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2nd floor, Hale Library
1117 Mid Campus Dr. N
Manhattan, KS 66506-0121


Add a 1xbet online casino

  1. Go toKSISand sign in with 1xbet online casino eID and password.
  2. Go to theStudent Centerand from the right side click theAdd or Manage Designeeslink in theDesigneesbox.

    Add or Manage Designees

  3. From the Manage Designees page, click theAdd 1xbet online casino button.

    Add Designee Button

  4. Enter 1xbet online casino Designee's contact information, a four digit PIN, and a PIN Hint. Then select the records you want 1xbet online casino designee to access.

    Add Designee Information

  5. Read and agree to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act FERPA) statement. Click theContinuebutton.
  6. Review 1xbet online casino designee's information for accuracy. ClickEdit Informationto make any corrections. If ok, click theAdd 1xbet online casino button.
  7. An email invitation will be sent to 1xbet online casino designee. 1xbet online casino designee must accept the invitation by registering for an eID or submitting their current eID. You will then need to confirm 1xbet online casino designee's account in KSIS before they can access 1xbet online casino information.