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Advisee Screen Common Area

The Common area is a section at the top of each advisee screen that provides a snapshot of advisee data and features used most often by advisors. The Common area is included on each of the advisee information tabs:

Student Common Information area

The top bar identifies the advisee name and email address. It also provides access to key features:

The *Go to menu includes:

  • Create Note - allows advisors to create an advising note for an advisee.
  • DARS - allows advisors to run a DARS report for the advisee.
  • 1xbet online sports betting Lookup - allows advisors to look up another 1xbet online sports betting at any time.
  • 1xbet online sports betting Services Center (1xbet online sports betting ) - allows advisors to go to the advisee's 1xbet online sports betting Center for additional information.
  • 1xbet online sports betting Success Collaborative - allows advisors to access to EAB's 1xbet online sports betting Success Collaborative system for predictive analytics and other features.

The Change Advisee drop-down allows advisors to go to any advisee in their advisee list.

Below the top bar is a snapshot of commonly used advisee data:

Student Common Information area

Common area field definitions: (click to expand)

ID1xbet online sports betting 's emplID in KSIS.
WID1xbet online sports betting 's Wildcat ID.
1xbet online sports betting Photo1xbet online sports betting 's ID photo.
Undergraduate'Yes' if the 1xbet online sports betting is in an undergraduate career, otherwise 'No'.
Graduate'Yes' if the 1xbet online sports betting is in a graduate career, otherwise 'No'.
Level1xbet online sports betting 's academic level, e.g., Freshman, Sophomore, etc.
Primary Program1xbet online sports betting 's primary program.
Primary Plan1xbet online sports betting 's primary plan.
Primary Subplan1xbet online sports betting 's primary subplan.
Multiple Plans'Yes' if 1xbet online sports betting has multiple plans, otherwise 'No'. Click 'Yes' to view all plans.
KSU GPA1xbet online sports betting 's GPA based on career shown.
KSU HoursNumber of hours 1xbet online sports betting has completed at K-State.
Transfer HoursNumber of hours transferred to K-State.
First SemesterFirst semester enrolled at K-State.
Last EnrolledLast semester enrolled at K-State.
Future EnrolledDisplays the next future semester in which 1xbet online sports betting has enrolled.
If 1xbet online sports betting is enrolled in both a summer and fall semester in the future, the fall semester is displayed.
If 1xbet online sports betting is only enrolled in a summer semester in the future, the summer semester is displayed.
Acad. Standing1xbet online sports betting 's academic standing for career shown.
Holds'Yes' if the 1xbet online sports betting has one or more holds, or 'No' if the 1xbet online sports betting does not have a hold.
Athlete'Yes' if a 1xbet online sports betting athlete, otherwise 'No'.
First Gen'Yes' if the 1xbet online sports betting is classified as a first generation 1xbet online sports betting , otherwise 'No'.
Transfer 1xbet online sports betting 'Yes' if a 1xbet online sports betting takestransferhours after their high school graduation date and before they come to K-State, except for the hours in the summer between high school graduation and the first fall semester after high school graduation. Otherwise 'No.'
Reverse TransferIndicates 1xbet online sports betting 's Reverse Transfer program eligibility and status:
'Eligible' - 1xbet online sports betting is eligible to participate in Reverse Transfer, but has not opted-in (initial term at K-State is Fall 2014 or later and has earned at least 45 transfer credit hours with at least 15 from a single 2-year public Kansas college).
'Opted-in' - 1xbet online sports betting is eligible and elected to opt-in to Reverse Transfer.
'NA' - 1xbet online sports betting does not meet eligibility criteria listed above.
ACT/SAT ScoresThe ACT scores represents the 1xbet online sports betting 's highest aggregate ACT score.
If no ACT scores and the 1xbet online sports betting has SAT scores, the 1xbet online sports betting 's SAT scores are displayed.
If no SAT scores exist, a message indicates the 1xbet online sports betting has no scores.
Math Placement ScoresThe 1xbet online sports betting 's Algebra and Calculus scores are displayed if the 1xbet online sports betting has taken math placement tests.
If no math placement scores exist a message indicates no scores exist.