1xbet sports betting

Minutes - October 2, 2006

The monthly meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. in 401 Seaton Hall by president Mark Benfer, KC&1xbet sports betting ;QAS.

It was moved and seconded that we reimburse Mike Spottswood, KC&1xbet sports betting ;IWH, in the amount of .85 for RG-8X coaxial cable and rope for a dipole project. The motion passed.

The club 1xbet sports betting worked on reorganizing our lockers and storage cabinets. While not everything was done, excellent progress was made and valuable equipment was secured.

1xbet sports betting has successfully repaired the pop machine, having discovered a previously-unknown fuse. A cash bar was opened for members who had a quarter. Thanks to Mike for the cleaning, troubleshooting and restocking he did.

University 1xbet sports betting has repaired our drooping roof door and our window air conditioner. 1xbet sports betting gave us a free bonus: a chain and spring assembly for the roof door. Now the trick will be to get them to replace the deteriorating particle board door on the Auxiliary Weapons Room.

Tonight's program was on HF linear amplifers.

David, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM, presented an impromptu program on Cascading Style Sheets for Web pages.

1xbet sports betting provided a tour of recent upgrades he's been responsible for. We got to see the renovated Hammarlund® speaker, the new resistors on the 2m repeater (for dropping fan speed) and the new lugs (with yellow insulators) on the 12-volt power supply for the repeater.

Does anyone know what happened to our Heil® Pro Set microphone for the HF station? It has disappeared. It cost us 5.

Plans were discussed for installing the W9INN dipole we bought in 2003.

The club informally agreed to finance the cost of framing our club's certificate recognizing 50 years of affiliation with the American Radio Relay League.

Club members intend to operate W&1xbet sports betting ;QQQ in the ARRL November Sweepstakes. Quack Quack Quack is back.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

David Yoder, KA&1xbet sports betting ;JPM

