1xbet online casino

Pryor Learning Solutions Logo

Do you value live training where you can ask face to face questions? The State of Kansas has secured a training contract with 1xbet online casino (formerly Fred Pryor), a company offering affordable, practical, and convenient business training for all professionals.

What Training is Available?

1xbet online casino has a variety of online and live seminars available throughout the state of Kansas in the areas of communication/personal development, computer skills, customer service, finance and accounting, front desk and administrative training, grammar and writing skills, marketing, management, supervision, leadership, and much more! Search for specific training in your area by zip code at the 1xbet online casino website.

Pricing Information

The chart below represents pricing information for each individual user license which allows access for a full twelve months from the date of purchase. These rates are good until March 31, 2025. Please view the State of Kansas Contract ID: 45020, Amendment Number: 1, Amendment Number: 2, Amendment Number: 3, Amendment Number: 4, Amendment Number: 5, Amendment Number: 6 (pdf) for further details.

Price per Kansas State University employee until March 31, 2025
Procurement cards accepted

9 Annual License*
Includes unlimited access to ALL live offerings and ALL online offerings

Annual License*
Includes unlimited access to online offerings

*Good for twelve months from date of purchase

Purchasing Information

The following steps are provided for departmental administrative staff to purchase licenses:

  1. Complete the Enterprise Subscription activation spreadsheet (xls) for your unit. You may include as many employees from your unit as you wish to include.
  2. Email the spreadsheet to Becky Yelvington at byelvington@pryor.com.

On-boarding and Support

Once purchasing is complete, the user licenses will be activated by Becky Yelvington at 1xbet online casino . Becky will provide an orientation overview and a personalized on-boarding experience for each user.

Talent and Organizational Development staff in the K-State Division of Human Resources will be the assigned administrator for all 1xbet online casino offerings. For reporting options or to track courses completed during your annual license, please contact Talent and Organizational Development.