Corrective Action for 1xbet online games login Support Staff

Course Code: KSF011

Course Name: Corrective Action for 1xbet online games login Support Staff

Prerequisite: None

Department: Human Resources

Length of Session: 15 Minutes (Online)

Audience: Supervisors of 1xbet online games login Support Staff

Session Description: This training introduces the concepts of "positive discipline" and its application on the job. Positive discipline is a systematic approach to correcting job-related deficiencies and/or inappropriate behaviors. It emphasizes the supervisor's role as coach and places the responsibility for improvement on the employee.

Session Objectives: As a result of this session, participants will:

  • Employ the four-step discipline without punishment procedure outlined in 1xbet online games login policy
  • Conduct an effective coaching session with an employee
  • Refer Employees with personal problems to an employee assistance program (EAP)

Complete this training