Additional Scholarships for International 1xbet online games login

Always visit a sponsor’s website for the most up-to-date program description, announcement, and deadline.

Funding Opportunites Document for International 1xbet online games login

This includes an extensive list of opportunities, some may be duplicated on this document and listed below.

ACM SIGHPC Computational & Data Science Fellowships

Specifically targeted at women or 1xbet online games login from racial/ethnic backgrounds that have not traditionally participated in the computing field, the program is open to 1xbet online games login pursuing degrees at institutions anywhere in the world. Deadline April 30th. https://www.sighpc.1xbet online games login /fellowships

Amelia Earhart Fellowships (Zonta International Foundation)

https://www.zonta.1xbet online games login /Web/Programs/Education/Amelia_Earhart_Fellowship

Women of any nationality with a superior academic record and a bachelor's degree in science or engineering. Fellowships carry a stipend of ,000 approximately 35 are awarded annually. Deadline: mid November.

American Association for University Women - International Fellowships

http://www.aauw.1xbet online games login /what-we-do/educational-funding-and-awards/

Full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Deadline: December 1.

American Nuclear Society (ANS) Graduate Scholarships

http://ans.1xbet online games login /honors/scholarships/

A series of scholarships to help 1xbet online games login complete their post-high school education and prepare for careers in nuclear science and technology.

Asian Cultural Council Graduate Scholarship

ACC gives a small number of scholarships each year to 1xbet online games login who have been admitted to a graduate degree program in the U.S. in an eligible field [mostly in the arts]. This funding may be used for travel and living expenses, but it will not be sufficient to cover full tuition costs. March deadline.
https://www.asianculturalcouncil.1xbet online games login /our-work/programs/fellowships-and-grants/graduate-scholarship

Bibliographical Society of America Fellowship Program

http://www.bibsocamer.1xbet online games login /fellows.htm

Short-term fellowship program supporting bibliographical inquiry as well as research in the history of the book trades and in publishing history. Deadline: December.

BMI Student Awards

A series of scholarships for various music and art related fellowships and awards.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellow Program

http://carnegieendowment.1xbet online games login /about/jr-fellows

Year long paid internship for graduating seniors interested in careers in international affairs. Internship is at the Carnegie Endowment for World Peace in Washington, DC. Deadline: January 15

Community Associations Institute Research Foundation

http://www.cairf.1xbet online games login /scholarships/default.aspx

The Hanke Fellowship stipends will be an amount between ,000-,000. 1xbet online games login of all disciplines are welcome to apply for the Hanke Fellowships, provided their studies relate to community associations generally and to the topic of the candidate's proposed community associations research project. Deadline: none.

CONACYT Graduate Fellowship Program

Some US universities have entered into agreement with the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) to support Mexican nationals admitted into PhD programs. documentos/2022/Convenios_de_Colaboracion_2022_VF.pdf

Environmental Research and Education Foundation

https://erefdn.1xbet online games login /

This scholarship recognizes excellence in Ph.D. or post-doctoral environmental research and education. Deadline: August 1.

Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD)

Fellowships to first-, second-, and third-year undergraduate 1xbet online games login from Eastern Europe to Central Asia. This program supports one year of non-degree undergraduate study in the United States in the fields of accounting, agriculture, American studies, business, computer science, criminal justice, economics, education, environmental management, hospitality management, international relations, journalism and mass communication, law, political science, psychology, and sociology. Deadline: November.


https://us.fulbrightonline.1xbet online games login /about/eligibility

Educational exchanges that strengthen understanding and communication between the United States and over 1xbet online games login from 140 countries. 1xbet online games login interested in applying for the Fulbright Student Program must apply through the Fulbright Program Office in their home country. https://foreign.fulbrightonline.1xbet online games login /apply

Institute for Humane Studies

https://www.theihs.1xbet online games login /funding-opportunities/

Awards up to ,000 scholarships to outstanding undergraduate, graduate, law, and professional 1xbet online games login who are exploring the principles, practices, and institutions necessary to a free society through their academic work.

Institute for International Education

http://fundingusstudy.1xbet online games login /

Funding for US Study Online is an extensive database of scholarships, fellowships and grants organized and maintained by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Funding for US Study includes all types of funding programs, for all levels of post-secondary study, across the full range of academic areas.

Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Scholarship

http://en.sipiapa.1xbet online games login /contenidos/want-a-scholarship.html

For young journalists and journalism school graduates from Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States. Deadline: December 31.

International Chapter P.E.O. Sisterhood

http://www.peointernational.1xbet online games login /

Applicant must be a non-US or Canadian citizen who is a woman working towards a graduate degree (full-time) at a college or university of her choice in the US or Canada.

International Student Loan

International Student Loan provides 1xbet online games login will a loan comparison tool which is the first of it's kind, designed to match international 1xbet online games login with available lenders at their school. International 1xbet online games login select their citizenship and school, are matched with loans to compare, and they can apply right online.

IEFA.1xbet online games login

http://www.iefa.1xbet online games login /

The International Education Financial Aid, or, offers financial aid information for 1xbet online games login who wish to study in a foreign country. Here, you will find the most comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs and other financial aid information to help 1xbet online games login finance their international education.

ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships

http://www.isa.1xbet online games login /Content/NavigationMenu/General_Information/Careers/Scholarships/Scholarships.htm

Various scholarships for 1xbet online games login in the fields of automation and control. Deadline: February.

Josephine de Karman Scholarships

http://www.dekarman.1xbet online games login

,000 scholarship to support either the final year of study for juniors or for PhD candidates with ABD status. Deadline: late January.

Leakey Foundation

Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships are intended for 1xbet online games login with citizenship in a country where there are limited opportunities for advanced training and education in fields of research related to human origins. This program makes it possible for scholars to pursue education or training from an institution outside of their home country. This award is for a program of approved, advanced special training or studies leading towards an MA or PhD. It is limited to two years of support. The maximum award is limited to ,000 per year. Due March 1st.
Joan Cogswell Donner Field School Scholarship provides up to ,000 towards field school tuition for 1xbet online games login who are from countries with limited resources to support training in fieldwork related to human origins research. Recipients must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in a country where there are limited resources for academic development. 1xbet online games login from these countries may be enrolled in a university undergraduate or graduate program outside their home country as well. Awarded year round.
Louisville Institute Doctoral Fellowship. The program encourages current Ph.D./Th.D. 1xbet online games login to consider theological education as their vocation. The Institute awards two-year Doctoral Fellowships of ,000 per year. In addition, Fellows constitute a peer learning cohort that meets six times over a two-year period. March 1st deadline.

The Margaret McNamara Education Grants

http://www.mmmf-grants.1xbet online games login

The purpose of the grant is to support the education of women from developing countries who are committed to improving the lives of women and children in their home countries.

Microsoft Scholarships

Microsoft Sponsoring Tuition Scholarships for Under Graduate 1xbet online games login to pursue Computer Science and related STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines.

MPOWER Scholarships (1xbet online games login do not need to borrow a loan to qualify)

National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) Scholarships

https://nabjonline.1xbet online games login /student-services/

Student member of NABJ, foreign or American born, currently attending or entering an accredited four-year college/university in the U.S. or those who are candidates for graduate school are eligible for up to ,000 per year.

Organization of American States (OAS) Fellowships

https://www.oas.1xbet online games login /en/scholarships/regular_program.asp

For graduate study or research in any field except medical sciences or introductory language study. Deadlines vary.

P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship

The programs provide financial assistance to women from outside the United States and Canada who are seeking advanced degrees from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or Canada with the expectation that 1xbet online games login will return to their home countries to utilize their education to make a positive impact and foster global peace. The maximum amount awarded to a student is ,500. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs. Eligibility forms are due in December. Full applications are due in March for current graduate 1xbet online games login and in April for incoming graduate 1xbet online games login . https://www.peointernational.1xbet online games login /ips.

Prodigy Student Loan for International Postgraduate 1xbet online games login

Prodigy offers student loans and refinancing options to international postgraduate 1xbet online games login . To help make education more accessible, Prodigy assesses postgraduate applicants based on their future earning potential and they don't have credit requirements. This loan is only available for the College of Engineering 1xbet online games login at Kansas State University.

The Roothbert Fund Scholarship Program

http://www.roothbertfund.1xbet online games login /scholarships.php

Approximately 20 (,000-,000) awards are offered to 1xbet online games login in the U.S. in need of financial aid to further their education at the undergraduate or graduate level. Deadline: early February.

Rowe Fund for 1xbet online games login from Latin America

The Rowe Fund program of the Organization of American States aims to support Latin American and Caribbean 1xbet online games login pursuing higher education in the US by providing interest-free loans and supplementary scholarships. Through the Fund, eligible Latin American or Caribbean 1xbet online games login holding F/J visas and enrolled in their last two years of undergraduate can apply for interest-free loans of up to USD ,000, as well as supplementary scholarships of USD ,000. Deadline: Rolling https://www.oas.1xbet online games login /en/rowefund/

Society of Women Engineers

http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.1xbet online games login /

Various awards for women pursuing baccalaureate or graduate degrees in engineering or computer science, as well as engineering and computer science 1xbet online games login enrolled in ABET-accredited engineering programs. Deadlines vary.

South Pacific and East Timor Scholarship Programs

http://www.eastwestcenter.1xbet online games login /scholarships-fellowships/

The East-West Center offers a wide variety of both short- and long-term programs for individuals. Academic scholarships and fellowships as well as educational exchange and professional development programs are available.

World Bank Graduate Scholarship Regular Program

https://www.worldbank.1xbet online games login /en/programs/scholarships

The World Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) provides scholarships to 1xbet online games login and young researchers, contributing to the World Bank’s mission of forging new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world.

For Belgian 1xbet online games login :

Belgian American Educational Foundation, Inc.

The BAEF offers fellowships for study or research in the United States.

For Canadian 1xbet online games login :

Canadian Federation of University Women

http://www.cfuw.1xbet online games login

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) has supported graduate study, literacy and the creative arts through awards and grants since its founding in 1919. Grants and Awards offered annually to Canadian women for post-graduate study. Numerous fellowships are available for graduate 1xbet online games login .

Deadlines: November 1, 2005 for all applications

For Italian 1xbet online games login :

The Italian Student Loan Fund

The Fund offers financial aid to Italian university graduates, who wish to attend a Post-Graduate course in the United States.

For Japanese 1xbet online games login :

Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies

http://www.imf.1xbet online games login /external/np/ins/english/scholar.htm

Nationals of IMF Asian member countries interested in studying for their doctorates in economics in order to work in an international financial institution (such as the IMF or the World Bank) or in their home administrations.

Deadline: December 31.

For Scandinavian 1xbet online games login :

American Scandinavian Foundation

http://www.amscan.1xbet online games login /fellowships_grants.html

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden citizens for study or research programs (usually at the graduate level) in the United States for up to one year. Awards are made in all fields.

Statens Lanekasse for Utdanning

This State Educational Loan Fund provides educational grants and loans for Norwegian 1xbet online games login abroad.

The Sweden-America Foundation (Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen)

Every year, the Sweden-America Foundation awards approximately 40 fellowships for Master's, PhD and Post doc studies in the United States and Canada. Swedish citizens with a completed undergraduate degree are eligible to apply.

For Spanish 1xbet online games login :

Rafael del Pino Foundation

The foundation gives scholarships for Graduates and Higher-Degree Graduates, for the extension of their studies in Universities and Research Centers.