Honor Pledge violations 1xbet online games login (August 2012-July 2013)

The following violations of the K-State 1xbet occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:K-Sta

This site was last updated on May 17, 2013


Case #2012/2013 – 205 - A sophomore alleged to have falsified that he/she attended an educational event and also plagiarized materials from an online resources for the associated writing assignment. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a letter grade reduction and EDCEP 502. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 – 204 - A senior was alleged to have copied materials from online resources and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with zeros on assignments, an XF in the course and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 203 - A junior was alleged to have used notes while taking a closed book exam. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a 50% reduction on the exam. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 202 - A junior 1xbet online games login was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's work while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Closed


Case #2012/2013 – 201 - A graduate 1xbet online games login copied material from an online resource and/or from another person (plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration) and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 200 - A senior was alleged to have copied online material and presented it as his own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Pending


Case #2012/2013 - 199 - Two seniors were alleged to have worked together on independent assignments (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with EDCEP 502, the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 prior to re-enrolling in course, and an XF in the course. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 198 - Three seniors were alleged to have worked together on independent assignments (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with EDCEP 502, the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 prior to re-enrolling in course, and an XF in the course. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 197 - A junior and a sophomore 1xbet online games login are alleged to have obtained outside help on a project (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 196 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professors sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a 2 letter grade reduction on assignment, a redo requirement of assignment and a grade cap of C for the course. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 194 and 195 - Two seniors were alleged to have copied material from online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professors sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a 2 letter grade reduction on assignment, a redo requirement of assignment, a grade cap of C for the course and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 193 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from an online resources and presented in a project as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning and a re-do of that portion of project requirement. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 192 - A senior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's work while taking a final exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF and EDCEP 502. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 191 - A junior was alleged to have copied material from online and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on assignment and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 190 - A junior and a sophomore 1xbet online games login were alleged to have copied information from online resources and presented as their own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 189 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from online and presented it as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 188 -A senior was alleged to have copied material from online and presented it as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on assignment. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 187 -A freshman was alleged to have copied material from online and presented as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF and EDCEP 502.Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 186 -A non-degree graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized material from online resource(s). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, EDCEP 502 and no extra credit points.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 185 -A senior was alleged to have attempted to communicate with another 1xbet online games login during a final exam about exam topics. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam.Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 184 -A junior was alleged to have copied material from online and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, the requirement to redo the assignment and a course grade cap of B.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 183 -Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on multiple exams (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with an XF.Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 182 - Two seniors were alleged to have falsified a signature on an attendance sheet. The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero for attendance on that day. Case Closed

Case #2012-2013 - 181 - A senior copied another 1xbet online games login 's work from a previous semester and presented it as their own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed

Case 2012/2013 - 180 - Two seniors were alleged to have collaborated on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with an XF in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 179 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from online sources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 - 173-178 - Five juniors and one senior were alleged to have used the solutions to completed homework problems (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Cases Closed

Cases #2012/2013 - 170-172 - Three students (one Freshman, one Sophomore, One senior) were alleged to have worked with another 1xbet online games login on an independent take home exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the exam. Cases Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 169 - A sophomore copied another 1xbet online games login 's work during an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 168 - A sophomore copied material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 167 A sophomore was alleged to have copied from another 1xbet online games login while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 166 - Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 165 A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have copied material from online and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 164 - Two seniors were alleged to have worked together to complete a closed book exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course. Case Pending

Case#2012/2013 - 163 - Two freshman worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with an XF in the course.Case Pending.

Case #2012/2013 - 162 - A senior falsified notes from medical doctors in an attempt to obtain an excused absence for missing an exam. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 161 - A senior copied material and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 160 - A distance, non-degree 1xbet online games login copied the work of another 1xbet online games login and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor had previously warned 1xbet online games login about plagiarism. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an F in the course. Case Closed


Case #2012/2013 - 159 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's work and presented it as his/her own (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning and a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 158 - A junior plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on assignment, EDCEP 502, and a grade cap of C. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 157 - A senior plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on assignment, EDCEP 502, and a grade cap of C. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 156 - A senior copied another 1xbet online games login 's work and presented it as his own (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor and professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 155 - A sophomore and a senior were alleged to have collaborated on an assignment that was to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502 course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 154 - A junior and sophomore were alleged to have submitted almost identical work for an online assignment that was to be done independently (plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the assignment, a letter grade reduction and the EDCEP 502 course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 153 - A junior was alleged to have accessed notes while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the requirement to take a make-up exam and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 152 - Four students (one senior, one junior, one sophomore, one freshman) were alleged to give or receive aid to each other on an independent assignment. The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the related assignment(s). Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 151 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have copied (plagiarism) another 1xbet online games login 's blog entry as part of an assignment. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning. Case closed

Case #2012/2013 - 150 - A junior was alleged to have copied (unauthorized collaboration or plagiarism) the work of other students and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment(s) and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502. Case closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 149 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material from Wikipedia and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 148 - A freshman was alleged to have concealed notes that he/she accessed while taking an exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 147 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized online materials and presented as his/her own work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on assignment, no additional extra credit opportunities and EDCEP 502. Case Closed


Case #2012/2013 - 146 - A senior was alleged to have plagiarized information from online resources and presented them as his/her own work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development and Integrity. Case closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 145 - A senior was alleged to have plagiarized material from a resources and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on assignment and a 1 page reflection paper on plagiarism. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 144 - A senior was alleged by a professor to have conducted unauthorized collaboration. The violation was copying from another 1xbet online games login while taking an exam and the sanction was a warning. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 - 142 and 143 - Two seniors were alleged to have accessed an online solutions manual and copied homework solutions (unauthorized aid). The seniors admitted to cheating. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012-2013 - 141 - A senior was alleged to have accessed an online solutions manual and copied homework solutions (unauthorized aid). The senior fully admitted to cheating and pleaded for mercy. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 140 - A junior was alleged to have falsified information related to an assignment. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 139 - A sophomore 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized information from online resources and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Closed


Case #2012/2013 - 138 - A senior 1xbet online games login turned in an assignment completed by another 1xbet online games login (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 137 - Two seniors were alleged to have worked together to create one homework product (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor clearly states in course syllabus everything in homeworks/projects must be done independently (i.e., calculations, key strokes, mouse clicks, from start to finish). The sanctions were XF in course, and the requirement to complete Development & Integrity prior to retaking course. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013-136 - A senior was alleged to have used unauthorized aid while completing an exam and also submitting non-original work for assignments. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a letter grade reduction. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 135 - A junior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's work during a quiz (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in course, the requirement to take EDCEP 502 and the 1xbet online games login may not re-enroll in course until EDCEP 502 is completed. Case Closed.


Case #2012/2013 - 134 - A freshman was alleged to have taken unauthorized materials/notes into a final examination (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the final exam and the requirement to take the EDCEP 502 course. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 133 - A senior was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's work during an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor submitted report as an Option 2. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 - 132 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized materials from an online resource and presented as own work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013 - 131 - A junior was alleged to have copied information from an online resource and presented it as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed.


Case #2012/2013 – 130 – A senior was alleged to have copied materials from an online resource and submitted as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on assignment and a resulting reduced course grade. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 – 128-129 – Six seniors are alleged to have collaborated on independent computer oriented projects (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on related projects, and a resulting reduced course grade. Cases Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 127 – A graduate 1xbet online games login alleged to have copied materials from an online resources and submitted it as his/her own work for a final exam (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 126 – A junior allegedly copied off another 1xbet online games login while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 125 – Four freshmen were alleged to have collaborated together on a take home exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the exam, completion of EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity, and an XF in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 124 – Two seniors are alleged to have collaborated on an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the exam and a grade cap of C. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 – 123 – A senior was alleged to have accessed old exams that were off limits (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a grade D. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 122 – A sophomore was alleged to have copied material from an online resources and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning, a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 121 – A sophomore alleged to have copied material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 120 – A junior alleged to have used a solutions manual to solve homework problems (unauthorized aid), or copied another 1xbet online games login 's work who copied the manual solution (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 – 119 – A junior alleged to have used a solutions manual to solve homework problems (unauthorized aid), or copied another 1xbet online games login 's work who copied the manual solution (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 118 – A sophomore alleged to have used a solutions manual to solve homework problems (unauthorized aid), or copied another 1xbet online games login 's work who copied the manual solution (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 117 – A senior alleged to have used a solutions manual to solve homework problems (unauthorized aid), or copied another 1xbet online games login 's work who copied the manual solution (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 116 – A senior alleged to have used a solutions manual to solve homework problems (unauthorized aid), or copied another 1xbet online games login 's work who copied the manual solution (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 115 – A sophomore was alleged to have copied material from an online resources and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor and GTA sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 114 – A senior was alleged to have used note sheets while taking a closed book final exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 113 – A senior was alleged to have copied lab exercise results from an online resource and presented as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 112 – Two freshmen were alleged to have copied off each other for an assignment that was to be done independently (plagiarism). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the assignment, the students were no longer able to earn extra credit and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 111 – Two freshman were alleged to have collaborated on an assignment together (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 110 – A junior was alleged to have signed/or had signed class attendance sheet while absent (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero for attendance. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 109 – A freshman and a sophomore were alleged to have collaborated on an assignment together (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 108 – A sophomore allegedly had a friend sign the class attendance sheet once while she was absent (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero for attendance grade. Case Dropped

Case #2012/2013 – 107 – A junior and a sophomore were alleged to have collaborated on an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with an XF in the course and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. The course can not be retaken until EDCEP 502 is completed. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 106 – One sophomore, one junior and one senior allegedly signed course attendance sheet for each other (falsification). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with an XF in the course, and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. EDCEP 502 must be completed prior to retaking course. Case Dropped.

Case #2012/2013 – 105 – A freshman allegedly copied another person's work word for word and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 104 – A senior allegedly used a note sheet while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 103 – Two students (one senior, one junior) were alleged to have collaborated on a final exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with a reduction on the exam and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 – 102 – A junior allegedly used an online software to complete an assignment (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 – 100-101 – See case description for cases 2012/2013-070-079, 084-087, 096, 100-101. Cases Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 099 – A junior allegedly copied material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 098 – A junior allegedly copied material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, an XF in the course and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity. Case Pending

Case #2012/2013 – 097 – A freshman 1xbet online games login allegedly plagiarized large sections of materials from an online resources and presented it as his/her own creative work. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 096 – See case description for cases 2012/2013-070-079, 084-087, 096, 100-101. Cases Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 095 - A senior allegedly solicited online to hire a person to complete a course project. The alleged violator paid 0 for the work and did submit the hired out work as his/her own creative work (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a permanent XF, and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course prior to being allowed to re-enroll in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 094 - A senior allegedly solicited online to hire a person to complete a course project. The alleged violator paid 0 for the work and did submit the hired out work as his/her own creative work (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a permanent XF, and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course prior to being allowed to re-enroll in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 093 - A junior allegedly solicited online to hire a person to complete a course project. The alleged violator paid 0 for the work and did submit the hired out work as his/her own creative work (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a permanent XF, and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course prior to being allowed to re-enroll in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 092 - A senior allegedly solicited online to hire a person to complete a course project. The alleged violator paid 0 for the work and did submit the hired out work as his/her own creative work (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a permanent XF, and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course prior to being allowed to re-enroll in the course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 091 - A freshman copied material from an online resources and presented it as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 090 - A senior and a junior submitted the same work when the assignment was to be completed independently (plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 089 - Two freshman allegedly collaborated (or one copied the work of the other) together to complete an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 088 - A senior allegedly plagiarized material from an online resources and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 – 084-087 – See description for cases 2012/2013-070-079, 084-087, 096, 100-101. Cases Closed (except for case 084)

Case #2012/2013 – 083 - A freshman allegedly submitted a previously completed paper (completed for an assignment in a different course) as his/her new creative work (falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, an XF in the course and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 082 - A freshman allegedly plagiarized another person's work and presented it as his/her own creative work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 081 - A sophomore 1xbet online games login was alleged to have accessed her cell phone while taking a final exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the final exam. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 080 - Two freshman worked together on an exam (unauthorized collaboration) and copied materials from an online resource (plagiarism). The reporting professor 1xbet online games login students with a 2-letter grade reduction. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 070-079, 084-087, 096, 100-101 - Eleven juniors, five seniors and one sophomore accessed a solutions manual to solve homework problems (unauthorized aid), or copied another 1xbet online games login 's homework (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a warning and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 069 - A senior was alleged to have violated the Honor Pledge by conducting unauthorized collaboration. The reporting professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 068 - A freshman copied another person's work and presented it his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the EDCEP Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 – 067 - Two seniors allegedly communicated with each other, shared a calculator and notes while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with a zero on the exam and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 – 062-066 - 12 seniors and three juniors worked with at least one other 1xbet online games login on a major project when it was required to be completed independently (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Assistant Professor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, the requirement to meet with the Department Head to discuss academic integrity topics, and completion of the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Cases Pending

Cases #2012/2013 – 060 and 061 - Two freshman brought and used notes to a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting instructor 1xbet online games login students with the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Cases Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 059 -Two juniors were alleged to violated the Honor Pledge by falsification. One 1xbet online games login (who skipped class) asked the other to complete an in-class assignment for him/her and turn it is as his/her own creative work. The reporting professor sanctioned both students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 503 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 058 -A senior accessed a solutions manual (unauthorized aid) to complete homework problems. The reporting Associate Professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 057 -A senior 1xbet online games login plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Assistant Professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 056 -A sophomore 1xbet online games login plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Assistant Professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 055 -A sophomore 1xbet online games login plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Assistant Professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 054 -Two juniors were alleged to violated the Honor Pledge by falsification. One 1xbet online games login (who skipped class) asked the other to complete an in-class assignment for him/her and turn it is as his/her own creative work. The reporting professor sanctioned both students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 503 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 053 -Two students (one a sophomore, one a junior) was alleged to turn in virtually the same report for an assignment (plagiarism). The Assistant Professor 1xbet online games login students with the requirement of taking the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 052 -A sophomore was alleged to have copied (plagiarism) text from online resources (without proper citation) and presented it has his/her own work. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning and the requirement that the assignment must be redone. Case Closed
Case #2012/2013 - 051 -A senior was alleged to have plagiarized material from Wikipedia and presented it as his/her own work. A professor reported the plagiarism and sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 050 -A senior was alleged to have copied (plagiarism) another 1xbet online games login 's work and presented it as his/her own work on two different assignment. The professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning, a reduced grade (with the option to redo assignment for full credit), an additional report on plagiarism and the requirement to take EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed


Case #2012/2013 - 049 -A junior allegedly copied a solutions manual while completing a homework assignment. Unauthorized aid is an Honor Code violation. The Reporter, Associate Professor, sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 048 -A freshman plagiarized material from online and presented it as his/her own work. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade, a new assignment be completed, and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 - 046-047 - Two freshman plagiarized material from an online resources and presented it as his/her own creative work. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the requirement of taking the EDCEP 502 Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 - 044-045 - Five students (3 juniors, 2 sophomores) collaborated with at least 1 1xbet online games login on an assignment when collaboration was not allowed. Unauthorized collaboration is an Honor Pledge violation. The instructor sanctioned students with a zero for the assignment and the requirement for students to take the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013 - 040-043 - Four juniors allegedly copied a solutions manual while completing a homework assignment. Unauthorized aid is an Honor Code violation. The Reporter, Associate Professor, sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 039 - A sophomore 1xbet online games login was alleged to have copied another freshman 1xbet online games login 's assignment and presented it as his/her own academic work. Unauthorized collaboration is an Honor Pledge violation. The reporting instructor sanctioned each 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 038 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed exam answers stored on his/her phone while taking an exam. Unauthorized aid is an Honor Pledge violation. Another 1xbet online games login in the course reported this alleged violation to the Department Head, who reported alleged violation to the Honor & Integrity System. The Department Head sanctioned alleged violation with a zero on the exam and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 037 - A junior plagiarized material from online resources. An instructor reported the alleged violation and sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 036 - A junior included materials from an online resource and did not cite the reference. Plagiarism is an Honor Pledge violation. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 035 - A freshman 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized an extra credit assignment. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the 1xbet online games login will not be allowed to earn any future extra credit in the course.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 034 - A freshman was alleged to have attempted to use unauthorized notes (unauthorized aid) while taking an exam. The reporting instructor confiscated the notes and sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 033 - A sophomore 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized substantial material from online resources for 2 papers. The reporting instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a 50% grade reduction, the papers were required to be rewritten and the 1xbet online games login was required to complete the EDCEP 502 Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 032 - Two freshman students were alleged to have falsified the time they left an event that was required for a course assignment. The reporter was an instructor and he 1xbet online games login students with a warning. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 022-31 - A professor alleged four freshmen, six sophomores and one senior 1xbet online games login submitted computer related work that was, at least, partially created by another 1xbet online games login . The syllabus stated each assignment was required to be completed individually. Unauthorized collaboration is an Honor Pledge violation. The students were sanctioned with an XF and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 021 - A junior 1xbet online games login was alleged to have accessed resources on the internet via a cell phone while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting GTA sanctioned 1xbet online games login with a warning and required the exam to be retaken. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 020 - An Assistant Professor reported a graduate 1xbet online games login allegedly plagiarized materials directly from online resources and presented as the 1xbet online games login 's own work. The professor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an F in the course. Case Closed


Case #2012/2013 - 019 - Two students (both sophomores) where alleged to have violated the Honor Pledge by unauthorized collaboration. The instructor (also reporter) specified the assignment was to be done independently. The instructor 1xbet online games login the students with a 25 point reduction in course grade, a zero on the assignment, the students will not be allowed to complete a course evaluation, the students are required to take the Development & Integrity course and not be allowed to re-enroll until the D&I course has been completed. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 018 - A freshman 1xbet online games login falsified (falsification) a note from a medical doctor to obtain an excused absence in a course. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF and required all previous projects be submitted.Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 017 - A junior 1xbet online games login was alleged to have copied substantial materials from resources online. The materials were presented as the 1xbet online games login 's own work. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with the following because of the alleged plagiarism: requirement of taking the Development and Integrity course, a grade reduction and requiring the assignment to be redone. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013 - 016 - A senior 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized materials from several sources online and presented the work as their own work. The instructor sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Closed

Cases #2012/2013-014 and 015Two undergraduate students (one Jr., one So.) had copies of a completed exam with them to use as unauthorized aid during an examination. The instructor reported the alleged violation. The students received a warning, zero on the exam and were required to take the Development & Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-013 - A senior 1xbet online games login was alleged to have copied substantial computer programming code from a 1xbet online games login that had previously completed the course. The plagiarized materials were submitted in a project as the 1xbet online games login 's own work. A professor reported the alleged violation and sanctioned 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-012 -Two freshman students were alleged to have collaborated on an exam. The reporter was an instructor and 1xbet online games login the students with an XF grade and the requirement of completing EDCEP 502 Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-011 -A senior was alleged to have obtained unauthorized aid by copying homework solutions from a solutions manual and presented it as his own work. The reporter was an instructor and the sanctions were zero on assignment and being required to take EDCEP 502 Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-010 -A Ph.D. 1xbet online games login was alleged to have falsely created research data. Falsification is an Honor Pledge violation. The 1xbet online games login 's major advisor (Professor) was the reporter and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in Ph.D. research for that semester. The reporter also immediately dismissed 1xbet online games login from research team and canceled GRA financial support. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-009 -A GTA reported a junior 1xbet online games login plagiarized material from Wikipedia and presented it as the 1xbet online games login 's own work. The instructor issued a zero grade for the assignment. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-008 - Two students (a senior and a junior) collaborated on an exam which is a violation of the Honor Pledge. The reporter was the course instructor and the sanction was a zero on the exam for both students. Case Closed

Case #2012/2013-007 - Two students (one a junior and one a sophomore) were alleged to have violated the Honor Pledge by unauthorized collaboration. The reporter was an instructor and had previously given warnings to these two students for this type of conduct. The sanctions were an XF grade in the course and requiring students to take the DI course. Case was dropped by the professor.

Case #2012/2013-006 - A senior 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized materials from other sources and presented the knowledge as if it was in the 1xbet online games login 's own words. The reporter was an Associate Professor and the 1xbet online games login was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013-005 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized materials directly from articles that were assigned to be reviewed and summarized in the 1xbet online games login 's own words. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity Course.Case Closed.


Case #2012/2013-004 - A sophomore 1xbet online games login was alleged to have received unauthorized help while completing a computer programming oriented assignment. The 1xbet online games login also plagiarized another person's work and presented it as his own work. A Professor reported the alleged Honor Pledge violation and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013-003 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized online materials and submitted it as his own creative work. An Associate Professor reported the alleged violation and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning, an XF grade for the course, and the requirement to take the Development and Integrity course prior to retaking the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2012/2013-002 - An Associate Professor alleged that a sophomore 1xbet online games login plagiarized sentences from a website and presented it as the 1xbet online games login 's own work. The 1xbet online games login was sanctioned with a warning and a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.


Case #2012/2013-001 - A senior 1xbet online games login is alleged to have obtained unauthorized aid from a website that contained quiz answers. The reporting Professor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning, a zero on the quiz and a grade cap of F in the senior level course. Case Closed.