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Minutes - October 17, 2014

The club has been meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Fridays for antenna work. The Hygain TH6DXX Super Thunderbird beam is working well on all three bands, thanks to the initial work by Chris Casey, N&1xbet sports betting ;VRP and this year by station manager Vern Wirka, W&1xbet sports betting ;VMP. Once we determine that it is completely ready, we'll place it back onto the tower.

A brief meeting was called to order by David Yoder, secretary-treasurer, to elect a new president, who will serve until the annual election in January 2015. James Copeland, KD&1xbet sports betting ;ICP, was nominated and elected as president.

There was discussion on renewing KSUARC's registration as a K-State organization. We are looking into the process, which now is apparently involved with orgsync.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM
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