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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight168 ``i̜̙3f3333f3ffff333ff333f33f33BBB\`!_Classified & Unclassified"Hourly & Graduate StudentsPosition Data Sheet  =  =8  Action CodeAction Code Description Reason CodeReason Code DescriptionDEMDemotionDCNINVLIUIn Lieu of LayoffUDEUSPVOL VoluntaryDTA Data ChangeCNVEPDEXPEXTRETReturn From Acting AssignmentWCFWCLWCNWCPXLTHIRHireCNPMVSVACLOALeave of AbsenceFURHEAHealth ReasonsLCALEXLeave ExtensionLTUMATMaternity/PaternityMOPMilitary LeaveSEASOPSWBPAYPay Rate ChangeCOLDECDecrease - DisciplinaryEQUEquity (Unclassified)MERMerit (Unclassified)OTHRECSPMPLALeave with PayJINLWBMWPSWPPRO PromotionTRNUPRReturn from SuspensionREHRehirePromotion-Regent MvmtREMRIN RetirementER1ER2REGRegular RetirementRFLReturn from LeaveSLRSUS SuspensionDACILASAFTER TerminationCONPersonal ConductDEADeathELTETMLA1Layoff - Shortage of Work/FundsLA2LA3LA4RS0Resign - OtherRS1Resign - Family ReasonsRS2Resign - Job AbandonmentRS3Resign - Health ReasonsRS4Resign - Personal ReasonsRS5Resign - Other PositionRS6Resign - Mutual ConsentRS7Resign - Return to SchoolRS8Resign - Dissatisfied w/WorkRS9Resign - Dissatisfied w/PayTNRNot Reappointed/ContinuedUNSUnsatisfactory Work PerformanceXFRTransferEERERREmployer RequestDO NOT RECEIVE PAYHSH-Higher Hire Step - Exceptional QualificationsHSE6Higher Hire Step Reemploy- Exceptional QualificationsHSN/Higher Step Rehire - Exceptional Qualifications2Higher Step Reinstate - Exceptional QualificationsHSRHSP0Promotion High Step - Exceptional QualificationsEPASTCLTDDISLA6Layoff-Probationary EmployeeLA7Layoff-Non-State Job HireIPD0Termination/Inability to perform position dutiesTGTLong-Term Disability with PayTargeted Salary EnhancementAACUNAPPAProfessorial Performance Award1Involuntary (Used for classified employees only.)+Classified Acting Assignment (KAR 1-9-6(d))~Extend Probation for Appeal - Must be used when entering an extension pending the completion of a performance review appeal. dStatus Change\Fica Update (Used to change the FICA status -- E=Exempt from FICA, N=Subject to FICA.)-Unclassified Acting Assignment (KAR 1-9-6(d))gLeave to take Unclassified (Classified employee leaves current position to take unclassified position.)SSummer Leave with Benefits (9-Month Employees who appear in the University Budget.)'General Increase (COLA--Cost of Living)<Other (Unclassified -- Used for all other pay rate changes.)Unclassified Advance to a higher status (i.e., associate processor to professor or assistant professor to associate professor, etc.)@Reallocation Per Job Study (Used for classified employees only.)9Step Movement (Normally automatic-based on time on step.)Targeted Salary Enhancement Unclassified (for targeted faculty as requested by K-State Compensation Task Force and approved by administration)Investigation (KAR 1-10-7 Relief from duty, or change of duties, of perm. classified employee, with pay, under certain circumstances. Where appointing authority needs time to conduct an investigation before proposing dismissal, suspension, or demotion.)Job Injury (KAR 1-9-22 Any classified or unclassified employee who sustains a qualifying job injury, as determined by the employee's appointing authority, shall be eligible for job injury leave -- Paid while on injury leave.)Unclassified Promotion nMove From State-Regent Mvmt (Move from SOK agency to Regents University-no break in service. Ex: SRS to KSU)'Rehire (Rehire after break in service.)=Reemployment (Reemployed after classified employee lay off.)Reinstatement (Rehiring a former-permanent-classified State of KS employee within one year of a voluntary termination from State service.)Early Retirement 1 (The State is not currently using this reason code. This was added "just in case" the legislature passed an early retirement package.)Early Retirement 2 (The State is not currently using this reason code. This was added "just in case" the legislature passed an early retirement package.)-Personal Conduct (Classified employees only.)WDemotion-Regent Mvmt (Moving to a different Regents position with a lower pay grade.) aLayoff - Incumbent Rtns Leave (The reinstatement of an employee returning from authorized leave.)Layoff - Incumbent Rtn Per CSB. (Empl is dismissed--agency fills the position--the dismissal is appealed--Civil Service Bd overturns the dismissal & returns the employee to the position. The agency has no vacant position so they have to lay someone off.)`Layoff - Other (The abolition of a position or other material change in duties or organization.)ZMove To State-Regent Mvmt (Employee leaves KSU to take position with another SOK agency.) vTransfer-Regent Mvmt (Employee leaves KSU for another Regents University position, i.e. KSU to FHSU; KSU to KU, etc.)*Leave to take Classified Acting Assignment 1Vacant Position (New employee - vacant position.)POSPosition ChangeNEWPFCFTE (tenths time) ChangeUPD<New Position (Use when a new position needs to be created.)/Position Data Update (General position update.)APBPGCPSCRCDRPJRPPRPSRRPRTP2Pay Grade Change (Used by Human Resources only.)bAppointment Basis Change (Use when 12-month position changes to a 9-month position or vice versa.) 0New Position (Use when creating a new position.) YPercent/FTE Change (Use when position changes from part-time to full-time or vice versa.) ^Position Status Change (Use when changing FLSA status or when restoring a frozen position .) BChange in Duties (Use when changing job code or job description.) CReallocation Per Job Study (Use for classified positions only.) (2 PReallocation - Position Review (Used most often -- classified positions only.) 5I Reallocation Per AdHoc Study (Used when Div. Personnel Services-Topeka conducts a study of a classification or a group of classifications and either assigns a new job code or a new salary grade. Used for classified positions only.)  Recruitment Purposes (Used when a position is temporarily downgraded to a lower level to facilitate filling a position when no qualified candidates are available. Used for classified positions only.)  Training Purposes (Used when reallocating a classified position to the lowest level in a class series, when the lowest class serves as a training class. Used by Human Resources only.)  FPosition Data Update (Used most often for general position updates.)  !Conversion (Div. of HR use only.) =Unclassified Demotion (Used for unclassified employees only.)@Unsatisfactory Performance (Used for classified employees only.)!Conversion (Div. of HR use only.) 7End of Probation (Used for classified employees only.) 7Extend Probation (Used for classified employees only.)PExtension of Acting Assignment (Used for classified and unclassified employees.)1Workers Comp Rtn to Work FT (Div of HR use only.).Workers Comp With Leave (Div of HR use only.)1Workers Comp Without Leave (Div of HR use only.)2Workers Comp Rtn to Work PT (Div of HR use only.)sExtend Limited Term (Used to extend appointments that have a predetermined termination date - no break in service.)Concurrent Position (Used for all employees who hold more than one position-either within the same department or a different department.1Vacant Position (New employee - vacant position.)Furlough (Div of HR use only.) All benefits continue. Shortage of funds may necessitate the appt authority to furlough without pay all employees in the classified service in designated classes, org units, geographical areas, or any combination thereof.  lSeasonal/Not Scheduled to Work (Voluntary LW< OP--Used for classified or unclassified 9-Month Term Employees.) . #Sabbatical/Professional ( No Pay )-TSA Regents Disability (Div. of HR use only.)Leave w/Benefits (Div. of HR use only.) Used when the employee takes a leave and benefits such as health insurance need to continue.* HSabbatical (Used for all employees on SABB leave. Sabbatical with pay.)2F cPromotion New Position/Class (Change classified employee's position indicating a higher pay grade.)$; 9From Training Class (Used for classified employees only.),Return From Suspension (Div of HR use only.)aReturn from Leave (Used most often for classified and unclassified employees on voluntary LWOP.)P` aSummer Leave Return (Used for 9-month classified and unclassified employees on involuntary LWOP.)O-Work Performance (Classified employees only.)-Safety Violation (Classified employees only.)End of Limited Term (Used for classified and unclassified TERM employees that are scheduled to terminate within a predetermined period of time. Benefit eligible positions only.) ? kEnd of Temporary (Used for all employees with temporary appointments. Nonbenefit eligible positions only.)GEmployee Request (No break in service - transfers from one KSU position to another KSU position, possibly a different KSU department.)?H X{ SFICA Update\Status Change [Example: Hourly student not enrolled in 6 hours in Fall and/or Spring semester or 3 hours during the summer semester FICA Status = N (subject to FICA)]. [Example: Hourly student enrolled in 6 hours in Fall and/or Spring semester or 3 hours during the summer semester FICA Status = E (Exempt from FICA)]. Concurrent Position (Used for all employees who hold more than one position-either within the same department or a different department.)5Rehire (Rehire...with or without a break in service.)OEnd of Temporary (Used for hourly and graduate student temporary appointments.)Employee Request (No break in service - transfers from one KSU position to another KSU position, possibly a different KSU department.)  Employer Request (No break in service - transfers from one KSU position to another KSU position, possibly a different KSU department.)  Short Work Break>Return from Short Work Break (used for graduate students only)RWBReturn from Work Break2Short Work Break (used for graduate students only) 4 4yB555@6\66A 7S77"7v:8899::F{;<<7#? +CLFII4JMP!*SVY]? ccB g2ɀ  m}J" dMbP?_*+%&L&"MS Sans Serif,Bold Italic"&8Note: Popular Action\ Reason Codes are Hi-Lited&C&"Bookman Old Style,Bold"&14Action/Reason Codes Classified/Unclassified&R&"MS Sans Serif,Bold Italic"&8Action Code : LOA = No Pay%"&C&8Page &P&R&8Revised 08/2007&10 &?'?(?)?MPhaser 5550DT PSS od,,Letter (8.5 x 11")PRIV0''''D\KhC>SMTJXerox Phaser 5550DT PSLeadingEdgePageSizeLetterPageRegionDuplexDuplexNoTumbleResolution300x300dpiD1NRX !! 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