Sponsored students 1xbet online casino

Students who are sponsored by the following sponsors are receiving health 1xbet online casino coverage from their sponsor and do not need to buy KSU's health 1xbet online casino . If you have an active financial guarantee on file with ISSS, your health 1xbet online casino will be waived.

If your sponsor is not listed below, you MUST fill out the health 1xbet online casino waiver form each semester to avoid paying for the university's 1xbet online casino plan.

If your financial support letter or guarantee is expired, please request a new letter from your sponsor. This must be submitted to Viktoria Gramp at elguina@ksu.edu.

Embassy of Kuwait, Cultural Mission

Embassy of United Arab Emirates

Qatar Rail

State of Qatar - Ministry of Admin Devel, Labor and Social Affairs

Royal Thai Embassy


SACM - Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission

World Learning

For futher information, please contact:
Viktoria Gramp, International Sponsored Student Cooridantor

Email: elguina@ksu.edu
Phone: 785-532-6448