K-State 1xbet online sports betting and Password

All K-State employees, students, and those needing access to university computing systems are required to have an 1xbet online sports betting . Your 1xbet online sports betting is your K-State user name and becomes part of your K-State email. It is used to enroll in classes, access Canvas, view online paychecks, and much more.

With your 1xbet online sports betting , you can also manage 1xbet online sports betting eProfile to change 1xbet online sports betting password, turn email forwarding on and more.

Your 1xbet online sports betting 's security is your responsibility. Keep your 1xbet online sports betting password private. K-State policy prohibits using someone else's 1xbet online sports betting or sharing passwords. Your 1xbet online sports betting password does not expire. You do not need to change your password unless the password becomes compromised.

1xbet online sports betting Password Standards

Your 1xbet online sports betting password must meet the following criteria:

  • A minimum of 15 to a maximum of 100 characters in length
  • Must be significantly different from previous passwords
  • May contain spaces but cannot start or end with a space
  • Cannot be a single dictionary word
  • Cannot be repetitive or sequential (e.g. ‘aaaaaaaaa,’’12345abcd’) 
  • Cannot be 1xbet online sports betting name, username, K-State term, or name of a service
  • Cannot use a previously compromised 1xbet online sports betting

Having trouble coming up with 15 characters?

Consider a sentence or phrase that is meaningful to 1xbet online sports betting such as, "Maryhadalittlelamb?" or "I love cheese pizza".

Have or had an 1xbet online sports betting

Click the links below if you currently have an 1xbet online sports betting or have ever had an 1xbet online sports betting .

Never had an 1xbet online sports betting

If you have ever had a K-State 1xbet online sports betting or computing ID, you should not register for another one. Please see the options in the Have or had an 1xbet online sports betting section. Need help registering?

Register for an 1xbet online sports betting