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  5. »Edit 1xbet online casino Information or Access


IT Service Desk
2nd floor, Hale Library
1117 Mid Campus Dr. N
Manhattan, KS 66506-0121


Edit 1xbet online casino Information or Access

  1. Go toKSISand sign in with your eID and password.
  2. Go to theStudent Centerand from the right side click theAdd or Manage Designeeslink in theDesigneesbox.

    Add or Manage Designees

  3. Click theEditlink next to the 1xbet online casino 's name.

    Click Edit

  4. You can change thePhone Code,Phone Code Hint, and theiraccess rights. The 1xbet online casino can edit their name and alternate email address througheProfile.

    Change designee information

  5. Provide the phone code to your 1xbet online casino if you want them to be able to access your information over the phone.
  6. Click theSubmitbutton to save your changes. If a change was made to access rights an email is sent to both you and your 1xbet online casino .