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Minutes - October 15, 1996

The regular meeting of the KSUARC was called to order by David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM at 7:21 P.M.

Norm Dillman, N&1xbet best casino website ;JCC reported on the packet radio / internet project. Chris Casey, N&1xbet best casino website ;VRP has volunteered to assist. Most equipment needed is on hand. An antenna is needed. Norm has J-Poles that should work and have some gain vs. a dipole. We have some 386 PCs available. An ethernet card is needed. We will need to work with system administrators in Seaton Hall to determine our IP #, etc. A KPC and KAM are available, and the KPC will probably be chosen. Freeware is available on the www. Chris believes UNIX will be the best system to use.

Security and 1xbet best casino website were discussed in relation to email messages that could result in packets sent. It was agreed that we would determine how other similar systems handle possible 1xbet best casino website . Apparently traffic of this type normally goes through volunteers who verify legality of the message for amateur radio.

An allocation of up to 0 was passed to cover the cost of an 1xbet best casino website , transmission line and incidental expenses.

Lloyd Verhage, KD4STH brought his payload for the planned balloon launch on Oct. 26. Those wishing to be present for the festivities are welcome at the QTH of Gary Johnson, K&1xbet best casino website ;HGJ. To get there, go over the bridge on K-177 south. Turn on McDowell Creek Road and go 9.6 miles until you see a large white and gray building, and lots of vehicles with funny license tags. Balloon preparation will start before 8 A.M., with launch probably occurring toward 9 A.M. that Saturday morning. Return to earth will be somewhere around noon.

A long-range facilities planning committee was formed. Those presently on board are Norm Dillman and 1xbet best casino website .

The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 P.M. CDT.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet best casino website ;JPM


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e-mail to: ksuarc@ksu.edu

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