Honor Pledge violations 1xbet online games login (August 2011-July 2012)

The following violations of the K-State 1xbet occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:K-Sta

This site was last updated on November 15, 2012


Cases #2011/2012-133, 134, and 135 - Nine students were alleged to have violated the Honor Code by collaborating in an unauthorized way during completion of online exams. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a permanent XF for the course. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-132 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have falsely created a Certification of Graduation for a Ph.D. that was unearned. The Certification was submitted to a third party as proof of degree completion. The Honor and Integrity System is investigating this case. Case Pending.

Case #2011/2012-131 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's exam answers and presented them as their own work. The associate professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-130 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another 1xbet online games login 's exam answers and presented them as their own work. The associate professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-129 - A senior was alleged to have copied text directly from two websites and presented it as their own creative work while completed a book review report. The associate professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-128 - A senior was alleged to have copied text directly from at least 4 websites and presented it, in a report, as the 1xbet online games login 's own creative work. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and completion of the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-127 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have engaged in plagiarism in an online graduate course. The 1xbet online games login was reported to have copied text from an online blog and presented it as their own work. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the course. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-126 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to have plagiarized in two graduate level courses. The 1xbet online games login was reported to have copied sections of text from references and presented it as their own work. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-125 - A junior was alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration in four courses. The reporter was another 1xbet online games login that provided the unacceptable assistance with reports, quizzes and exams. The case is being investigated by the Honor and Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-124 - A graduate 1xbet online games login was alleged to submit a term paper that was not original work. The 1xbet online games login plagiarized large sections of material from several references. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the course. Case Pending.

Case #2011/2012-123 - A graduate 1xbet online games login submitted a report with several section plagiarized from various references. The 1xbet online games login also inappropriately used a solutions manual while completing homework assignments. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-122 - A graduate 1xbet online games login submitted a report that was not entirely original work. It was vastly a rewrite of numerous references which were not properly cited. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-121- A graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was very similar to an article the professor was easily able to find online. The Professor has asked that the Honor and Integrity System investigate this case. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-120- A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The assistant professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper in which the 1xbet online games login took large portions of another text but did not properly give credit to the original author. The assistant professor has sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity course. Case closed.

Case #2011/2012-119- A junior and a sophomore are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The associate professor stated that the students submitted a lab report which was identical to another lab report from students in a different section of the class. The associate professor has sanctioned the students with a one letter grade reduction on the class grade, a zero on the assignment, and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-118- Three sophomores and one junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The assistant professor stated that the students had the answers for the final exam (which was given to a 1xbet online games login in the same section earlier in the week) written on their allowed note card for the test. The instructor has sanctioned the students with an XF for the class in which the X may not be removed . Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-117- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid, falsification, and theft. The assistant professor stated that the 1xbet online games login was allowed to take the final exam earlier than the rest of the class, but when the 1xbet online games login submitted the final exam, it was a different test and the 1xbet online games login took the final exam to give to others in the class. The instructor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the class in which the X may not be removed . Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-116- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted several papers in which portions were taken from sparknotes.com. The instructor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the class. Case closed.

Case #2011/2012-115- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login was seen using a notecard of class notes during the final exam for the class. The professor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam and an XF for the class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-114- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was very similar to a paper submitted by another 1xbet online games login for a different section of the class. The GTA has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity class and to re-write the paper in question with a grade cap of 50. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-113- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted various papers which had material from shmood.com and other websites without attribution. The instructor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the class. Case closed.

Case #2011/2012-112- A junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The Associate Director stated that the 1xbet online games login accessed online services while taking an electronic test. The Associate Director has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity Class and the 1xbet online games login may not be admitted to that department in the future. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-111- A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Associate Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login plagiarized extensively from various websites within a paper. The Associate Professor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity Class. Case closed.

Case #2011/2012-110- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The Assistant Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was very similar to a paper submitted by another 1xbet online games login for a different section of the class. The Assistant Professor has asked that the Honor and Integrity System investigate this case. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-109- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Assistant Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper in which words had been taken from an internet source without attribution, including full sections of text. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-108- Two juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The Associate Professor stated that the students submitted nearly identical assignments. The students admit that one 1xbet online games login sent the solution to the other 1xbet online games login . The Associate Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-107- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a project that was not their own as the instructor knew that the 1xbet online games login still had portions of the project in their work station. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the class and the requirement to take the Development and Integrity class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-106- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper in which portions came from online sources without attribution. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the class and the requirement to take the Development and Integrity class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-105- A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a two papers in which several passages were very refined. After a search online, the instructor found several websites from which the paper came. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignments in question. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-104- A freshman and a sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The GTA stated that the students submitted nearly identical papers. The GTA sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to take the Development and Integrity Class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-103- A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and falsification. The Assistant Professor stated that a 1xbet online games login submitted a lab report which was written by students who took the class a previous year. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, the requirement to take the Development and Integrity Class, and an XF for the class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-102- A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Associate Professor stated that a 1xbet online games login submitted a paper with several lines copied nearly verbatim from an online book The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment . Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-101- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that a 1xbet online games login submitted a paper with substantial potions coming directly from Wikipedia. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment . Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-100- A senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor stated that a 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment nearly identical to another 1xbet online games login 's assignment. In talking with the students, the other 1xbet online games login admitted to asking to copy this 1xbet online games login 's work to which this 1xbet online games login agreed. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning and a zero on the assignment . Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-099- A senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor stated that a 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment nearly identical to another 1xbet online games login 's assignment. In talking with the students, this 1xbet online games login admitted to asking to copy the other 1xbet online games login 's work. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning, a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-098- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was nearly identical to a 1xbet online games login 's paper which was submitted in a previous semester. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to rewrite the paper with a reduced grade and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-097- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The Professor stated that a 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was nearly identical to this 1xbet online games login 's paper which was submitted in a previous semester. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-096- A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which had a paragraph which was nearly identical to an online source without proper attribution. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-095- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which had several instances of phrases which came directly from the required text for the class. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-094- A junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. Another 1xbet online games login in the class stated that the 1xbet online games login was seen copying from another 1xbet online games login during a closed book exam. The 1xbet online games login in question admitted to this act. This case was given to the Honor and Integrity System to investigate.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-093- A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Assistant Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which had several instances of phrases which came directly from an online source. The assistant professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-092- A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was copied and pasted from an online website. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-091- A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Associate Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which had several instances of phrases matching an published documents without proper attribution. The associate professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the option to rewrite the paper for partial credit. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-090- A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was copied and pasted from an online website. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-089- Two students are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The instructor stated that the students recording an audio exam. The instructor sanctioned the students with no credit for the class, the requirement to enroll in DAS 032 as well as the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-088- A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was copied and pasted from an online website. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-087- A senior and a sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor stated that the students submitted various homework assignments with many similarities, including identical mistakes uncommon to the remainder of the class. The instructor sanctioned one 1xbet online games login with a warning and one 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-086- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was copied and pasted from an online website. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, a cap on the course grade of a C and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-085- A senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login placed a comment on a social network site claiming to have taken an online quiz for another 1xbet online games login in the same class. The instructor asked the Honor and Integrity System to investigate this case. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-084- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was copied and pasted from an online paper repository. The 1xbet online games login confessed to copying from the internet. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-083- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The assistant professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted information copied from a previous solutions key as their own work. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-082- A freshman, a sophomore and 2 juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The professor stated that the students had exams in which all had similar right and wrong answers. The students admitted to looking off one another 1xbet online games login 's paper during the exam. The professor sanctioned the students with zero on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-081- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The GTA stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper with various sections which were taken directly from other sources without attribution. The 1xbet online games login admitted to having plagiarizing portions of her paper. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-080- A senior and 2 juniors are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor stated that the students collaborated on an assignment. One 1xbet online games login had previously submitted the assignment and assisted the other two students with their work. The instructor sanctioned the students in the class with zero on the assignment and the 1xbet online games login who had previously had the class a warning .Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-079- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted another 1xbet online games login 's assignment and claimed it as their own. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-078- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The instructor stated that the students submitted an assignment reviewing an activity the 1xbet online games login did not take part in. The instructor sanctioned the students with zero on the assignment, a grade cap of a B in the class, and the requirement to enroll in and complete the Development and Integrity Course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-077- A sophomore and a junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor stated that the students collaborated on a take home assignment. The instructor sanctioned the students with zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and complete the Development and Integrity Course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-076- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The Graduate Teaching Assistant stated that the 1xbet online games login accessed online materials during a closed book/closed notes online exam. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and complete the Development and Integrity Course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-075- A Senior, freshman, and sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The professor stated that the students were sharing answers during a quiz and were talking during the quiz. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and a grade cap of a C in the class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-074- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted test scores which were fraudulent. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login the requirement to take an internal department test.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-073- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The professor stated that during a closed book exam, several sentences from the 1xbet online games login 's answers came directly from websites such as wikipedia. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to enroll in and complete the development and integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-072- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The instructor stated the 1xbet online games login looked at another 1xbet online games login 's paper during an exam. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-071- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login used online assistance to complete a required assignment. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-070- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login obtained help from another 1xbet online games login to assist in completing the 1xbet online games login 's own project. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-069- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login obtained a partial solution to a project to assist in completing the 1xbet online games login 's own project. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-068- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login admitted to discussing solutions to an assignment with another 1xbet online games login and in turn the two students had very similar responses to the assignment. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-067- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment in which the 1xbet online games login admitted to using an online translator to assist with the project. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment.Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-066 - A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration and unauthorized aid. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login was seen to be looking on another 1xbet online games login 's paper during an exam as well as pulling out notes to look at during the exam. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam and the requirement to take all additional exams under the direct supervision of the professor or GTA. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-065 - A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The Assistant Professor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper in which a portion was identical to a published paper without proper attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-064 - Two freshmen are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The graduate teaching assistant stated that both students submitted an assignment in which more that 50% was word-for-word the same as the other 1xbet online games login 's assignment. The GTA sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-063 - Two freshmen are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The Instructor stated that three of six homework assignments turned in by both students were very similar. The instructor sanctioned the students with a warning. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-062 - A junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The instructor stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a version of another 1xbet online games login 's project. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning and a reduced grade on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-061- A sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiairsm. The professor stated that the 1xbet online games login took material from an encyclopedia without any attribution. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF. Case Pending.

Case #2011/2012-060 - Two juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid and falsification. Upon electronic submission of an assignment, the Professor noticed that the assignment had another 1xbet online games login 's name within the assignment. The Professor sanctioned the students with an XF and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Pending.

Case #2011/2012-059 - A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted multiple papers which did not have appropriate citations nor were paraphrased or summarized correctly. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-058 - Two seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The professor noticed that two assignments submitted by the students were virtually identical. The students admitted to sharing the assignment. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with an XF and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Pending.

Case #2011/2012-057 - Three seniors are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism, unathorized collaboration and falsification. During the semester, the 1xbet online games login submitted similar and nearly identical assignmens for homework and projects. He professor made it clear to the students that all solutions must be their own original work. The Associate Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignments and reduced grade in the class. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-056- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, and falsification. The 1xbet online games login submitted a project which was originally created by another 1xbet online games login and submitted during a previous semester. The 1xbet online games login denied this action until such time as he was confronted with overwhelming evidence. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the project and an F in the course. However, the Associate Professor did allow the 1xbet online games login to create an original project and resubmit. If the project is submitted and deemed acceptable by January 5, 2011 the 1xbet online games login may graduate with the Fall 2011 class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-055- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. The instructor gave instructions for all study materials to be put away prior to disseminating the final exam. The instructor lated noticed the 1xbet online games login slide a small piece of paper under the 1xbet online games login 's scantron form. When the instructor approached the 1xbet online games login refused to show the instructor what was under the scantron form. The instructor wrestled the test materials away from the 1xbet online games login and discovered eight small pieces of paper containing class notes which were concealed by the other test material. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam, the requrirment to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course, and an XF in the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-054 - A junior and a senior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration during a final exam. The professor suspects that one 1xbet online games login copied off of another 1xbet online games login during the exam. GTAs involved noticed the 1xbet online games login looking around during the exam. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with an XF. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-053- A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading an assignment the instructor noted several paragraphs of copied text. The text were copied directly from a website with no attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-052- Seven Students (Juniors and Seniors) are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted homework and tests for an online course which contained identical numeric responses, including incorrect responses, were submitted in close proximity to each other, were submitted within a time-frame which was not appropriate for the estimated length of time to reasonably complete the test individually. A closer examination of all work submitted during the semester revealed a consistent pattern of collaboration throughout the semester. The Instructor sanctioned all students with an XF in the course of violation and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity course prior to re-enrolling in the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-051- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students were given two versions of an in-class exam. The 1xbet online games login submitted responses which were representative of both versions of the exam. The 1xbet online games login , when confronted by the faculty member, admitted to looking at another students exam during the test. The Professor noted the responses were further developed and that their was evidence of work beyond that which was copied. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-050- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted a major class project which had elements which did not match the guidelines established for the fall 2011 semester but did match those set for the fall 2010 semester. A review of previously submitted projects revealed the 1xbet online games login had copied elements of another students project and claimed those elements as original work. The original author of the project was interviewed and it was determined the 1xbet online games login had no knowledge of the use of the project in a subsequent semester. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Pending.

Case #2011/2012-049- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Two versions of an in-class exam were distributed. The 1xbet online games login submitted a response she which contained answers to problems from both versions of the exam, one of which the AV acknowled receipt of by signing the students name on the exam version. The 1xbet online games login is alleged to have copied answers from some 1xbet online games login who had a different version of the exam and submitted that as original work. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-048- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted answers on a scantron form in response to a exam given in class. An examination of the responses provided demonstrate that the answers matched the alternate version of the exam distributed by the instructor in the same class. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-047-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login was submitted a paper which had sections copied verbatim from several websites without any attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-046-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login was submitted a paper which had sections copied verbatim from several websites without any attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-045- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper with uncited material which was directly copied from another 1xbet online games login 's rough draft paper. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Pending

Case #2011/2012-044- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment which demonstrated work which was deemed to exceed the abilities of a 1xbet online games login in an introductory course. The 1xbet online games login admitted to using an online translator to assist with the project. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-043- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment which demonstrated work which was deemed to exceed the abilities of a 1xbet online games login in an introductory course. The 1xbet online games login admitted to using an online translator to assist with the project. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-042- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading an online assignment submitted by the 1xbet online games login the instructor noted that the contents of the post were very similar to another 1xbet online games login 's post. It was determined that the post was taken from an online blog. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-041- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which incorporated words and phrases from an unauthorized source in the submitted paper without any type of citation. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-040- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet online games login approached the GTA on two occasions asking for credit for questions originally marked incorrect on an exam. Upon review of the test paper, it appears that the pencil markings of the correct answers is on top of the red pen marking the incorrect answers. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login an XF for the class. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-039- A Junior and Senior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students were in separate groups working on a group project, however one 1xbet online games login shared one groups work with the other 1xbet online games login . The Professor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-038- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading an online assignment submitted by the 1xbet online games login the instructor noted that the contents of the post were very similar to another 1xbet online games login 's post. It was determined that the post was taken from an online blog. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-037- A Sophomore and Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. While grading a take-home exam, the professor found similarities between the two tests. After confronting the students, the students admitted to working on the entire test together. The Professor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-036- Two Freshmen are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. While grading submitted reports the instructor noted similarities in the two reports.After meeting with the students, the instructor determined that the students had completed the assignment together. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-035- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading an assignment submitted by the 1xbet online games login the instructor noted that the contents of the paper, with the exception of the first sentence and the final paragraph, had been copied directly from a website without attribution. The instructor also indicated the 1xbet online games login had received several warnings regarding plagiarism earlier in the semester. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignments, an XF in the course, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-034- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid while completing an essay. The instructor, while grading the essay, determined the work was representative of a much higher level of understanding than previously demonstrated by the 1xbet online games login . A comparison of prior work and the paper revealed the 1xbet online games login consistently made minor errors which are not represented in the essay. Additionally, the essay demonstrates a much higher degree of specialized understanding of the content area than is typical of a beginning 1xbet online games login . The Visiting Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-033- Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. While grading submitted lab reports the instructor noted similarities in the two reports. A side by side comparison revealed the students had copied several paragraphs from one paper into the other paper. In an attempt to conceal this fact, some of the words were moved around and subtle changes were made to some of the sentences. However, each sentence stated the same thing and were in the same order on both paper. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-032- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was not characteristic of previously submitted work. The instructor discovered the paper had been plagiarized from a peer reviewed journal. The 1xbet online games login is also alleged to have created data used in the body of the paper and submitted this as original research. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-031- Two Freshman are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on several homework assignments. The instructors noted similarities in sentence usage and sequence when reviewing the papers. Upon closer examination the faculty members noted multiple similarities apparent in the assignments which did not exist between any other papers submitted for the class. The Professor and Associate Professor have requested that the Honor & Integrity System conduct an investigation of this matter. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-030- Three students, a Sophomore, a Junior, and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor noted inconsistencies in the turn in procedures for quizzes given in class. Upon comparing the quiz grades of the students involved, the instructor noted similar incorrect procedures used in calculating the response to the question. The instructor was also notified by the GTA for the course that he had given verbal warning to one of the students during an in-class exam. Upon comparing the responses on the exam the instructor once again noted exact incorrect responses which contained the same incorrect procedures. The Professor has requested that the Honor & Integrity System investigate this issue. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-029- A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor for the course stated the 1xbet online games login copied portions of the author's work and submitted the copied work as a part of the submitted response to a take-home final exam without attribution. Additionally, the exam instructions specifically prohibited copying the work from the author and required the work be original. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-028- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted answers on a scantron form in response to a quiz given in class. An examination of the responses provided demonstrate that the answers perfectly match the alternate version of the exam distributed by the instructor in the same class. The comparison also revealed that the 1xbet online games login responses match only one correct response from the exam which was distributed to the 1xbet online games login . The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the quiz portion of the final grade for the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-027- A Sophomore and a Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on assignments and exams submitted in a course. The students had very similar start and submission times on a take home exam. This promoted the instructor to exam in the responses given on the exam. The exam responses were identical. Additionally, after reviewing the similarities on the submitted exam the instructor reviewed all assignments and exams submitted during the semester. The same pattern of similarities in submission times and responses held true for all assignments and exams. The instructor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity course prior to re-enrolling in the course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-026- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for grading which contained sentence structure and vocabulary which was not consistent with prior submitted work. The Instructor used a sentence from the paper to conduct a Google search. A website was quickly identified which contained the majority of the text submitted in the paper. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2011/2012-025- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted an exam which contained answers that were copied from another 1xbet online games login during the exam. The 1xbet online games login admitted to this action and indicated the other 1xbet online games login had no knowledge of these actions. The 1xbet online games login was sanctioned with a zero on the exam.Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-024- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper in which you admitted someone else had written for you. The instructor reported this as a violation of the Honor Pledge and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a grade cap of 50% on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course.. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-023- A freshman and a sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted projects which were virtually idential in some key portions. The instructor reported this as a violation of the Honor Pledge and sanctioned the students with an XF. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-022- A freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted a quiz on two occasions where the answers submitted matched teh ansers of another version of the quiz. The professor reported this as a violation of the Honor Pledge and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the quiz, up to one letter grade reduction of the course, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-021- A Junior and two seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The three students were observed passing something back and forth during an exam. The professor reported this as a violation of the Honor Pledge and sanctioned the students with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Ca se #2011/2012-020- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The 1xbet online games login submitted homework that had a incorrect value. The value was the same as the erros in the book's solution manual. The instructor reported this as a violation of the Honor Pledge and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-019- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The 1xbet online games login submitted homework that had a incorrect value. The value was the same as the erros in the book's solution manual. The instructor reported this as a violation of the Honor Pledge and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-018- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet online games login attempted to submitted an Academic History Report which had been altered to reflect grades which were not earned by the 1xbet online games login . The registrars office has reported this incident to the Honor & Integrity System and requested an investigation.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-017- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a report containing significant sections which had been copied, word for word, directly from another source. The 1xbet online games login did cite the source but did not indicated the text was a direct quote. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the paper and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-016- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading a submitted paper the instructor questioned some of the phrasing used in the paper. The instructor use the "google" search engine to conduct and internet search using key phrases from the submitted paper. A paper was found online from which significant portions were copied without attribution. The 1xbet online games login admitted to copying the paper. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to rewrite the paper and to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-015- A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet online games login accessed an electronic file for a project, copied it and submitted it as original work. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-014- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. The 1xbet online games login was witnessed by the GTA to have been looking at notes during the midterm exam. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-013- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a report containing a paragraph which had been copied directly from an internet source without appropriate attribution. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and a warning that a future incident would result in an XF for the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-012- Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment which when compared side by side were deemed to contain identical responses. Given the similarities in response the students are alleged to have copied answers from each other in the development of the product to be submitted. The Associate Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-011- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration and plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login elected to submit an assignment late and get help from a 1xbet online games login who was meeting with the instructor regarding the assignment. Following the meeting the 1xbet online games login gave information and assistance to the other 1xbet online games login who copied portions of the project and then submitted it as original work. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-010- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment which was copied from the solutions manual for the text used in the course. The 1xbet online games login admitted to this action in an email to the instructor. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-009- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment which demonstrated work which was deemed to exceed the abilities of a 1xbet online games login in an introductory course. The 1xbet online games login 's other work does not demonstrate a command of the subject matter at, or near, the level shown in the work assignment. The Assistant Professor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-008 -Two juniors are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The students submitted assignments which were nearly identical with the exception of a couple of minor words changed. The Associate Professor sanctioned teh students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course.Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-007- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted two products, one a test essay and one a homework assignment which were copied from the sparknotes website with very little modification and no attempt at attribution. The 1xbet online games login when confronted denied the allegation and indicated the information had come from a phone call with a friend and not been copied from a website. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-006-A Senior is alleged to have committed an Honor System violation in two courses. Papers from the courses were sent to an independent grader. The grader received both papers and noted they were nearly identical but had been submitted to two separate instructors. The instructors indicated the 1xbet online games login had not received permission to submit the same paper in both classes. The Associate Professor and Instructor elected to sanction the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on both papers. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-005- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted a write up for a lab assignment which contained portions of the lab required for a previous semester but not required during the current semester. Additionally, the numbers used to calculate the solutions were not consistent with this semesters problem. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.


Case #2011/2012-004- Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The students copied answers from the solutions manual for the text used in the course and submitted the responses as original work. The students submitted letters acknowledging the action. The Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-003-A Freshmen is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and falsification. The 1xbet online games login was supposed to prepare a written report on a specific topic identified in class. The report submitted by the 1xbet online games login failed to address the topic. The instructor decided to conduct a Google search from various text represented in the paper. The instructor identified three internet based sources from which the text had been cut and pasted into the submitted document. Multiple other portions of the document contained text which had been slightly altered from the same internet sources. None of the sources where the text was located were identified on the works cited page. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-002-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login was submitted a paper which used information from three sources without any attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2011/2012-001-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login was required to write and essay for a modern language class in a language other than English. The 1xbet online games login was to do this assignment independently. The 1xbet online games login 's essay contained evidence of advanced vocabulary usage, text structures, and grammar usage which is not typical of a 1xbet online games login in a second year modern language course. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an a reduced grade on the assignment, the requirement to meet to discuss the 1xbet online games login 's contribution to the essay without the assistance of an outside source, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.