honor 1xbet sports betting Pledge Violations (AUGUST 2010-JULY 2011)

The following violations of the Honor Pledge occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:TERM

This site was last updated on Septmeber 22, 2011


Case #2010/2011-154-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Students were required to submit a half-page response to an assigned reading. Upon grading the 1xbet sports betting 's paper the instructor noted the response seemed odd. A short online search revealed a blog post from which the 1xbet sports betting 's paper had been copied verbatim. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-153-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Upon grading a paper submitted by the 1xbet sports betting , the instructor noted the paper had been copied and pasted from several websites without any attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the development and Integrity course. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-152-A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have falsified research data.The 1xbet sports betting presented data from an experiment to the director of the project. The director became suspicious due to the similarity of the data to another experiment. The director requested additional information which the 1xbet sports betting did not possess. The director contacted the lab technician and determined the 1xbet sports betting did not utilize the lab equipment on the dates stated by the 1xbet sports betting . Upon further questioning the 1xbet sports betting admitted to falsifying the data. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and dismissal from the research team. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-151-A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted an assignment which contained text copied directly from an Internet source. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a revised version of the assignment at a later date. The revised version also contained text directly copied from a website with no attempt at attribution. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-149-150-A Freshman and a Sophomore are alleged to have engaged in falsification. The Freshman was required to successfully complete the English Proficiency Exam. The administrator of the examination alleged the Sophomore sat in for the Freshman and completed the exam in place of the Freshman. This conclusion was reached through a handwriting comparison. Both students received a warning from the Honor & Integrity System office and the Freshman is required to retake the exam.Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-148-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Upon grading a paper submitted by the 1xbet sports betting , the instructor noted the paper had been copied and pasted from several websites without any attempt at attribution. After reviewing other assignments for the class, the Associate Professor noted plagiarism in at least two other papers. The Associate Professort sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-147- A Sophomore is alleged to have falsified documentation in an attempt to gain credit for work not completed. The 1xbet sports betting claimed the instructor of the course failed to record six quiz grades complete throughout the semester. The 1xbet sports betting filed a grade grievance and supplied copies of the graded quizzes to the college level grievance administrator. The 1xbet sports betting was asked to supply the original quizzes rather than copies. The 1xbet sports betting complied with the request. The original quizzes revealed distinct erasure marks around the location for the 1xbet sports betting 's name. Additionally, the instructor did have records for the 1xbet sports betting 's scores on two of the six quizzes. The 1xbet sports betting 's recorded scores were significantly lower than the quizzes submitted by the 1xbet sports betting as evidence of completing the quizzes. As a result the Assistant Dean sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with the requirement to enroll in the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-146- A Freshman is alleged to have plagiarized. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which was reviewed by a GTA. The GTA notified the instructor of the course that several sentences in the paper did not utilize wording which was consistent with that which the 1xbet sports betting had previously submitted. The GTA and Instructor conducted a series of internet searches and identified six sources which were directly copied with no attempt at attribution. The paper did not contain in-text citations and the sources were not included in the reference section of the paper. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper, a grade cap of C in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-127-145- An Instructor discovered multiple students were accessing prior examples of the final project from the course and using this material in varying degrees when completing their final projects as well as working with other students. Some students were found to have copied the previously submitted projects exactly, others students copied parts of the project, some students admitted to helping fellow students, and others admit to working with fellow classmates or people from previous semesters. The instructor made it clear to all students in the class that all work was to be done individually, without the assistance of other students or outside resources. A total of 23 students (3 Sophomores, 8 Juniors, and 12 Seniors) were sanctioned with varying degrees of sanctions ranging from a warning to an XF in the course. Cases Closed.

Case #2010/2011-126- A Junior is alleged to have falsified attendance documentation. The 1xbet sports betting notified the instructor that the 1xbet sports betting received a jury summons and had been selected to serve on a jury panel during a class period in which the final assessment was due to be administered. The instructor requested documentation of the summons and selection prior to excusing the absence. The 1xbet sports betting supplied verification. Upon checking with the county court system it was discovered the 1xbet sports betting had altered the document and forged the signature. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-125- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained text copied from the course textbook without any attempt at attribution. The 1xbet sports betting did not include in-text citation or a reference page. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-124- Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted responses on two separate take home exams which were strikingly similar including errors which were unique to the two 1xbet sports betting 's papers. The instructor sanctioned both students with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Pending.

Case #2010/2011-123- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The paper submitted by the 1xbet sports betting contained five portions of text which were copied directly from various websites without an attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-122- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting submitted two papers which were not original work. The instructor while grading noted the paper was a review of a film which had been schedule to be viewed in class but was canceled due to time constraints. The instructor requested instructors from other sections of the course review submissions for comparison. An instructor from a separate section found the identical paper had been submitted for grading by another 1xbet sports betting . Comparisons of a second paper submitted by the two students showed that the second paper was also an identical match. Investigation revealed the freshman had borrowed the laptop from another 1xbet sports betting and copied both papers from the hard drive and submitted them as original work. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a grade cap of a D in the course, the requirement to redo the assignments, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-121- A graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained text copied word for word from various websites without attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-120 - A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism in a class during the fall 2010 semester. The instructor was recently informed that an assignment submitted by the 1xbet sports betting was plagiarized from a website. The assignment required the 1xbet sports betting to create a website design related to the class. The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have copied the code from the existing website and modified the code slightly. The 1xbet sports betting admitted to the action when confronted. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment, the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course, and to complete a 3-5 page paper related to plagiarism, appropriation, and copy-write law. Case Closed.

C ase #2010/2011-116-119 Three Juniors and one Senior are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor upon reviewing the submitted final projects, noted a deficiency in citations on each of the paper. These deficiencies included failure to include in-text citations, no footnotes or end-notes, and failure to appropriately cite graphic images to the original owner. The instructor sanctioned each 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and a cap of a C on the course grade until the papers are re-written and the citations are corrected. Case Pending. (Case 119 was dismissed by the instructor prior to 1xbet sports betting notification.) Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-115- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting was witnessed by two GTA's looking at other 1xbet sports betting 's exam responses during the second in class exam. The 1xbet sports betting was warned not to repeat this behavior. During exam three the 1xbet sports betting was once again witnessed to be repeatedly looking at other 1xbet sports betting 's exams. The 1xbet sports betting was isolated during the remaining period of the exam. Exam responses were compared following the exam and the results indicate the 1xbet sports betting did copy answers from other students during both exams. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the second exam and a zero on the third exam. The 1xbet sports betting is also required to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-114- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which did not address the assignment. In fact upon close reading it was discovered the paper was written for the second in a series of courses offered through the department. The 1xbet sports betting was confronted with the suspicions that the paper was written by someone else. The 1xbet sports betting admitted he did not write the paper. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-113- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting submitted quizzes on two separate occasions on which the responses match a version of the quiz the 1xbet sports betting was not given. The 1xbet sports betting was given a zero on the first occasion and warned not to repeat the behavior. The second instance occurred later in the semester. The 1xbet sports betting admitted to copying from a 1xbet sports betting sitting in the next seat. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on both exams, a one letter grade deduction in the overall course grade, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-112- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet sports betting notified the instructor that the 1xbet sports betting would be late to the in-class final exam. The 1xbet sports betting then accessed the KSOL online exam from a remote location by guessing the password for the exam. The 1xbet sports betting completed the exam at the remote location. The 1xbet sports betting admitted to breaching test security. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-111- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which consisted of an 800 word essay in a language other than English. The instructor had previously established a list of websites which could by used for translation however, the vocabulary used for the paper was not recognizable from the approved websites. Upon confronting the 1xbet sports betting the 1xbet sports betting admitted to using two unapproved website for translation purposes. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper with a chance to resubmit for 50% credit, and is further requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-110- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained unrecognized phrasing and vocabulary. The instructor had previously established a list of websites which could by used for translation however, the vocabulary used for the paper was not recognizable from the approved websites. Upon confronting the 1xbet sports betting the 1xbet sports betting admitted to using an unapproved website for translation purposes. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper with a chance to resubmit for 50% credit, and is further requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-109- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting took photographs of a secured quiz document during the review session following the quiz. The 1xbet sports betting then email the photographs to 15 classmates. The instructor alleged this is a violation of the test security measures. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the corse and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-108- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which was found by the instructor to contain three sections which were copied from the website Wikipedia.com without any attempt at attribution. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-107- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. Upon grading an exam the instructor noted several students neglected to include a required component in their response to a specific question. The instructor deducted an appropriate number of points for this omission. After returning the exam and reviewing the material on the exam, the Junior approached the instructor stating that the instructor did not see that the 1xbet sports betting had written the required component on the exam. The instructor alleges the 1xbet sports betting falsified the information in an attempt to earn credit for work that was not originally recorded on the exam. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Pending.

Case #2010/2011-106- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted work that was identical to that of another 1xbet sports betting . When confronted the 1xbet sports betting admitted to finding a printed copy of the other students work and submitting it as original work. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-105- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which was found by the instructor to contain extensive amounts of text which was copied from four separate websites. The 1xbet sports betting also provided false citations which were designed to indicate the plagiarized text originated from the course reading material. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in the Development and Integrity course. Additionally the Assistant Professor is requiring the 1xbet sports betting to complete the D&I course prior to re-enrolling in the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-104- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting copied large portions of text from a website into a paper submitted for grading. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-103- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarisms.The 1xbet sports betting submitted an essay portion of a project which when examined revealed extensive instances of text copied nearly verbatim without attribution to the original author. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with the requirement to redo the assignment with a 1/4 deduction of the overall points possible on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-102- Two Freshman are alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. At the end of an in-class exam a 1xbet sports betting reported that the other two students were using their cell phones to communicate and access the Internet during the exam. The Professor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-101- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading the assignment the instructor noticed the paper used an extensive amount of direct quotes without an attempt at attribution. The instructor returned the paper to the 1xbet sports betting for correction and required the 1xbet sports betting to include a summary of the university policy on plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting completed the revision of the paper and provided an adequate summary of the university plagiarism policy. However, the revised paper also contained an extensive amount of plagiarized text. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-100-A Junior and a Sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. Upon grading the assignment the instructor noted visual similarities. Further examination of demonstrated the students had shared an electronic file which was against course policy. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-099- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. Upon grading the instructor noted the students paper demonstrated a language proficiency not previously demonstrate in class. The assignments specifically prohibited the use of outside assistance on the assignment. When confronted the 1xbet sports betting admitted to seeking assistance from an online translation tool. The instructor also believes the help of a native speaker of the specific language provided additional assistance on the paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-098- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor used two versions of the exam when administering the exam. The 1xbet sports betting reported using receiving version 1 of the exam. The responses were graded using the answer key for version 1. The instructor later discovered the 1xbet sports betting was actually distributed version 2 of the exam. When the responses were regraded with the answer key for version 2 the grade decreased substantially. The 1xbet sports betting denied copying answers from anyone else. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning from the Honor & Integrity System and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. CaseClosed.

Case #2010/2011-096-97-Two Freshman are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. While grading an exam the instructor noted the exam responses were similar. The similarities were distinct enough to indicated the work was not completed independently. When speaking to the students individual, one 1xbet sports betting admitted to looking at the other students responses. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting who admitted with a zero on the exam and the other 1xbet sports betting with an official warning through the Honor and integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-095- A 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting was seen looking at another students paper during an exam. Upon comparison of the exam recording sheets the instructor noted the 1xbet sports betting had the same response for 25 of the 36 exam questions. The instructor also noted that eight responses were changed from original responses as indicated by erasure marks. Each of these eight responses match those of the other 1xbet sports betting including two which were incorrect. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course.Case Pending.

Case #2010/2011-093-094- Two Freshman are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. While grading the assignment the instructor discovered both students had submitted the same assignment. The instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment, and XF in the course of violation, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Pending.

Case #2010/2011-090- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. The 1xbet sports betting concealed formula information on the inside lid of a calculator prior to an exam. During the exam the calculator was used, thereby giving the 1xbet sports betting access to the information while responding to the questions. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-089- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a mid-term essay which contained an extensive paragraph which had been copied directly from a website without attribution. The paragraph constituted one third of the total paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-088- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and the use of unauthorized aid. The instructor of a KSU course was contacted by an outside person notifying the instructor that a posting at freelancer.com was requesting a project be completed for pay. The name of the files contained the instructors name and the name of the contracting individual. The individual is a 1xbet sports betting in the course and the contract requested was directly related to an assignment given by the instructor. The contract requested the assignment be completed within the hour for the sum of . The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-087- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted an assignment which contained a plagiarized statement from the internet. The statement was modified and citation for a paraphrase was used. However, the statement maintained significant portions of the original text and was not attributed correctly. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course . Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-086- Three Sophomore's are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students were seen looking around during the exam. The instructor warned the students to keep their eyes on their own exams. Upon grading the instructor noted the students had identical answers to all multiple choice questions and very similar (with one or two words different) responses on the short answer questions. Most notable is that the same incorrect responses were given on the questions the students answered incorrectly. The Research Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-085-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained sections of text which were copied directly from the assigned readings without the use of quotation marks and in some instances with no attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the assignment, an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed .

Case #2010/2011-084- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted two papers, one for an assignment and the other as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the mid-term exam, which contained text copied from two websites without attribution. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment, a zero on the mid-term exam, and is requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in and successfully complete the development and integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-083-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper containing sentences which were directly copied from an internet site without attribution. The 1xbet sports betting was asked to correct the situation. The revised sentence was so well written the instructor elected to "google" the sentence. The return indicated the sentence was an exact match to a sentence contained on a papers for sale site. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning from the Honor & Integrity System, a reduced grade on the assignment, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-082- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained several passages which were copied directly from a website. Additionally, the 1xbet sports betting copied text directly from the book but failed to included quotation marks or footnotes to attribute the words to the original author. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the assignment, a warning through the Honor & Integrity System Office, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-081- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper for grading in which the majority of the text was copied directly from a website. The instructors discussed the situation with the 1xbet sports betting who denied the allegation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. The 1xbet sports betting is contesting the allegation. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-080- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the theft of an exam. The 1xbet sports betting was given the test back after grading to review responses. All students were instructed to return the exam prior to exiting the room. The 1xbet sports betting failed to return the exam thereby violating the instructor's attempts at establishing the security of the test. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on te exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-079- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting was given one version of an in-class exam. When the 1xbet sports betting submitted the exam, the responses contained data which originated from the other version of the exam distributed in class. The responses on the 1xbet sports betting sheet could not be derived from the version of the exam the 1xbet sports betting was given. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-078- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid. The 1xbet sports betting was observed using his cell phone to access information via the Internet during the in-class exam. The instructor specifically noted the 1xbet sports betting was looking up information in an on-line encyclopedia. The search term used was directly related to one of the topics covered in the exam. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-077- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. A 1xbet sports betting enrolled in the same course submitted an assignment which contained this students name (See case 075). The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-076- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. A 1xbet sports betting enrolled in the same course submitted an assignment which contained this students name (See case 075). The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-075- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting submitted two parts of a home work assignment under a file name containing the 1xbet sports betting 's initials. Upon grading the assignment the instructor noticed that each file associated with the students submission, when opened, contained the name of a different 1xbet sports betting enrolled in the course.The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-074- Two students (Junior and Senior) are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration during an in-class exam. A GTA serving as a proctor noted two students passing scan-tron forms back and forth while the instructor was distracted answering a question. The proctor reported this to the instructor who approached the students. The instructor noted an additional scan-tron form on the desk with as students name and ID number written on the form but no other marks. The instructor confiscated this form and allowed the students to complete the exam. Upon completion of the exam the instructor reviewed both response sheets. The responses on the first 19 questions were nearly identical. The 1xbet sports betting answered 7 of these incorrect with five of the incorrect responses being the same on both response sheets. The remaining responses on the exam were very different from one another. Additionally, the instructor reviewed all prior exams for these two individuals in the course. The students scored the same grade on the two previous exams (missing identical questions) leading the instructor to believe the students had been engaged in this act throughout the semester. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-073- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. After returning graded exams the instructor reviewed all problems on the exam. The 1xbet sports betting approached the instructor after the exam and claimed the instructor deducted points for a problem which was completed correctly. The instructor claims the 1xbet sports betting left the problem blank and copied the instructors review of the problem in an attempt to gain more credit on the exam. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-072- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting was observe during the lunch hour copying the work of another 1xbet sports betting . The witness investigated the name of the 1xbet sports betting and then reported the 1xbet sports betting to the instructor of record for the course. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-071- A Senior is alleged to have engaged falsification. The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have obtained a grade change form, filled out the form requesting the grade earned by the 1xbet sports betting in a class be changed from an F to a D in order to allow the 1xbet sports betting to graduate. The prepared a typed memo to appear to have originated from the registrar's office requesting the instructor of record complete the grade change form by affixing a signature and returning the form to the registrar's office. The form was them placed in an envelope which had been modified to appear as though it had been circulated through campus mail to a number of locations. The instructor, upon receipt of the grade change form, contacted the Assistant Dean of the College to report the falsified document. The Assistant Dean contacted the Honor & Integrity office to report the violation. The Assistant Dean filed the report as an Option 2 requesting an Honor & Integrity System investigation with a recommendation that should the 1xbet sports betting be found responsible the 1xbet sports betting should be suspended from the university. Case Closed .

Case #2010/2011-070- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor of the class distributed two version of an exam to be taken in class. The questions were the same on each exam but the answer choices were different. The 1xbet sports betting submitted exam responses that did not match the version of the exam given to the 1xbet sports betting but match the version of the exam of the 1xbet sports betting sitting in the next seat. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam and revoked the option of using the final exam grade to replace the exam score of zero. The 1xbet sports betting met with a representative from the Honor & Integrity System and elected not to contest the violation report. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-069- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting provided an answer to a problem which was incorrect but the correct answer for the alternate version of the exam passed out in class. Additionally, during the final exam the 1xbet sports betting was discovered using an electronic device during the exam which was expressly forbidden as stated prior to the exam. The 1xbet sports betting acknowledged responsibility for both of these incidents through an email correspondence. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduction on both the quiz and exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-068- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet sports betting was to have documented, via original artifact, an ongoing interaction with a research subject. When reviewing the artifacts for grading the instructor noted similarities between the 1xbet sports betting 's handwriting and the subjects work. The instructor interviewed the subject and discovered the subject did not complete any of the submitted artifacts. When confronted, the 1xbet sports betting admitted to falsifying all of the artifacts. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with the requirement to redo the 45 hour practicum experience and with a grade cap of a C, assuming successful completion of the practicum. Case closed.

Case #2010/2011-067- Eighteen Graduate Students are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid (See description for Case 066). Eight of the students were sanctioned with the requirement to complete an additional ethics assignment and ten students were required to complete the ethics assignment and received a 30 point deduction on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-066- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The instructor was developing an exam based upon 1xbet sports betting generated questions and answers. The graduate 1xbet sports betting contacted the various groups in an attempt to gather the questions being generated in an effort to compile a list of questions and answers to be disseminated prior to the tests. This effort was seen by the instructor as an attempt to circumvent the assessment process and was implicitly unauthorized. The instructor discovered the efforts and collected a number of admissions from those involved. In addition, electronic messages were supplied to the instructor which indicated the individuals was acutely aware the action was unauthorized. The Professor changed the final exam prior to distribution and sanctioned multiple students (See Case 067) for varying degrees of complicity in the scheme. The originator of the action was sanctioned with a 30 point deduction on the exam, a requirement to complete an ethics assignment, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-065- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized aid. The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have provided a previously completed final project which was submitted in an earlier semester to another 1xbet sports betting for reference use while the other 1xbet sports betting completed their own project for the course. The second 1xbet sports betting copied several parts of the project and included these parts in the final submission for grading. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning. (For related information see Case #2010/2011-39-56.) Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-064- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a final project which when compared to another students project revealed numerous instances of plagiarism both in text and design. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in the Development and Integrity course. However, given that the 1xbet sports betting is enrolled in a degree program which will be discontinued in the near future, there is insufficient time for the 1xbet sports betting to repeat the course. Therefore, the instructors have agree to allow the 1xbet sports betting to rework the assignment eliminating all instances of plagiarism and to resubmit for a grade. Should the 1xbet sports betting complete the project successfully, the instructors have capped the course grade at a C. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-063- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. In partial fulfillment of a project for the course, students were to interview a mentor in the field of study and utilize the information as the basis for a personal growth plan. The instructor for the course questioned information included in the report and the handwriting of the mentor, specifically the instructor noted the handwriting of the mentor was similar to that demonstrated by the 1xbet sports betting . Upon investigation the instructor was able to ascertain that the 1xbet sports betting did not conduct the reported interview and falsified the information contained within the report. The Assistant Dean sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment, a cap of a B on the course grade, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-062- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a final paper which was found to contain at least five instances of passages which were directly copied from web-based site without any attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-061- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted nine chapter summaries as a part of multiple quizzes taken throughout the semester. All quizzes were submitted on the same day. Upon review the instructor discovered the chapter summaries were copied from a web based site related to the textbook. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on all quizzes, a grade cap of a C in the course, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course offered through the Honor System office.Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-060- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid while completing a take-home exam. The instructor conducted a thorough review of the exam submitted by the 1xbet sports betting and found answers which originated from previous exams and internet-based websites. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-059- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a rather lengthy and in-depth research project which contained no in-text citation. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-058- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized assistance during an exam. KSOL records indicate the 1xbet sports betting accessed powerpoint files from the class during the exam. The 1xbet sports betting denied accessing the files and claims an error was made in the electronic records. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam. The 1xbet sports betting has requested an Honor System Investigation be initiated to explore the possibility of an error occurring. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-057- A Junior and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in attempts to secure higher scores than that which was earned on the weekly quizzes for a course. The instructor became aware of the situation when he discovered a discrepancy in the grades reflected on KSOL. After contacting ITAC for assistance with a forensic analysis of the grading records it was discovered that the course grader changes the weekly test grades for two students in the course. The analysis from ITAC indicated the graders EID and home IP address were used to facilitate the grade change. The grader admitted to changing the graders after being approached by the two students who requested some help in passing the course. The grader changed the grades in such a manner that if the students did well on the final they would have been able to pass the course with a C. The Professor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. The students must complete the DI course prior to repeating the course of violation. The grader was sanctioned with an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System office and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-039-056- An Instructor discovered multiple students were accessing prior examples of the final project from the course and using this material in varying degrees when completing their final projects. Some students were found to have copied the previously submitted projects exactly, while others students copied parts of the project, and finally some students admitted to viewing prior projects but there was no evidence of copying. The instructor made it clear to all students in the class that all work was to be done individually, without the assistance of other students or outside resources. A total of 27 students (9 Sophomores, 8 Juniors, and 10 Seniors) were sanctioned with varying degrees of sanctions ranging from a warning to an XF in the course. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-038- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a review of a lecture by a guest lecturer. The contents of the article borrowed heavily from an article printed in the K-State Collegian. Their was no attempt at citing the source of the material. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-037- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a review of a lecture by a guest lecturer. The contents of the article borrowed heavily from an article printed in the K-State Collegian. Their was not attempt at citing the source of the material. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-036-A Freshmen is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid during an in-class exam. The 1xbet sports betting was observed engaging in unusual behavior in which the 1xbet sports betting consistently checked the location of the exam proctors throughout the test. One exam proctor reported to the instructor of record that she thought she saw the 1xbet sports betting consulting crib notes while taking your exam. The instructor then observed this same behavior during the second half of the exam. The instructor reported that he asked to see the inside of the students jacket upon completing the exam. The instructor noted the 1xbet sports betting did not have inside pockets on the 1xbet sports betting 's jacket and he did not find any crib notes. Based upon the students behavior during the exam, the report by the exam proctor, and the instructors own observation, the Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-035- Two Juniors, a Sophomore, and a Freshmen are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an online exam. While grading the exam responses the instructor noted very similar phrases reappearing across exams. The instructor printed all exams and compared them side by side. Four exams stood out as being distinctly similar in that multiple odd phrasing and incorrect responses appeared in the same sequence on the four exams. The instructor examined the multiple choice section and found that all four students had missed the same questions and marked the same incorrect answers. Additionally, the log in times for the exams was examined. The first 1xbet sports betting logged in and spend one hour and ten minutes taking the exam. The other three students logged in at exactly the same time (six minutes after the first 1xbet sports betting logged out). The students completed the exam in 26 minutes, 26 minutes, and 36 minutes respectively. No other students complete the exam in under one hour and ten minutes. The Associate Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity case. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-034- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The students were to have prepared a short research paper on a relevant research topic of their choice. The instructor provided detailed instructions related to citation and referencing. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper with no citations or reference page. The instructor contacted the 1xbet sports betting via email with an offer to resubmit the assignment with appropriate citations and a reference page. The 1xbet sports betting did not respond to the instructors attempt at communication nor did the 1xbet sports betting submit a revised paper. The Research Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-033- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The students submitted a paper for grading which was almost entirely copied from a book related to the coursework. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-032-A Sophomore and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an in-class quiz. While grading the quiz the instructor noted a response to an application question which seemed familiar. Upon reviewing all quizzes the instructor located a quiz which contained a nearly identical essay response. Examination of the remaining responses on that page demonstrated three responses to application questions among the two quizzes that were nearly identical. The two students did sit together side by side during the quiz. An examination of all other quizzes submitted for grading did not reveal any other responses that were identical. The instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-031-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration and the use of unauthorized aid on an in-class exam. The 1xbet sports betting was observed interacting with his cell phone during the exam. A GTA who was proctoring the exam reported the students actions to the instructor. The instructor confronted the individual and moved the 1xbet sports betting to a different location in the classroom and allowed the 1xbet sports betting to continue completing the test. Following the exam the instructor obtained additional information which demonstrated the 1xbet sports betting had planned to cheat on the exam by emailing the review sheet, with correct responses, to himself prior to the exam. The 1xbet sports betting then checked his email via his cell phone at which point he was able to access the correct responses for the questions. The Assistant Professor has requested the Honor Council conduct and investigation into this incident. Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-030- Two Freshman are alleged to have engaged in falsification and unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted reports on a speech they were supposed to have attended. The instructor noted distinct similarities in the reports and questions both students in detail. The instructor discovered the 1xbet sports betting did not attend the speech and that most of their facts came from an article written in the collegian. Additionally, the students admitted to collaborating on the papers submitted for grading. The students were sanctioned with a warning and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-029- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a project for class that was, as determined by the instructor, not indicative of his demonstrated ability to create. Upon reviewing old project from previous semesters the instructor located the exact same project submitted during the fall 2008 semester. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the final project which resulted in a 10% grade reduction in the overall course grade. Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-028- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid on an in-class exam. A calculator was left in the classroom following the exam. Upon examination it was discovered that formulas had been written in pencil on the lid of the calculator. The notes were not allowed during the exam. The instructor announced that the calculator could be picked up in the administrative office. A 1xbet sports betting claimed the calculator following the next class period. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course.Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-027- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting requested and extension on a paper which was due in late November. The instructor granted the request. When the paper was submitted the instructor noted inconsistencies in the font used throughout the paper. The instructor used the website "duplichecker.com" to check the paper for plagiarism. The instructor found eight instances of plagiarism contained within the paper. These instances included text that was directly copied from multiple internet sites. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course.Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-026- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading a submitted paper the instructor noted wording that had been copied directly from an original source. While the source was attributed the 1xbet sports betting failed to differentiate exact wording through the use of quotation marks. The 1xbet sports betting included exact wording in a paragraph which was proposed as a paraphrase of ideas not an exact quote from the source. The instructor had previously confronted the 1xbet sports betting about sloppy scholarship leading to plagiarism in a prior paper. The faculty member believe this second instance raised the level of violation to that which should be reported to the Honor System. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is further requiring the 1xbet sports betting to prepare an 8-10 page research paper on plagiarism. Failure to complete the paper by the deadline set by the instructor will result in the sanction for the violation being recorded as an XF.Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-025- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in falsification. A 1xbet sports betting submitted a sign-in sheet which showed that the 1xbet sports betting had attended a tutoring session which in fact the 1xbet sports betting did not attend. The instructor confronted the 1xbet sports betting about the incident and the 1xbet sports betting admitted to signing the form in the hopes that credit would be given for the tutoring session. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-024- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The TA assigned to grade a set of test had suspected that two students cheated during the exam. He made copies of the graded exams before returning the exams to the students. Late one of the students approached the TA and stated that credit was not given for work demonstrated on the exam. Upon comparing the paper the 1xbet sports betting requested additional points on to the exam copy he had made prior to returning the exam to the 1xbet sports betting , the TA found substantial changes had been made to the exam prior to the request for additional points. Late that day the students sent an email apologizing for the attempt to gain additional credit on the exam. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course.Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-023- A Freshmanis alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading papers the instructor noted a paper which contained a distinct change in tone at one point in the paper. The instructor also noted that the text which followed this change was written at a more advanced level than that which had previously been demonstrated by the 1xbet sports betting . Upon searching the Internet the instructor located a site from which 1/3 of the text contained within the paper had been directly copied. The instructor confronted the 1xbet sports betting and the 1xbet sports betting denied any plagarism. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed

Case #2010/2011-022- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted an assignment which contained downloaded pictures from the internet used in place of pictures the students was to take to prove that the 1xbet sports betting had completed the lab experiment. The 1xbet sports betting did not provide adequate attribution for the pictures. Additionally, the pictures had been altered from their original form. The 1xbet sports betting apparently sought to manipulate the pictures by rotating, darkening, and altering the aspect ration of the pictures. While these incidents may have disguised the background of the pictures, it did not alter the original image and each image is easily identifiable as being duplicates of those displayed at the reported websites. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course.Case Closed

Cases #2010/2011-020-021 A two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration resulting in one 1xbet sports betting plagiarizing the other students work. While grading submitted assignments a GTA noted distinct similarities between the two students assignments. When the instructor was informed he reviewed the previous work submitted by the students and noted one additional assignment which contained distinct similarities. Additionally, the instructor while grading an exam noted that while the two students had been given different versions of the exam their responses to one question were identical. When he confronted the two students they admitted helping each other on the assignments but not to exchanging electronic data. One 1xbet sports betting admitted to copying the response to the question on the exam from the other 1xbet sports betting who the 1xbet sports betting claimed had no knowledge of the cheating. The first 1xbet sports betting was sanctioned with a zero on both assignments but was not sanctioned for cheating on the exam. The other 1xbet sports betting was sanctioned with an XF in the course. Cases Closed.

Case #2010/2011-019- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted an assignment which contained downloaded pictures from the internet used in place of pictures the students was to take to prove that the 1xbet sports betting had completed the lab experiment. The 1xbet sports betting did not provide adequate attribution for the pictures. Additionally, upon discovering this episode on one assignment the instruct carefully reviewed previously submitted assignments and found the 1xbet sports betting had engaged in multiple instances of plagiarism throughout the semester, in one case the 1xbet sports betting copied a 268 word abstract from a published article and embedded the text in the assignment prior to submitting for grading. Again, the 1xbet sports betting failed to provide any attribution and claimed the work as original. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course.Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-018- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification.The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have acquired the answers to an exam and used those answers on a make-up exam. The answers provided by the 1xbet sports betting on the make-up exam match the key for the original exam. The 1xbet sports betting failed to admit to cheating on the exam regardless of the overwhelming information available. The Professor has requested an Honor Council investigation and recommended a sanction of an XF in the course and expulsion from the university. The sanction recommendation is a direct result of the students refusal to admit to his part in the cheating incident. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-017- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in falsification.The 1xbet sports betting is allege to have had a friend obtain the answers to a test from the instructor when the instructor was reviewing the test questions following the normal administration of the test. The 1xbet sports betting then acquired the answer key, memorized the key, and used it to record answers on the make-up exam. However, the instructor did not give the 1xbet sports betting the same version of the test that was originally given to the class during the original testing session. The 1xbet sports betting was not aware of the change in test format. The students test answers matched the key for the first exam but did not match the make-up exam. The instructor was alerted to the situation based upon a drastic change in the students performance between tests. The 1xbet sports betting admitted to the instructor that his friend recorded the answers for him and that he used the answers to take the make-up exam. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed


Case #2010/2011-016- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained sections which were directly copied from published text with no attempt at attribution. The 1xbet sports betting stated the submission was an error in which an early version of the paper was submitted by mistake. The instructor doubts the validity of this statement given the formatting represented a paper which was completed and prepared for submission. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-015- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration and plagiarism. A GTA was grading a set of programming assignments. The GTA was unable to run one of the programs without an error. Upon closer examination the GTA noticed the name of another 1xbet sports betting in the path file to the solution. The GTA reported this to the instructor who examined the file closer. Upon further examination the instructor noted the file had been copied from the other 1xbet sports betting . Checking previously submitted assignments, the instructor found a total of four assignments that had been copied from two other students and submitted as original work by the 1xbet sports betting . The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-014- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the act of providing unauthorized aid on a project submitted by another 1xbet sports betting . While investigating a report of a threat of violence, the reporter discovered a 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have provided substantial assistance on a project submitted for grading by another 1xbet sports betting . After conducting an investigation into this allegation the reporter discovered sufficient information to verify the claim. The Associate Dean sanctioned the
1xbet sports betting by requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-013- A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading the paper, the instructor noted a part of the submission did not adequately represent the voice of the students prior work. A quick "Google" search revealed the exact text located on a website. The 1xbet sports betting met with the instructor and admitted to copying text from the website without citation. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the assignment. Case Closed .

Case #2010/2011-012- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading the second essay assignment of the semester the instructor discovered that 95% of the text in the paper had been directly copied from multiple internet sources. This discovery caused the instructor to reexamine the first essay. Upon this reexamination the instructor discovered that 95% of the text in the first essay had also been copied directly from the internet. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-011- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid and plagiarism after submitting a paper for grading. The instructor confronted the 1xbet sports betting upon discovering the use of a sentences that was written at a far more sophisticated level than demonstrated previously by the 1xbet sports betting . The 1xbet sports betting admitted to using the website and copying the sentence even though outside aid was strictly forbidden on the assignment. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-010- A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted response to a take-home exam that far exceed that which could be expected from a 1xbet sports betting in an introductory course. Upon investigating the instructor discovered the responses had been copied from four websites, one of which was a "pay-for-paper" site. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-009- A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet sports betting was reported as having had substantial assistance while completing a project eventually submitted for a grade. The instructor conducted an internal investigation and concluded the allegations were substantiated. Therefore, the Professor sanctioned the students with a one letter grade reduction on the project and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-008- Two Juniors and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. 1xbet sports betting submitted an assignment as a part of a requirement to complete a unit. The instructor, while grading, noted one students inserted a specific graphic which was not required. However, upon further grading of other students papers, the instructor found two more instances where the same graphic was use in the same location. Upon examining the document properties the file headers for all three students submissions contained the same students name, however, the files themselves had been renamed using the students initials. Careful comparison of the submitted assignments reveals the files submitted are the same but have just been renamed. The Instructor sanctioned the students by assigning a zero on the assignment and requiring that the students enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-007-A Freshmen is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which contained a few lines copied from one identified electronic source. The Professor filed the report as an Option 2 which is a request for the Honor Council to conduct a full investigation. The council has been asked to determine if a violation has occurred and if so, assign an appropriate sanction for the violation. The hearing panel found the 1xbet sports betting responsible and sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity Course.. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-006-Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment submitted for grading.The students submitted identical papers containing exact information with the exception of one sentence. The instructor noted at the top of the assignment page the assignment was to be completed individually. The instructor also placed a template online which could be downloaded. The students both used the template and the changes to the template in the submitted papers is identical. The Instructor has sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-005-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid while taking an exam. Near the end of the examination period the instructor noticed the 1xbet sports betting shuffling papers on the 1xbet sports betting 's desk. The instructor approached the 1xbet sports betting and discovered two pages of notes (back and front) underneath the students test papers. The Instructor has sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-004-A Graduate 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading a project, the grader noticed instances in the paper where citations were absent. The grade also noticed the last sentence of the paper was in a different font and color than the rest of the paper. Upon "googling" the sentence the grader found the sentence along with other parts of the paragraph were copied directly from a source without attribution. Upon checking other parts of the completed project the grader found the majority of the paper had been plagiarized. Following this discovery, the grader returned to an earlier project to review it. The grader discovered the same pattern of plagiarism in the first project. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a grade cap of an F in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2010/2011-003-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While presenting in class the 1xbet sports betting failed to provide appropriate citation for the source of her information. The 1xbet sports betting later provided the information to the instructor who had already located the source following the delivery of the presentation. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.


Case #2010/2011-002-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading, the instructor noted a paper submitted by the 1xbet sports betting was written at a level not generally demonstrated by a freshman. Additionally, the paper appeared to have a "commercial" feel to it and did not directly match the assignment guidelines. Therefore, the instructor used the "google" search engine by copying two sentences into the search engine. The results of the search showed the 1xbet sports betting had copied the entire paper from a website without attribution. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to review the "1xbet sports betting tips" section of the Honor & Integrity website and prepare a 350 word reflection on this experience. Case closed.

Case #2010/2011-001-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Upon grading a paper submitted by the 1xbet sports betting , the instructor noted the paper contained entire paragraphs, sentences, and descriptions which had been copied and pasted from several websites without any attempt at attribution. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course offered through the Honor & Integrity System. Case closed.