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Sample Enrollment Requirements GroupsPDF LinkDownload Word document

Single course pre-req


ACCTG331: Pre-Requisite of ACCTG 241.

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  • Group Line Type: Course
  • Course ID: 666770
  • Requisite Type: Pre-Requisite

Pre-Req course with a minimum grade attained


MANGT 570: Pre-Requisite of a C or better in MANGT 367.

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  • Group Line Type: Course
  • Course ID: 672982
  • Requisite Type: Pre-Requisite

Requisite Detail Parameters Tab

  • Min grade Points/Unit: 2.00 (C)

Minimum academic standing
(minimum completed units) required


MANGT 420: Junior standing.

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  • Group Line Type: Condition
  • Condition Code: Academic Level
  • Condition Operator: or =
  • Condition Data: 30 (Junior)

Minmum number of units in a given subject area


MANGT 498: Minimum of 12 units in MANGT courses.

NOTE: See below for actual requirement for course.

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  • Group Line Type: Wild Card Course
  • Academic Group: BA
  • Subject: MANGT
  • Requisite Type: Pre-Requisite

Requisite Detail Parameters Tab

  • ·Minimum Units: 12

Multiple requirements for the same course -
academic standing and units in given subject


MANGT 498: Minimum of 12 units in MANGT
courses AND senior standing

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  • Group Line Type: Wild Card Course
  • Academic Group: BA
  • Subject: MANGT
  • Requisite Type: Pre-Requisite

Requisite Detail Parameters Tab

  • Minimum Units: 12

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  • Operator: AND
  • Line: 020
  • Group Line Type: Condition
  • Condition Code: Academic Level
  • Condition Operator: or =
  • Condition Data: 40 (Senior)

Minimum GPA



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  • Group Line Type: Condition
  • Condition Code: Academic Level
  • Condition Operator: < or =
  • Condition Data: 40 (Senior)

Requisite Detail Parameters Tab

  • Minimum GPA: 3.000