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Current plans for the Assessment of Student Learning

StudentsEach semester two of the K-State 8 areas will be assessed using a learning assessment survey. The assessment plan is designed so that all eight areas will be assessed over a two-year period—two areas each semester for 1xbet online sports bettingfour semesters. The long-term plan will also rotate the assessment of each of the eight areas across both fall and spring semesters so that different courses are included in the assessment. 

At the end of each semester a survey will be sent electronically to a number of randomly selected students who have just completed courses tagged under the two selected areas. The surveys, designed in conjunction 1xbet online games loginwith faculty within each specialty area,  include questions that identify learning related to the specific K-State 8 area. Perceived knowledge and applied skills gained in the specific area are examined using a Likert scale format as well as open-ended questions. 

Under the leadership of the provost designee for general education, these 1xbet online games loginassessment results will be analyzed. Reports will be provided to the 1xbet sports bettingcolleges to share with their departments. Departments will be encouraged to consider how the assessment results demonstrate their majors’ breadth of knowledge across the K-State 8 as well as how effectively their tagged courses contribute to the K-State 8. Solutions to fill educational gaps will continue to be the responsibility of the academic programs.

Proposing changes to the program based on the 1xbet online games loginassessment results will be the responsibility of the provost designee and the K-State 8 council. Decisions about such changes will be the responsibility of Faculty Senate.

The K-State 8 council in conjunction with the Academic Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate will set an initial target for a satisfactory level of understanding indicated by the students’ responses to the survey, as well as long-term objectives 1xbet online sports bettingto be reached in the assessment of all eight areas.