events 1xbet online sports betting

2022 - 2023

We 1xbet online sports betting holding all events via in-person, Zoom or a hybrid of both (please refer to each event's description to find out the location for that specific event).

We will continue to follow guidance from K-State, the CDC and KDHE to ensure the health and safety of our staff and students and so at this time, we do request in-person participants and 1xbet online sports betting office visitors adhere to the current mask guideline.

We would love for you to visit us in the 1xbet online sports betting office this semester if you are ever in Seaton! Or connect anytime with us by emailing 1xbet online sports betting

2022-2023 Inclusive Leadership series 1xbet online sports betting

The speakers in this series have been nominated by their peers for being inclusive leaders. Each event is scheduled for an hour. In the first 10-15 minutes, the speaker will discuss an action they have taken to increase diversity and/or inclusion. The remaining time 1xbet online sports betting for discussion. The intended audience is anyone committed to enriching the lives of women in masculinized cultures. I encourage you not to think of leadership with a capital “L”- leadership can be big things, but it is also found in “small” everyday behaviors.

As we schedule speakers for this series, we 1xbet online sports betting make that information available here and through our listserv emails. Below is a list of currently schedules sessions:

1xbet online sports betting Book Club

This year we 1xbet online sports betting having a book club during the 2023 Spring semester, meeting once a month. Details 1xbet online sports betting coming soon!

1xbet online sports betting Research & Writing Accountability Group

For many reasons, faculty who are members of historically underrepresented groups find it challenging to make time for their own research/writing. 1xbet online sports betting has an online accountability group with a few face-to-face check-ins throughout the academic year to assist with this challenge.

Opportunities to have Broader Impact GROW Saturday workshop 1xbet online sports betting

Save the Date: March 2, 2024

1xbet online sports betting faculty, staff and students will be invited to design and facilitate a hands-on science, technology, engineering and/or math activity for middle school students at the Welcome to the GROW Program at 1 workshop on Saturday, March 2, 2024, on the 1xbet online sports betting campus in Manhattan.

The theme for activities is STEM Superheroes! 1xbet online sports betting Program Coordinator, Stephanie Rose, is available to help brainstorm activity ideas and relate facilitators’ area of expertise to the event theme.

grow 1xbet online sports betting and EXCITE Summer Workshops

SAVE THE DATE: June 5-7, 2024

1xbet online sports betting faculty, staff and students are invited to design and facilitate hands-on science, technology, engineering and/or math (STEM) themed activities for middle and high school students during our 3-day, 2-night summer workshop! Unlike our Saturday Workshops, the Summer Workshops do not have a theme, so we welcome any STEM-based activity proposal. Activities range from 45-minute to 2-hours in length, can occur more than once and be held on one or more days of the event.

Activity proposals will open in March 2024. If you have questions prior to then, please contact the 1xbet online sports betting Program Coordinator, Stephanie Rose, at any time. You may also call the 1xbet online sports betting office at 785-532-6088.

1xbet online sports betting of Distinction Recognition Ceremony

The K-State Office for the Advancement of Science and Engineering, or 1xbet online sports betting , hosts an annual KAWSE Recognition 1xbet online casino every fall. The ceremony recognizes 1xbet online sports betting women faculty for academic achievements, such as earning tenure and promotion, being promoted to full professor, or winning a university-wide award.

1xbet online sports betting year our WRC is postponed for a later date.

networking 1xbet online sports betting Opportunities

Informal gatherings are typically held once or twice per academic year with the purpose of providing the opportunity to meet and make connections with others who are committed to the advancement of 1xbet online sports betting in STEM disciplines. Watch for announcements of these events on the ADVANCE listserv and here on our website.

Keep a lookout in our listserv for future informal gatherings!