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The IGF is about a 2000 ft2 1xbet best casino website located in the Department of Plant Pathology at the Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center.

Get the IGF facility and 1xbet best casino website summary (pdf)

Assistance to first-time users of Integrated Genomics Facility 1xbet best casino website and software is available through personal training or our workshops.

NanoDrop One

The NanoDrop One spectrophotometer requires only 1-2 µl of a DNA, RNA, and protein sample.

The NanoDrop website

Plate Reader

The Synergy H1 Multi-mode Reader supports top and bottom fluorescence intensity, UV-visible absorbance and high performance luminescence detection. It is the ideal system for all the standard microplate reader applications found in life science research laboratories.




The CFX Opus 96 system can generate a thermal gradient across the 96-well reaction block to support rapid optimization of real-time PCR assays. The System can capture up to five fluorophores in a single reaction. CFX Maestro software supports data acquisition, viewing, and 1xbet best casino website for PCR quantification, melt curve 1xbet best casino website , end point 1xbet best casino website , allelic discrimination, and gene expression 1xbet best casino website .


The CFX 96 Real-Time PCR System allows up to 5-target multiplexing. The reaction volume can be as low as 10ul. It includes thermal gradient feature. No need to normalize to a passive reference dye. CFX Manager software can be used not only to visualize all run data at once, but also to perform the complete gene expression 1xbet best casino website .

KASP protocol


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Gene - Quantification

QIAgility Liquid Handling System

QIAgility Liquid Handling System (QIAGEN) enables rapid, high precision automated transfer of liquids, for as low as 1ul, into almost any tube or plate format, including 384 well plates.

QIAgility (Qiagen)