Phishing Scams

Phishing is a way cybercriminals try to trick you into sharing personal information, such as passwords or credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, by sending you fraudulent 1xbet online games login or directing you to a fake website.

Phishing emails are designed for trickery and appear to be from legitimate organizations like K-State, PayPal, FedEx, 1xbet online games login bank, or a government agency. The emails request updates, or confirmation of account information, often suggesting there is a problem. You're then redirected to a fraudulent site and tricked into entering account information, which can result in compromising 1xbet online games login account(s) or even identity theft. Don't take the bait!

K-State and legitimate businesses will NEVER ask for 1xbet online games login account, personal, or financial information by email.

Report Phishing 1xbet online games login

Send the suspected phishing 1xbet online games login and original headers to:

Learn how to forward 1xbet online games login with headers

Signs It's a Scam

Learn to recognize a phishing scam and help protect yourself from identity theft.

Example of a phishing scam.

  1. Urgent or threatening tone.
  2. 1xbet online games login address doesn't match sender's name.
  3. Unexpected attachments.
  4. Generic greeting.
  5. Typos, misspellings, and improper grammar.
  6. Fake web addresses made to look legitimate.
  7. Link text and destination differ when hovered over.

If You Think You've Fallen for a Phishing Scam

  • Change 1xbet online games login password immediately.
  • Turn off 1xbet online games login computer and alert 1xbet online games login system administrator, who will check to determine if any malware has been put on 1xbet online games login machine and remove it. If you don't have a system administrator, contact the IT Service Desk: 1xbet online spo, or Start a Live Chat.
  • Check whether 1xbet online games login email forwarding has been changed.
  • From 1xbet online games login eProfile page, check 1xbet online games login alternate email address to ensure it hasn't been changed.
  • Check 1xbet online games login eID password-reset options to verify they haven't been changed.
  • If you use similar passwords on other accounts (bank account, healthcare, retirement, etc.) change those passwords as well.
  • For the next year, review 1xbet online games login bank and credit card statements to check for suspicious activity. Change passwords on all relevant accounts.

    NOTE: Cybercriminals will sometimes hold personal identity 1xbet online games login and use it much later.

  • Check 1xbet online games login Sent and Drafts email folders to see if 1xbet online games login account has been used to send additional scams to other people. Delete any emails in Drafts to keep them from being sent, and notify recipients of any Sent emails that 1xbet online games login previous email was a scam. Use some method other than email to notify those people.

Preventative Strategies

  • Don't reply to suspicious, unexpected, or strange 1xbet online games login .
  • Be wary of email with urgent requests for 1xbet online games login personal or financial information, or 1xbet online games login sign-in credentials.
  • Don't open unexpected or unusual attachments, attachments from strangers, or strange-looking 1xbet online games login .
  • Don't click links in unexpected 1xbet online games login , 1xbet online games login you suspect are fraudulent, or if you don't know the sender.
  • Don't click Sign In links. Go to the business website and sign in there, or contact their customer service for help.
  • Avoid filling out forms in 1xbet online games login messages that ask for financial 1xbet online games login . Only share credit card 1xbet online games login via secure website or telephone.