Honor Pledge violations 1xbet online sports betting 2015-2016

The following violations of the K-State 1xbetoccurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:K-Sta

This site was last updated on August 30, 2016


Case #2015/2016-309 - A junior was alleged to have copied work (unauthorized aid and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-308 - A junior and a senior were alleged to have worked together on assignments (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-307 - A junior and a senior were alleged to have worked together on assignments (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-306 - A graduate 1xbet online sports betting was reported to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor issued an XF.

Case #2015/2016-305 - A junior was alleged to have used notes while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-304 - Four seniors were alleged to have worked together on an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam.

Case #2015/2016-303 - A senior was alleged to have plagiarized material and presented as original. The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.


Case #2015/2016-302 - A senior was alleged to have plagiarized material and presented as original. The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-301 - A senior was alleged to have copied the work of another 1xbet online sports betting while taking an exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-300 - A senior was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as original. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 1 page reflection paper.

Case #2015/2016-299 - A senior and a sophomore were alleged to have worked together on a take home exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-298 - A sophomore and a freshman are alleged to have worked together while completing an independent take home exam (unauthorized collaboration and/or falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with XF grades and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-297 - A graduate 1xbet online sports betting was alleged by an instructor to have submitted work that was not original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-296 - A freshman and sophomore were alleged to have received or given aid while taking an exam. The freshman was sanctioned by the professor with an official warning, EDCEP 502 and a grade cap of C. The sophomore was sanctioned with an official warning and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-295 - A sophomore was alleged to have falsified information to obtain submission deadline extension. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course.


Case #2015/2016-294 - A senior was alleged to have copied the work of another 1xbet online sports betting (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-293 - A senior was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-292 - A junior was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-291 - A senior was alleged to have forged documents and falsified information for graduation. The reporter sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an apology letter and a meeting.

Case #2015/2016-290 - A senior was alleged to have forged documents and falsified information for graduation. The reporter sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an apology letter and a meeting.

Case #2015/2016-289 - Two juniors were alleged to have turned in nearly identical work (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with reduced grades.

Case #2015/2016-288 - A senior was alleged to have repeatedly turned in nearly identical lab reports of another 1xbet online sports betting (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-287 - A junior was alleged to have falsified lab grades (falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-286 - A senior was alleged to have repeatedly turned in nearly identical lab reports of another 1xbet online sports betting (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-285 - Two seniors were alleged to have collaborated on an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-284 - A senior was alleged to have written unauthorized notes on a desk to use while taking an exam (falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-283 - A junior was alleged to have copied an online resource and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-282 - report dropped

Case #2015/2016-281 - A junior was alleged to have submitted material that had been completed by another person in a previous semester (unauthorized aid and unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade on exam, a zero on the exam, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-280 - A senior was alleged to have used an unauthorized note sheet while taking a final exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-279 - Two freshmen were alleged to have submitted practically the same work (falsification and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with zeros on the assignments, EDCEP 502 and a letter grade reduction.

Case #2015/2016-278 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-277 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-276 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-275 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-274 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-273 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-272 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-271 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-270 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-269 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-268 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-267 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-266 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-265 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-264 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-263 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-262 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-261 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-260 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-259 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-258 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-257 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-256 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-255 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-254 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-253 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-252 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-251 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-250 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-249 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-248 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-247 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-246 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-245 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-244 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-243 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-242 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-241 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-240 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-239 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-238 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-237 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-236 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-235 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-234 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-233 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-232 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-231 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-230 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-229 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-228 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-227 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-226 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-225 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-224 - A senior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-223 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-222 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-221 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-220 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-219 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-218 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-217 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-216 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-215 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-214 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-213 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-212 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-211 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-210 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-209 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-208 - A junior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-207 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed unauthorized material and aid during a final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-206 - A sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized online material will taking the final exam. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-205 - A junior was alleged to have submitted the same work for two different classes (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.​

Case #2015/2016-204 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and submitted as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-203 - A sophomore was alleged to have repeatedly copied the work on another 1xbet online sports betting (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course. In addition, a sophomore was alleged to have shared academic work with another 1xbet online sports betting with the understanding it would be copied (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-202 - ​A junior was alleged to have submitted the same work for two different classes (falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.​

Case #2015/2016-201 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work and submitted as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-200 - A senior was alleged to have submitted the work of other students as original (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-199 - A freshman was alleged to have copied other's material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-198 - A freshman was alleged to have submitted other 1xbet online sports betting 's work as original (other). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-197 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed another 1xbet online sports betting 's work online, then copied the work and submitted as original (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an F on the exam.

Case #2015/2016-196 - A senior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professors sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a grade cap of D and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-195 - A junior was alleged to have accessed class notes on his phone while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment, a letter grade reduction, and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-194 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-193 - A junior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-192 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-191 - A freshman was alleged to have accessed an exam study guide while taking a make-up exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-190 - A senior was alleged to have copied the work of another 1xbet online sports betting and submitted as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.


Case #2015/2016-189 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-188 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-187 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-186 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-185 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-184 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-183 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-182 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-181 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-180 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-179 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-178 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-177 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-176 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-175 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-174 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-173 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-172 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-171 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-170 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-169 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-168 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-167 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-166 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-165 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-164 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-163 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-162 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-161 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-160 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-159 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-158 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-157 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-156 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-155 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-154 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-153 - A senior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-152 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-151 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-150 - A senior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-149 - A senior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-148 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-147 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-146 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-145 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-144 - A junior submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-143 - A sophomore submitted academic work that was original (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-142 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and a 2 page reflection paper.

Case #2015/2016-141 - Two juniors and a senior were alleged to repeatedly covered in-class assignments for each other (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-140 - Three seniors were alleged to have presented the work of others as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor submitted alleged Honor Code violation as an Option 2 report.

Case #2015/2016-139 - Two juniors and a senior were alleged to have accessed and/or copied an unauthorized exam from a previous semester (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor reported violation as an Option 2

Case #2015/2016-138 - A senior was alleged to have had another 1xbet online sports betting sign attendance sheet in his/her absence. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero for that day, an official warning and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-137 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-136 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-135 - A junior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-134 -A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-133 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-132 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-131 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-130 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-129 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-128 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-127 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-126 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-125 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-124 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-123 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-122 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-121 - A junior was alleged to have copied a solutions manual or copied another's work (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a letter grade reduction, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-120 - A freshman was alleged to have requested other students to improve work that was to be indepedent. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a warning.

Case #2015/2016-119 - A senior was alleged to have engaged in falsification to gain points for a class the stduent did not attend. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-118 - A freshman was alleged to have submitted that was the work of others (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with zeros on the assignments, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-117 - Two sophomores were alleged to have turned in an identical assignment (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with EDCEP 502 and a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-116 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material in a report. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.


Case #2015/2016-115 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solution from a solutions manual (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-114 - An instructor alleged two graduating seniors collaborated while taking online exams (unauthorized collaboration). The students were sanctioned with a letter grade reduction and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-113 - A freshman was alleged to have falsified the date on a doctor's note (falsification) to obtain an excused absence from an exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam.

Case #2015/2016-112 - Two sophomores were alleged to have copied or given aid while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-111 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and a warning that an XF will be issued if more plagiarism is conducted.

Case #2015/2016-110 - Two freshmen were alleged to have turned in an identical assignment (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-109 - A senior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 1-page reflection paper on plagiarism.

Case #2015/2016-108 - A junior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 1-page reflection paper on plagiarism.

Case #2015/2016-107 - A senior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 1-page reflection paper on plagiarism.

Case #2015/2016-106 - A senior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original material for an exam (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam.

Case #2015/2016-105 - Two seniors were alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work and submitted as original (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-104 - A junior was alleged to have taken an in-class assignment outside of the classroom and without a proctor. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the quiz and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-103 - A sophomore was alleged to have taken an in-class assignment outside of the classroom and without a proctor. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the quiz and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-102 - A sophomore was alleged to have taken an in-class assignment outside of the classroom and without a proctor. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the quiz and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-101 - A sophomore was alleged to have taken an in-class assignment outside of the classroom and without a proctor. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the quiz and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-100 - A junior was alleged to have taken an in-class assignment outside of the classroom and without a proctor. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the quiz and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-099 - A sophomore was alleged to have taken an in-class assignment outside of the classroom and without a proctor. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the quiz and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-098 - A freshman was alleged to have used an unauthorized computer software to complete an assignment (unauthorized aid and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-097 - A senior was alleged to have copied from another 1xbet online sports betting while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam, completion of an additional assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-096 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resources. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-095 - Two freshman and a sophomore were alleged to have an agreement that students present in class would complete and submit in-class assignments for any of the three students who were absent. The reporting instructor submitted an Option 2 Honor Pledge Violation Report, which requires an Honor Council hearing to determine if there were violations and to determine the sanctions if applicable.

Case #2015/2016-094 - A junior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's lab reports (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502 and zeros on the assignment(s).

Case #2015/2016-093 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied material directly from an online resource and presented it as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-092 - A senior was alleged to have copied material directly from an online resource and presented it as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with the requirement to revise the paper and a grade cap of 50% on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-091 - A senior was alleged to have extensively copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's lab report on 3 separate occasions (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.


Case #2015/2016-090 - A senior was alleged to have taken pictures of solutions to a problem from a whiteboard (unauthorized collaboration). The reporter sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a warning and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-089 - A junior was alleged to have taken pictures of solutions to a problem from a whiteboard (unauthorized collaboration). The reporter sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a warning and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-088 - A freshman was alleged to have looked at/copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's quiz answer (unauthorized collaboration). The reporter sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an zero on the quiz, a reduction of the final course grade by one letter grade and a grade cap of the course of a B.

Case #2015/2016-087 - A freshman was alleged to have had access to and copied other students’ material and presented as own original work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-086 - A junior was alleged by a professor to have copied extensively other students' work and presented as original. The reporter issued the 1xbet online sports betting an XF and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 prior to retaking the course.

Case #2015/2016-085 - A professor alleged two graduate students forged another 1xbet online sports betting 's name to an in-class assignment. The professor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-084 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-083 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-082 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-081 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-080 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-079 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-078 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-077 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-076 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-075 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-074 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-073 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-072 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-071 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-070 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-069 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a 50% reduction on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-068 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-067 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-066 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-065 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.


Case #2015/2016-064 - Seven seniors and 2 juniors were alleged to have colluded together while in-class grading three quizzes and/or copied the work of others for an assignment (unauthorized aid, unauthorized collaboration, falsification, and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-063 - Two seniors were alleged to have falsely submitted an in-class assignment as original work when one 1xbet online sports betting was not present (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-062 - A graduate 1xbet online sports betting was alleged to have copied other's work and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with zeros on the three related assignments.

Case #2015/2016-061 - A junior was alleged to have submitted work which had been copied and pasted from an internet site without attribution (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade in the class and the requirement to successfully completed EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-060 - A junior was alleged to have submitted work which had been copied and pasted from an internet site without attribution (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade in the class and the requirement to successfully completed EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-059 - One sophomore and two juniors were alleged to submitted work that was nearly identical to each other on independent assignments (plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with an XF and the requirement to successfully completed EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-058 - A freshman was alleged to have submitted a paper which included information taken from various websites (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a warning and a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-057 - A freshman was alleged to have falsified family concerns to gain accommodations in various courses (falsification). The report was filed as an Option 2 case.

Case #2015/2016-056 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an F in the class.


Case #2015/2016-055 - Nine graduate students were alleged to have worked together and shared/copied each others work on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and plagiarism). The reporting professors sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-054 - A senior was alleged to have uploaded/posted class information to a online site (Study Blue) without permission (copyright violation and unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-053 - A junior was alleged to have uploaded/posted class information to a online site (Study Blue) without permission (copyright violation and unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-052 - A graduate 1xbet online sports betting was alleged to have submitted a paper which included sections taken verbatim from another document (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a warning and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-051 - A senior was alleged to have copied online material without an attempt to cite the source (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-050 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-049 - A junior was alleged to have copied word for word an uncited resource (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment (rewrite opportunity), and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-048 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work (or allowed another to copy) while taking a quiz. The reporting instructor issued a zero on the quiz, EDCEP 502 and and XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-047 - A junior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work (or allowed another to copy) while taking a quiz. The reporting instructor issued a zero on the quiz, EDCEP 502 and and XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-046 - A junior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work (or allowed another to copy) while taking a quiz. The reporting instructor issued a zero on the quiz, EDCEP 502 and and XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-045 - A senior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work and presented it as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor filed an Option 2 report which requires an Honor Council hearing.

Case #2015/2016-044 - A graduating senior was alleged to have copied the work of another 1xbet online sports betting while taking a final exam. The reporting instructor and professor issued the following sanctions: zero on the final, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-043 - A junior and a senior were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (falsification and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with a warning and a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-042 - Two freshmen were alleged to have used unauthorized notes while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting administrator sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam.

Case #2015/2016-041 - A sophomore lied about a sister's death to obtain academic accommodations (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with zeros on related assignments.

Case #2015/2016-040 - A sophomore was alleged to have lied about the taking an online exam when Canvas has no record that 1xbet online sports betting logged in to take the exam (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-039 - A freshman copied online material and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-038 - A sophomore lied about a sister's death to obtain academic accommodations (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with zeros on related assignments, and EDCEP 502.​​

Case #2015/2016-037 - A sophomore lied about a sister's death to obtain academic accommodations (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course.​​

Case #2015/2016-036- A senior was alleged to have copied material from online resources and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-035 - A sophomore submitted false information as proof of passing a standardized, national practice exam with a score of 90%. The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with, EDCEP 502, a zero on assignment, a grade cap of C, and the requirement to earn a 90% on the national test otherwise an XF will be issued.

Case #2015/2016-034 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam.

Case #2015/2016-033 - A junior was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work on an exam (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-032 - A senior was alleged to have used an unauthorized online tool to complete an assignment (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-031 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-030 - A senior was alleged to have copied the work of others for an entire assignment (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-029 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-028 -


Case #2015/2016-027 - A sophomore and a freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-026 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work on 2 quizzes. The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with zeros on the quizzes and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-025 - A senior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignments.

Case #2015/2016-024 - A sophomore was alleged to have concealed notes written on the palm of his/her hand while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-023 - A junior was alleged to have possibly allowed access to his/her work on an exam for another 1xbet online sports betting to copy. The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a warning.

Case #2015/2016-022 - A senior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online sports betting 's work on an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF.

Case #2015/2016-021 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment (with opportunity to resubmit and receive up to 50% of the assignment credit) and a 1-page reflection paper.

Case #2015/2016-020 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment (with opportunity to resubmit and receive up to 50% of the assignment credit) and a 1-page reflection paper.

Case #2015/2016-019 - A senior was alleged to have copied a previous 1xbet online sports betting 's work and presented it as original (falsification, unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism). The reporting Professor submitted the violation report as an Option 2.


Case #2015/2016-018- A sophomore was alleged to access an online tool that was unauthorized and the unauthorized help of another person (unauthorized aid and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-017- A senior was alleged to have used an unauthorized resource while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a reduced grade.

Case #2015/2016-016- A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-015 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-014 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-013 - A graduate 1xbet online sports betting was alleged to have plagiarized online materials for an entire report. The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-012 - A junior was alleged to have advertised completed academic work on Freelancer.com (unauthorized aid, plagiarism, and/or falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course.

Case #2015/2016-011 - A junior was alleged to have a completed copy of the mid-term exam while taking the same exam (academic misconduct). The reporting Professor filed the case as an Option 2.

Case #2015/2016-010 - A sophomore was alleged by a Professor to have used an unauthorized source to complete work (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online sports betting with an official warning.

Case #2015/2016-009 - A sophomore was alleged to have fabricated reasons why he/she did not submit an online exam on time (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the exam, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course. The Professor would consider changing the F to the earned grade if the 1xbet online sports betting completes the course.

Case #2015/2016-008 - A sophomore was alleged to have presented other's material as his/her original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2015/2016-007 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-006 - A junior was alleged to have copied online material (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-005 -A graduate 1xbet online sports betting was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resources. The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2015/2016-004 - Two versions of the same in class assignment was submitted with the same freshman 1xbet online sports betting as the author. The instructor submitted the violation report as an Option 2.

Case #2015/2016-003 - Case withdrawn by reporter

Case #2015/2016-002 - A sophomore was alleged to have obtained a paper from digitaltermpapers.com and present it as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online sports betting with an XF in the course.


Case #2015/2016-001 - Two sophomore students were alleged to have violated the Honor Code. One 1xbet online sports betting turned in nearly identical work of another 1xbet online sports betting (unauthorized collaboration and/or falsification). The 1xbet online sports betting that submitted false work was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course. The 1xbet online sports betting that gave the unauthorized help received a warning.