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FAQs - Advising

  1. Who is authorized to override course prerequisites and how is it recorded in 1xbet online games login ?

    Faculty may grant permission to override a requisite by signing a Permission Form and delivering it to their department office, where it will be entered into 1xbet online games login provided the class capacity is not exceeded by the enrollment of the student. Permissions do NOT override time conflicts, excess load or class links (i.e. lab-lecture associated sections). If permission has been granted but these conflicts exist, or if permission is given by the faculty member to override any of these conflicts, the student must go to the Dean's Office to process the enrollment through the 21st calendar day of the semester. After that, overrides are handled by Enrollment Services.
  1. How do 1xbet online games login access academic history for their advisees?

    Advisors access a student's academic history online through 1xbet online games login in the Faculty Center. For details on accessing a student's academic history, see the1xbet online games login Lpage on the1xbet online casino OrgCenwebsite.
  1. How do 1xbet online games login access other information about their advisees?

    In 1xbet online games login , advisors can see a list of advisees associated with him/her and are able to access necessary student information. Advisors are also able to access necessary student information for any student. For details on accessing a student's information, see the1xbet online games login Lpage on the1xbet online casino OrgCenwebsite.
  1. How is advisor status assigned and maintained in 1xbet online games login ?

    Deans or departmental offices assign and maintain advisor status in 1xbet online games login . 1xbet online games login advisor security access is controlled within 1xbet online games login by the colleges or departments.
  1. Can faculty or staff see a 1xbet online games login 's academic history even if not an advisor of the 1xbet online games login ?

    Yes, the advisement section of Faculty Center provides for viewing of a 1xbet online games login 's academic history. For details on viewing information for students not appearing on your list of advissees, see the1xbet sports betting forpage on the1xbet online casino OrgCenwebsite.
  1. Can an advisor add advisees to their advisee list?

    Only the designated official in the Dean's or department office may update advisor/advisee associations in 1xbet online games login . However, advisors can treat any student as a temporary advisee until a permanent change in their advisee list is made.
  1. Who assigns advising service indicators in 1xbet online games login ?

    1xbet online games login are able to add or remove service indicators, as needed. An automated process adds service indicators as appropriate prior to each enrollment period.
  1. How do advisors know who has put a hold on a 1xbet online games login ’s account?

    The hold is visible when viewing the 1xbet online games login record as a “Negative Service Indicator” and includes the responsible department.
  1. Do 1xbet online games login continue to have access to degree audit (DARS) reports? If so, how?

    Yes, via 1xbet online games login or directly in uAcheive Self Service. For more information about 1xbet online games login , see the Run and View a degree audit in 1xbet online games login help article.
  1. How are waitlists managed in 1xbet online games login ?

    Each class in 1xbet online games login includes a default waitlist which may be deactivated at the Dean/departmental level. Waitlisted students are automatically enrolled in classes through the 7th calendar day of the semester. After the 7th day, waitlists are automatically purged.
  1. If I deactivate the 1xbet online games login waitlist, will there be no waitlist for that class?

    Yes, that is correct. Only authorized individuals in the Dean/department offices or Enrollment Services may deactivate a waitlist.
  1. Does the Graduate School continue to update milestone information?

    Yes. Other collegesonly have view capability.
  1. What is a service indicator?

    A positive service indicator indicates that the student has been associated with a special student group for tracking purposes such as an Honors Student. Positive Service indicators are designated in 1xbet online games login with a starred STAR symbol.

    A negative service indicator is a hold on the 1xbet online games login 's record and is designated with a universal "no" signred NO symbol. This may be a financial hold or academic hold such as an advisor flag.
  1. Am I able to add advisor notes in 1xbet online games login ?

    No, not at this time.