1xbet sports betting Glossary

The following key is provided as a reference to help you understand terminology used in the 1xbet online sports betting Tit and FLSA:


1xbet sports betting

Business/working title

A business title may be utilized to provide a more specific description of the function or work performed. Business titles are reviewed and approved by Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness to ensure they reasonably reflect the 1xbet sports betting duties, responsibilities and level of the position. Learn more 1xbet.

Compensatory 1xbet sports betting (comp-1xbet sports betting ) Provides the employee with time off instead of 1xbet sports betting pay. For each hour of 1xbet sports betting , an employee would earn this is paid at one and one-half hours for each hour over 40.
Educational Equivalency

Utilization of an Educational equivalency is the practice of substituting education for experience and vice versa when reviewing minimum qualifications for a 1xbet sports betting . K-State utilizes a 1:1 equivalency ratio. Educational equivalencies may only be utilized for jobs whose descriptions include the statement that the 1xbet sports betting is eligible to use an educational equivalency and use of an equivalency is up to the 1xbet sports betting supervisor.

1xbet sports betting type

There are two types of staff employees:

  • Unclassified professional staff (UNC)
  • University support staff (USS)

Learn more about the similarities and differences of these 1xbet sports betting types Unive.

Exempt (salaried) An employee who meets the requirements of the FLSA exemption, and does not earn 1xbet sports betting or comp time when they work more than 40 hours in a workweek.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) A federal law that establishes minimum wage, 1xbet sports betting pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments.
Flexible 1xbet sports betting arrangements A way to help avoid 1xbet sports betting /comp time. For instance, an employee may work 7:00 am to 4:00 pm instead of 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, or a supervisor may allow an employee to come in late after staying late the night before. To avoid 1xbet sports betting /comp time, the time must be adjusted within the same workweek.
1xbet sports betting worked FLSA wages are determined by the number of hours an 1xbet sports betting actually works. "Hours not worked" are not governed by the FLSA, even if they are considered "work time" or "paid time" by the employer. Thus, "off the clock" work counts, but holidays, sick days, or other days off do not count as FLSA hours worked.
1xbet sports betting description

The 1xbet sports betting description is a high-level broad description of the typical duties performed by positions in that classification. The 1xbet sports betting description also includes any required minimum qualifications.

1xbet sports betting family Ajob 1xbet sports betting Famil is a grouping of jobs related by similar types of 1xbet sports betting and requiring similar knowledge, skills and abilities.
1xbet sports betting title

The 1xbet sports betting title is the generic title for a 1xbet sports betting description and serves as the official payroll title within the HR system. 1xbet sports betting titles comprise K-State’s staff 1xbet online sports betting Tit and have been developed based on the 1xbet sports betting performed by K-State staff.

Minimum qualifications

Based on market research, the minimum qualifications identified in a 1xbet sports betting description include education and/or experience necessary to successfully perform the 1xbet sports betting . 1xbet sports betting descriptions also include whether a position is eligible to use an Educational equivalency.

Non-exempt (hourly) An employee who earns 1xbet sports betting or comp time when they work more than 40 hours in a workweek.
1xbet sports betting Pay for working more than 40 hours in a week, this is paid at one and one-half times the 1xbet sports betting 's regular rate of pay.
Pay grade

The Staff 1xbetrepresents the minimum and maximum pay for a 1xbet sports betting . The difference between the minimum and maximum pay is referred to as the pay range.

Position 1xbet sports betting

A 1xbet online games login Descr describes the specific work of a single staff position. Position descriptions are reviewed by Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness to determine the appropriate 1xbet sports betting title within the 1xbet online sports betting Tit.

Primary duty The principal, main, major or most important duty that the 1xbet sports betting performs.
Workweek At K-State, this is defined as Sunday at 12:01 a.m. to Saturday at midnight.