however, it was suggested that 1xbet best casino website may be a calibration feature on the rotor control that can be adjusted.

Members of the KSUARC were saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Soldan's father this past weekend, and a card 1xbet best casino website placed in the club's mailbox in Rathbone Hall for members to sign over the next few days.

The meeting then proceeded into a landmark event for the KSUARC. We had a program. Richard Ebbesen, KB&1xbet best casino website ;VZP spoke for about 1 1/2 hours on APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System). According to President Blessing, APRS allows people to send their locations automatically and to also send other information such as messages and weather data. It is used especially for weather spotting, as well as large events like bike races. Mr. Ebbesen demonstrated his mobile APRS set-up for the club.

The 1xbet best casino website was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM


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