Shadow Days

Experience a day in the life of a 1xbet sports betting student! High school students (grades 9-12) are invited to register for an 1xbet sports betting Shadow Day. Join 1xbet sports betting to learn about STEM majors and opportunities on the K-State Manhattan Campus. Students will be paired with a current K-State student who shares similar interests in STEM. Together they will attend classes/labs, tour campus, eat lunch at the K-State Student Union, and discuss what it's like to be in a STEM major at K-State.

Shadow Days are scheduled for February 21, March 27, April 3, and April 17, 2024

1xbet sports betting Shadow Days are hosted by KAWSE, the 1xbet sports betting Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering. The mission of 1xbet sports betting Shadow Days is to encourage girls’ continued interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers. All students in grades 9-12 are welcome to attend.

How do I sign up?

Register online or complete and mail a hard copy registration form to the KAWSE office 2 weeks prior to your selected event date. When an event reaches its 10 person capacity, additional registrants will be waitlisted.

Who should attend?

All high school 1xbet sports betting (grades 9-12) with an interest in STEM related careers. Event capacity is limited to 10 1xbet sports betting on each event day, on a first come, first serve basis. We recommend signing up early!

How much does it cost?

Registering for one Shadow Day is . Lunch, a branded drawstring bag, and a pencil are included in your registration fee.

Scholarships available!

Financial need-based scholarships are available to those who meet one of the three criteria below. 1xbet sports betting may apply for a scholarship when registering for a Shadow Day. Full and partial scholarships are available; scholarships are not guaranteed.

  • Student qualifies for the free and reduced-price lunch program. The 1xbet sports betting program understands that not all people who qualify participate in the program. 1xbet sports betting is only interested in whether the student qualifies for the program.

  • While student does not qualify for the free and reduced-price lunch program, she/he/they are just over the threshold to qualify for the program.

  • While student does not qualify for the free and reduced-price lunch program, she/he/they are experiencing severe financial strain. In the past, people have chosen this option when their house recently burned down, when they are taking care of ill family members, etc.

When and where?

Check-in starts at 9:00 AM in the 1xbet sports betting Student Union Room 226. You will spend the majority of your time either in class or touring campus. The day will end around 3:00 PM back in the Union.

What other information do I need to submit to register?

Each student must return a signed waiver in order to participate in our events. Please download the Consent Waiver and either email it to kawse@1xbet sports betting edu or mail to:

KAWSE 1xbet sports betting
215 Fairchild Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

What if I have to cancel?

Should you need to cancel, please do so as soon as possible. This will allow those on the waitlist to participate. Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds for these events.

I need more information!

Please contact the KAWSE office, home of the 1xbet sports betting program, at kawse@1xbet sports betting edu or at 785-532-6088.

Sign up for the 1xbet sports betting email list to receive email notifications about these events.

1xbet sports betting in the news!

The Collegian caught up with our program coordinator, Stephanie Rose, at our most recent 1xbet sports betting Shadow Day. Check out the article to see what students have to say about the event.
We hope you'll join us for a Shadow Day soon!

Summer Willie the Wildcat