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1xbet online sports betting Requisites Overview


1xbet online sports betting Requisitesare conditions that must be met in order for a student to be eligible to enroll in a specific class section.InKSIS, 1xbet online sports betting Requisites are handled by1xbet online sports betting Requirement Groups,1xbet online sports betting Requirements, andClass Lists.

Useful Terms

Academic GroupThe academic college associated with a particular Program, 1xbet online sports betting , or other Academic element.
Academic PlanA 1xbet online sports betting of study leading to a formal award given by an institution, such as a degree, diploma or certificate, such as Bachelor of Arts degree.
Academic ProgramThe academic entity to which the student applies and which oversees the degree progress of a particular Academic Plan.
Catalog Number (Nbr)The numeric portion of the K-State assigned 1xbet online sports betting catalog number.
ClassAn individual occurrence of a 1xbet online sports betting during a given academic term.
1xbet online sports betting Academic instruction offered as part of the K-State curriculum.
Effective DateThe date on which a row becomes effective or the date that an action begins.
Subject AreaThe department code for the department offering a given 1xbet online sports betting .
UnitCredit hours.

1xbet online sports betting Requirement Groups

1xbet online sports betting Requirement Groupsare collections of simple requirements grouped together to make a collective requisite for enrolling into a class.Variables for evaluation available in Enrollment Requirement Groups include:1xbet online sports betting credit, GPA, Academic Level (freshman, sophomore, etc.), Academic Plan (major), inclusion in defined student groups, etc.

The vast majority of 1xbet online sports betting requisites should be handled by 1xbet online sports betting Requirement Groups.The following pages include screenshots of the various pages from the 1xbet online sports betting Requirement Group component.(In KSIS, a “component” is a view of a table or functionality, a “page” is a subset of a component, typically organized around organized groupings of related data).

1xbet online sports betting Requisites Page

Course Requisites Page

This page is used to describe the 1xbet online sports betting requisite group and to define where the group will be used.In the above example, we have begun working with the pre-requisites for ACCTG 231.

The Effective Date value allows for changes in the enrollment requirement group over time while maintaining a history of those requirements.The system will utilize the appropriate requirement group based on this date.For legacy conversion, we are using dates of January 1, 1920 for all 1xbet online sports betting -related effective dates (01/01/1920).

TheStatusfield indicates whether or not the requirement group should be evaluated during 1xbet online sports betting Possible values are:ActiveorInactive.

For theDescriptionand theShort Descriptionfields we are using the full catalog number.This is intended to make it easier to find the desired requirement group when associating the group with a 1xbet online sports betting .

TheLong Descriptionfield is taken from the 1xbet online sports betting catalog.For standardization, the Long Description should begin withPre-Req:for all 1xbet online sports betting pre-requisites andCo-Req:for all 1xbet online sports betting co-requisites.The Long Description appears in the online 1xbet online sports betting Catalog, Class Schedule descriptions (if theEnable Catalog Printbox is checked), and in 1xbet online sports betting screens for the student.

TheAcademic Group,Subject Area, andCatalogNbrfields hold no functionality, but will be used for designating to which 1xbet online sports betting the requirement group is designed (Subject Area and CatalogNbr) and by whom it will be maintained (Academic Group).

Requisite Parameters Page

Requisite Parameters Page

This page may be used to supply general parameters for 1xbet online sports betting requisites.This page will be used very little in the determination of 1xbet online sports betting requirements groups.You may set global values for GPA, minimum units, and minimum courses.For example, if the requirement stated that a minimum GPA of 3.0 over a series of courses was required, then 3.0 would be entered in theMinimum GPAfield before moving on to the next page.

Also, you may define the defaultConnector Typefunctions here to be used on the detail pages to follow.

Requisite Detail Page

Requisite Detail Page

This is the page where the bulk of the logic used to verify the 1xbet online sports betting occurs.Primary items of interest here are:

  • Line:This tellsKSISin what order to apply the specific requirement.Lower line numbers are processed first.These numbers may be changed manually, if necessary.
  • Group Line Type:This indicates what type of requirement will be configured.The value here determines which other fields are available on this page.Possible values are:
  • Condition(compare various data about a student with specific criteria, such as major, cumulative GPA, or academic level)
  • 1xbet online sports betting (set up a 1xbet online sports betting as a pre-requisite or co-requisite)
  • Requirement(incorporate a more complex 1xbet online sports betting Requirement defined elsewhere in the system)
  • Wild Card 1xbet online sports betting (used to designate courses with common characteristics, such as all 100-level courses).
  • Operator:Between the two requisite details, is a box with theANDvalue.This represents the operator being used for comparison in the requisite group.This value can beANDorOR.

Requisite Detail Parameters Page

Requisite Detail Parameters Page

This page allows a requirement group detail to be further defined.Notice that theConditionline from the previous page does not have a corresponding Parameter to configure here (the space is blank).The parameters listed here will vary depending on theGroup Line Typeselected on theRequisite Detailpage.

1xbet online sports betting Requirements

1xbet online sports betting Requirementsare intended for more complex requisites that cannot be accomplished by using the 1xbet online sports betting Requirement Groups above.If 1xbet online sports betting Requirements are deemed necessary, the LASER team will work with the colleges independently to set these up.

1xbet online sports betting Lists

1xbet online sports betting Listsmay be useful for creating a series of courses that must be met to fulfill pre-requisite or co-requisite requirements.They are especially useful for requirements that contain a long list of courses that are not easily grouped together.For example, the requisite might state that 6 units must be completed from any social science 1xbet online sports betting before enrolling in the desired 1xbet online sports betting A 1xbet online sports betting List could be created for all social science courses and the appropriate 1xbet online sports betting List could then be referenced in the Enrollment Requirement Group before being attached to the 1xbet online sports betting .