Career Maps template 1xbet online casino

Academic Milestones

  • Completion of degree
  • Board Certification/Professional accreditation
  • Application for membership/certification for graduate faculty status
  • Sabbatical leave to establish collaborations or enhance career development

Teaching Record & Evaluation

  • Development of Lecture materials
  • Revision of Lecture materials
  • Adequate performance on teaching evaluations
  • Supervision of Undergraduate students
  • Supervision of Honors students
  • Major Professor of M.S. and/or Ph.D. students
  • Receiving teaching awards at department/college/university/national levels.
  • Writing and contributing to textbooks and/or other forms of archiving knowledge
  • Receiving grants for teaching innovation/laboratory development/design projects

Publications/1xbet online casino

  • Manuscripts/publications/scholarly activity from previous employment or prior rank
  • Submission of original 1xbet online casino from work at K-State
  • Submission of book Chapter/Book Section
  • Submission of refereed journal papers in recognized journals in discipline
  • Submission of conference/research papers
  • Other significant intellectual 1xbet online casino (e.g., software, patents)

Outside Scholarly Support/References

  • Application and receipt of internal funding
  • Application and receipt of external funding for graduate student support over acceptable timeline
  • Application and receipt of external funding for research
  • Engaging upon a collaborative project
  • Submission of “first” or “career development” grant proposals
  • Presentations at regional meetings
  • Presentations at national meetings
  • Presentation at international meetings
  • Other professional presentations
  • Nominations for particular awards at appropriate times in career
  • National and/or international recognition for research 1xbet online casino and scholarly endeavors
  • Receiving recognition at numerous levels leading to academy status

National Fellowships

  • Apply for appropriate national fellowships (e.g., Fulbright, NASA)


  • 1xbet online casino to Department Committees
  • Leadership within Department (e.g., Graduate Program Director)
  • 1xbet online casino to College Committees
  • 1xbet online casino to University Committees
  • Supervision of individual units (e.g., center director, unit leader)
  • 1xbet online casino to professional societies
  • Honors/recognition for service activities and 1xbet online casino to profession
  • Holding offices in professional societies
  • Editorial service in professional journals
  • Volunteering to contribute ad hoc grant proposal reviews
  • Service on peer review grant proposal evaluation panels
  • Service at funding agency as program director
  • Clinical or directed service


  • Teaching
  • Funding
  • Publishing in appropriate outlets