1xbet online games login Evaluation Requests

A 1xbet online games login Evaluation Request is the starting point for initiatives requiring IT resources when no pre-defined service requests or tickets exist to cover the request you would like to submit. When you submit a 1xbet online games login Evaluation Request, a member of the 1xbet online games login Management Office (PMO) will be in contact with you to collect additional scoping information. Depending on the nature of the work requested (cost, timeline, impact, risk), there may be additional levels of approval to complete this request. As a best practice, if the nature of the request involves resources from other departments or divisions, please contact them in advance of submitting the request to ensure all stakeholders have been informed.

Purchase Request via K-State's Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) System

If the initiative includes a purchase or acquisition of a new application or software, the preferred method is to enter a request via Purchasing’s CLM system. Through that process, Purchasing will collaborate with OGC, IT, and other stakeholder groups to complete contract, vendor, and technology reviews (data steward, security, and accessibility) to ensure alignment with university and state policy. If implementation assistance is required, that review will result in the request to be converted to a 1xbet online games login Evaluation Request for processing (as described above).

Need additional help? Start by contacting the IT Service Desk: 785-532-7722, Live Chat, Submit a Ticket

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)