Honor Pledge Violations (AUGUST 2009 -july 1xbet online games login 2010)

The following violations of the Honor Pledge occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link: TERM

This site was last updated on October 15, 2010


Case #2009/2010-134-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism.While grading the assignment the instructor noted language and style that were not consistent. A search on the web identified a paragraph of several sentences which had been copied from a website without attribution. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed .

Case #2009/2010-133-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized. The 1xbet online games login was working with a faculty member on a manuscript for publication in a peer reviewed journal. The professor noted similar wording to that contained in an article she has published in 2007. Upon comparing the works she noted exact wording. Since the paragraph was published in the students Master's thesis the faculty filed an violation report alleging plagiarism. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-132-Two Sophomores are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration and falsification. The students submitted files through the K-State online course system which contained identically named database files. The files were submitted in response to the final exam for the class. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam.Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-131-Two Juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration.One 1xbet online games login who completed the course the previous semester allowed the other 1xbet online games login access to the final project. The 1xbet online games login who was currently enrolled made minor changes to the project and submitted it as original work. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login who provided the work with a warning and the 1xbet online games login who submitted the work with a zero on the project.Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-129-130-Two Seniors submitted a portion of a homework assignment along with a test to be graded. While grading the reporter noted the submission was a screen shot of the posted KEY for the homework grade. The reporter alleges the students plagiarized the instructors posted answers to the problem and did not complete the work for the problem. The students requested a meeting with the reporter. During the meeting the students provided copies of the work they completed and claimed to have submitted during the exam. However, upon closer inspection discrepancies in the two documents were pointed out by the reporter. The students admitted they created a screen shot of the homework Key and submitted it as their own. The Professor sanctioned the students with a one letter grade reduction in the overall course grade and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course offered through the Honor & Integrity System.Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-128-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While the 1xbet online games login was working on the paper the instructor reviewed the paper twice and each time pointed out instances of plagiarism. Expectations were set by the instructor for citation expectations in both of these meetings. When the 1xbet online games login submitted the final paper it contained plagiarized content. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-127-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted two final assignments for the semester. The instructor noted both contained instances of plagairism. The 1xbet online games login was given the opportunity to correct both assignments and resubmit for a grade. While grading the final submissions the instructor again found instances of plagairized text that were taken directly from a source without attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-126-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a project for grading. Following the submission and presentation one of the faculty members who had been working with the 1xbet online games login attended a conference where a similar project was featured. The faculty member conducted a more detailed investigation and discovered too many similarities to be coincidental. Upon meeting with the 1xbet online games login the faculty member ultimately discovered the 1xbet online games login had used the original project as a model for the students project plagiarizing multiple facets of the original project. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-125-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet online games login was required to conduct and interview with an industry mentor. Upon receiving a summary of the meeting and accompanying documentation the instructed noted some discrepancies and contacted the mentor. The mentor stated he did not participate in a mentoring process with the 1xbet online games login and did not discuss the contents of the summary of the meeting. The Associate Dean sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignments, a grade cap of a B in the course, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-124-Three Freshman are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted review sheet for grading. The students were given explicit instructions that they were not allowed to work on the review with any other students. Upon grading the instructor noted two papers that consisted of multiple identical wrong responses to the questions. In talking with the two students they admitted working together to complete the review sheet. They also identified a third 1xbet online games login who was in a different section as having worked with them. Upon checking the papers from that section the instructor was able to identify the identically incorrect responses on that students paper as well. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-123-A Senior and is alleged to have engaged in falsification. The 1xbet online games login submitted an "accounting of hours" log indicating completion of 170 hours for a practicum experience. The instructor called to verify completion of the practicum experience. He was informed by the supervisor the 1xbet online games login attended the first two months of the practicum but did not return. All supervisors were shown the log and indicated the 1xbet online games login was not present during the times that were initialed and that the initials were not written in the handwriting of any of the four direct supervisors. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-122-A Freshman is alleged to have plagiarized. The 1xbet online games login submitted two papers which were copied directly from two different paper Internet paper sites. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on each assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-121-Three Freshmen and Two Sophomores are alleged to have engaged unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted an extra credit assignment for grading. Upon grading the assignment the instructor noted a similar incorrect response at the bottom of five of the 60 submitted papers. Upon comparing the five papers the instructor noted that nearly all of the responses were identical including multiple incorrect responses. The instructor had address the problem of collaboration early in the semester when it was discovered that students were completing work together. The instructor made clear the expectation for the course was that students were to do their own work. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignments and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-120-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a final exam. The instructor distributed three different versions of the final exam during class. The students responses for the last five problems are identical to the correct responses for a different version of the test. The Associate Professor believes the 1xbet online games login copied from the 1xbet online games login sitting in the next seat. The responses on the students paper are of a variety which could not be generated by a misunderstanding of the material. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-119-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login was witnessed to be looking at another 1xbet online games login 's paper during an in-class exam. Two individuals, the GTA and the Instructor witnessed the 1xbet online games login looking at the scantron sheet of the 1xbet online games login sitting in the adjacent seat. The instructor compared the scantron sheets and noted 49 out of 50 answers were the same. The 1xbet online games login was confronted by the Instructor and admitted to copying from the 1xbet online games login in the next seat. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-118-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which contained plagiarized text from the sitewww.lotsofessays.com. Upon discovering this plagiarism the paper was returned to the 1xbet online games login with the expectation that the 1xbet online games login correct the paper and resubmit for a final grade. The 1xbet online games login failed to resubmit the paper. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a cap on the course grade of a D and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-117-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login requested permission to sit for a final exam earlier due to the need to attend a wedding. The instructor granted the 1xbet online games login permission to take the exam two days early. The 1xbet online games login was placed in a room to take the exam and instructed not to use any electronic devices while taking the exam. The 1xbet online games login was monitored via a mounted video camera which was located in the room. The professor noted the 1xbet online games login taking pictures of the exam with a cell phone. The instructor informed the Department Head who entered the room and requested the cell phone. He also asked the 1xbet online games login why the 1xbet online games login was taking pictures of the exam. The 1xbet online games login originally denied taking the pictures. Later the 1xbet online games login admitted taking pictures of the exam at the request of a friend. Screen-shots from the video show the 1xbet online games login taking pictures and the pictures were retrieved from the cell phone. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a cap on the course grade of a C and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-116-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper containing words and phrases that are not typical of that used by undergraduate students. The instructor used a "Google" search engine to determine the original author of the text. The instructor discovered two internet sources from which significant portions of text were copied and pasted into the paper submitted by the 1xbet online games login . The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course.Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-115-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a final paper for class. The paper contains text which was copied directly from an Internet site. The 1xbet online games login did include the internet site in the works cited page but failed to use in-text citation to attribute the words directly to the author. In addition, the 1xbet online games login attributed parts of the work to another author. A comparison of the text copied and the work of the author cited reveals no comparable text or ideas. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-114-Two Freshman are suspected of engaging in unauthorized collaboration. The students took a make-up final exam in the same room. The students submitted scantron answers sheets which contained 24 out of 42 identical answers, including 14 identical wrong answers. The Instructor believes this is too large of number of incorrect answers to be coincidental. The Assistant Professor has requested the Honor System conduct and investigation. After an investigation, one 1xbet online games login was dropped from the case and other 1xbet online games login did not contest the allegations. Case Closed .

Case #2009/2020-113 - Case dropped

Case #2009/2010-112-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarism while preparing and submitting a paper for grading. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which contained 43 instances in which the 1xbet online games login failed to cite a reference for the text you used in the paper, nine instances in which the 1xbet online games login directly quoted material from a source without the use of quotation marks, and seven instances in which the 1xbet online games login cited one source in place of the original author of the text. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-109-111-A Senior and two Juniors are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The students were review a movie and write a 500 word reflection. Upon grading the papers the grader noted similarities in the three papers. Upon investigation the grader discovered the papers were copied from a website which provided a synopsis of the movie. The Assistant Professor in charge of the course sanctioned the students with a one letter grade deduction in the overall course grade. However, the Assistant Professor stated that if the students choose to take the Development and Integrity course he would resend the grade deduction. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-108-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Prior to submitting a final capstone report two students discovered that one of the 1xbet online games login 's contribution to the report contained several instances of plagiarism. They reported the incident to the instructor and then deleted the plagiarized portions of the paper. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with failure in the class. Following an investigation, the case was dropped. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-107-A Junior and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in falsification. The students submitted projects that were identical. Upon noting a similar error on both students assignment, the instructor check the properties tabs on the assignments. The properties tab on multiple documents showed they were created at the exact same time. While the names on the document tabs were changed to identify the individual students. Additionally, a review of the contents of the project demonstrated they were the same projects complete with identical errors. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a cap on the course grade of a D and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-105/106-A Freshman and a Sophomore are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The students posted a review of a website on an on-line message board which was found to have been copied directly from the site they were to have reviewed. The students made no attempt to paraphrase or make appropriate attribution. The Research Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and a one letter grade reduction in the 1xbet online games login 's overall course grade. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-104-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for grading which was copied word for word from abstracts of scientific studies and pasted into the paper. The 1xbet online games login did not use quotation marks, did use proper citations of the studies but failed to paraphrase the authors' original words. The violation was identified and documented using "turn-it-in.com". The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-103-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for grading which contained 14 instances of text directly copied from various sources without any attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-102-A Junior and two Sophomores are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted seven projects that were identical. All students submitted the exact papers for projects 3,4,6, and 7. 1xbet online games login A and 1xbet online games login B submitted the same papers for projects 1 and 2, and 1xbet online games login B and C submitted the same paper for project 5. The instructor sanctioned all three students with an XF in the course. All three students contested the allegation and all were found not responsible for the violation by a hearing panel. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-101-A Senior and a Sophomore are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted papers early in the semester which contained an identical misspelled word. The instructor confronted the students and the admitted to collaborating on the assignment. No action was taken by the instructor other than to make expectations for individual work clear to both students. Much later in the semester the instructor detected another common unlikely error which indicated to him the students were once again working together. The instructor, upon consultation with the Director of the Honor System, sanctioned the students with a grade cap of a C for the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the development and Integrity course. Both students contested the allegations. Following a Honor Council hearing panel, the sophomore was found responsible and the senior was found not responsible of an honor pledge violation. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-100-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Students were required to submit term papers which used peer reviewed resources. Upon grading the papers the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login in question had plagiarized from the abstracts of these journal articles. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a requirement to correct the papers and resubmit with a 10% reduction in the grade. Additionally the students are required to review the "1xbet online games login tips" section of the Honor & Integrity website and to write a one page reflection based upon this experience.Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-099 - A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor uses turn-it-in as a source for checking papers for plagiarism. While reviewing the 1xbet online games login 's paper and the turn-it-in report the instructor noted several websites from which text was directly copied and pasted without adequate attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the paper and an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-098 - A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The instructor became suspicious while reading the content of the paper. The instructor conducted a "Google" search using portions of text from the paper. The results of the search indicated significant portions of the paper were copied from the website www.allfreeessays.com/essays/The-Goblin-Market/30067.html. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the class and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-097 -Two Sophomores are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on in-class quizzes. The students submitted quiz #3 to the instructor at the same time. While grading the instructor noted similarities in the questions that were answered incorrectly. In a side by side comparison the instructor noted not only did the 1xbet online games login provided the wrong response but also provided the same wrong response. The instructor then decided to review the previous two quizzes submitted by the students and found a similar pattern on those quizzes. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the quiz, an XF in the course, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Dropped by Case Investigators .

Cases #2009/2010-092-096 - A three Seniors and two Juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. Upon grading a large project, a GTA discovered similar errors on five different projects which was then reported to the instructor. The instructor reviewed the errors and determined that they were not commonly made errors in application of the course principles but rather careless errors. The instructor indicated the chance of the exact same three errors being made by five different students is zero. Additionally, upon further review the instructor noted 17 more careless errors among different combinations of the students. The Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cases Closed.

Case #2009/2010-091- A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for an assignment which contained no attempt at attribution. The 1xbet online games login was asked to see the instructor after class to discuss the paper. The 1xbet online games login failed to meet with the instructor and has not returned to class since that time. The instructor search the Internet for the source of suspicious text and was able to identify multiple sections of the paper which were copied and pasted into the body of the paper with no citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment, the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course, and an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-090 - A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for grading. While grading the instructor noted there was no citation attempt on the part of the 1xbet online games login although the information contained within the paper obviously originated from an outside source. The instructor notified the 1xbet online games login via email requesting citations. The 1xbet online games login responded stating the information would be submitted. The instructor waited approximately eight days never hearing from the 1xbet online games login again. The instructor then decided to file an Honor System violation report. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed .

Case #2009/2010-089 - A Sophomore and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Upon grading the submissions the instructor discovered two program assignments which were virtually identical to the one he provided to the students as a goal program. The further stated he provided only the executable code and not the C# source code. The instructor recently discovered there exists, a commercial application program that reverse compiles C# executable code which produces a source program from a given executable code. He concluded the students used the reverse compile program to obtain a source code for the original program provided by the instructor. Additionally, the instructor had neglected to correct some minor errors in the original goal program he disseminated. These errors were found within the students programs as well. The instructor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-088 - A Freshman and a Sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. Upon grading the submissions the instructor noted similarities in the assignments. Upon confronting the students individually they each admitted to sharing one completed assignment. One 1xbet online games login completed the assignment and gave it to another 1xbet online games login to submit as their original work. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and an official warning by the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-087-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized when submitting two assignments for grading. Upon grading the assignments the instructors noted the 1xbet online games login used a writing style which was not indicative of earlier work. Subsequent searches identified one assignments contained plagiarized statements from Internet sources and the second contained plagiarized portions from one of the course textbooks. The 1xbet online games login made not attempt at attribution on either assignment. The Assistant Professors sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on both assignments and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed .

Cases #2009/2010-083-086-Three Juniors and one Senior are alleged to have plagiarized when submitting papers for grading. 1xbet online games login were required to submit a pro/con paper for class. While grading the instructor discovered the students plagiarized from cited references. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to review available resources on plagiarism and to prepare a one page reflection paper related to their experience. Cases Closed.

Case #2009/2010-082-A Senior and a Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted "nearly identical" answers on the first part of an assignment. The Professor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignments. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-081-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for grading which contained copied text from the course textbook without an attempt at attribution. The instructor of the course noted this was the second occurence of this form of plagarism for this 1xbet online games login . Following the first incident the instructor spoke with the 1xbet online games login about the inappropriatness of this action. Given the second offense the instructor decided to take more formal action. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-080-A non-degree seeking undergraduate is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Students were required to submit term papers which used peer reviewed resources. Upon grading the papers the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login in question had plagiarized from the abstracts of these journal articles. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a requirement to correct the papers and resubmit with a 10% reduction in the grade. Additionally the students are required to review the "1xbet online games login tips" section of the Honor & Integrity website and to write a one page reflection based upon this experience. Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-079-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid on a test. Students sitting for the exam were allowed the use of a 3"x5" handwritten reference card for the exam. The reference cards are submitted with the exam at the end of the testing period. In reviewing the note cards the instructor noted the 1xbet online games login submitted a typed note card rather than a handwritten card. Since the specifications for the reference material were not aligned with that which was allowed this became an unauthorized resource. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-078-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper containing several sentences which were copied directly from Internet resources. The 1xbet online games login did acknowledge the sites in the works cited page but failed to indicate original authorship of the text and ideas used. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment (65/100 on the paper) and the 1xbet online games login is required to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-077-A Sophomore and a Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration and plagiarism. The students each submitted a major assignment for grading that were nearly identical. The instructor indicated the 1xbet online games login 's admitted to collaborating on the assignments. The Professor sanctioned the students with an F in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-076-Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The students submitted four assignments which when compared by the grader appeared to be nearly identical. The Grader reported the situation to the instructor who filed the report. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-075-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper containing three paragraphs which were copied directly from an Internet site. The 1xbet online games login did acknowledge the site in the works cited page but failed to indicate original authorship of the text and ideas used. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment, (60/100 on the paper) and the 1xbet online games login is required to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-074-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was clearly inconsistent in grammar, tone, and style between paragraphs. The instructor conducted a "Google" search and located an on-line text from which the 1xbet online games login plagiarized the essay. The 1xbet online games login acknowledge the violation and stated it was due to being limited on time. The Visiting Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-073-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper which was clearly inconsistent in grammar, tone, and style between paragraphs. The instructor conducted a "Google" search and located two on-line texts from which the 1xbet online games login plagairized the essay. The 1xbet online games login acknowledge the violation and stated it was due to being limited on time. The Visiting Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-072-A Freshmen is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for grading. The folder in which the assignment was submitted also contained a paper completed and submitted for grading by another 1xbet online games login . A comparison of the two papers revealed numerous similarities. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to redo the assignment without assistance and a reduced grade on the paper. Additionally, the 1xbet online games login is required to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-068, 069, 070, and 071-Two Seniors, one Junior, and one Non-Degree Seeking undergraduate are alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Students were required to submit term papers which used peer reviewed resources. Upon grading the papers the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login in question had plagiarized from the abstracts of these journal articles. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a requirement to correct the papers and resubmit with a 20% reduction in the grade. Additionally the students are required to review the "1xbet online games login tips" section of the Honor & Integrity website and to write a one page reflection based upon this experience. Cases Closed .

Case #2009/2010-067-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration during an in-class exam. The 1xbet online games login was observed by the instructor staring at another 1xbet online games login 's paper on four different occasions. The instructor was proctoring a multiple choice exam with two separate versions. The senior was given a different version than the 1xbet online games login sitting in the next seat. The instructor noted the 1xbet online games login would stare at the other 1xbet online games login 's paper then flip through the one the senior possessed presumably to find the same question. After witnessing this action on four separate occasions from different locations in the room the instructor approached the 1xbet online games login and stated the 1xbet online games login needed to cease this behavior. The 1xbet online games login replied "ok". The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-066-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Students were required to submit term papers which used peer reviewed resources. Upon grading the papers the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login in question had plagiarized from the abstracts of these journal articles. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to review the "1xbet online games login tips" section of the Honor & Integrity website and to write a one page reflection based upon this experience. Case Closed .


Case #2009/2010-065-A graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login contributed to an on-line bulletin board discussion. The instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login had copied and pasted three paragraphs from an outside source without attribution. The instructor discussed the situation with the 1xbet online games login who claimed to have thought the discussion board was an informal discussion and therefore did not require attribution. The instructor elected to record a zero for the posts. However, the 1xbet online games login became concerned about the overall effect this action would have on the final course grade. Therefore the 1xbet online games login and instructor agreed the 1xbet online games login would do a comprehensive paper summarizing the remaining readings for the course. The 1xbet online games login submitted the paper four days prior to the reporting dates for grades for the fall 2009 semester. Upon reviewing the work provided by the 1xbet online games login the instructor noted multiple instances of the same form of plagiarism previously discussed. This prompted an in-depth review of the on-line posts submitted throughout the semester. The instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login had committed multiple acts of plagiarism throughout the semester. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-064-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted a programming based assignment for grading. The 1xbet online games login then reported to the instructor that the TA was having difficulty opening the assignment when grading. In an attempt to resolve the conflict within the program the instructor used a text editor to examine the code within the file. The instructor noted a specific string of code required the students name be in place to open dependent files. However, the name in place was not the students name but that of another 1xbet online games login . Upon further line by line comparison of the two 1xbet online games login 's work, the instructor found the codes were identical with the exception of the 1xbet online games login 's name located in one line of code. The instructor confronted both students. The Junior admitted to copying the other students assignment without the knowledge of the other 1xbet online games login . The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-063-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Students were required to submit term papers which used peer reviewed resources. Upon grading the papers the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login in question had plagiarized from the abstracts of these journal articles. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to review the "1xbet online games login tips" section of the Honor & Integrity website and to write a one page reflection based upon this experience. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-062-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading assignments the instructor noted two of the assignments were exactly identical in spacing, order, and errors. The instructor confronted the students and the Junior admitted to submitting a copy of the other students assignment. The 1xbet online games login claimed no knowledge of how to complete the assignment so decided to submit a completed copy of the other 1xbet online games login 's assignment. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and a warning with the Honor & Integrity system. Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-061-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. When grading the instructor noted incomplete citations throughout the paper. In some instances the 1xbet online games login included the author's name in parentheses. The instructor noted the primary and egregious examples of plagiarism were the several cases in which the 1xbet online games login used direct quotes without quotation marks and made not attempt at attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduction on the grade of the paper, a requirement to rewrite the paper, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-060-A Junior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism while preparing and submitting an essay for grading. Specifically, when grading the essay, the instructor noted that several sentences were copied directly from two websites. Several sentences within each paragraph were identified as originating from the two sites. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-059-Two Juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. Specifically, when grading the submissions for the take home final exam, the grader noted the identical nature of the submitted papers. The instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam. Both students contested the allegations. The hearing panel found both responsible. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-058-A Sophomore and a Senior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. Specifically, when grading the submissions for the take home final exam, the grader noted the identical nature of the submitted papers. The instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the exam. Both students contested the allegations. Following a case investigation, the professor removed the senior's information from the case. The hearing panel then found the sophomore responsible. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-057-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. The instructor reported that while grading the assignment it was discovered that an online essay contained thematic and linguistic similarities. . Additionally, the work adopt the entire thesis of the online essay, some parts, borrow its phraseology and language. The 1xbet online games login was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment, an XF for the overall course grade, and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. The 1xbet online games login contested the allegations and after a case investigation, the Case Investigators determined that there was not sufficient information for the case to move to a hearing panel. The 1xbet online games login was notified that the case has been dropped. Case Dropped.

Case #2009/2010-056-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. The 1xbet online games login plagiarized the work of two other students while completing the final paper for the course. The instructor noted the similarities in the papers while grading. Additionally, the instructor compare previous papers submitted for the course and discovered that one paper submitted by the 1xbet online games login was identical to that submitted by another 1xbet online games login . While the instructor believes the 1xbet online games login submitted original work on the second paper, he stated he believes the 1xbet online games login allowed another 1xbet online games login to copy the paper and submit it as original work. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the paper, an official warning through the Honor & Integrity System and a cap of a C on the course grade. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-055-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on two paper submitted for grading. The 1xbet online games login submitted work that was identical to that submitted by two other students. The instructor noted the similarities in the papers while grading. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the paper, an XF in the course, and a requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-054-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. The 1xbet online games login plagiarized the work of two other students while completing the final paper for the course. The instructor noted the similarities in the papers while grading. Additionally, the instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the paper which resulted in a one letter grade reduction in the final course grade. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-053-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and falsification. A 1xbet online games login noticed a paper, completed by a roommate, in the dorm room. Upon closer examination the 1xbet online games login noted the paper was very similar to one that the 1xbet online games login had submitted earlier in the semester. The 1xbet online games login retrieved the copy of the paper submitted and compared the two papers. The roomate discovered the papers were exactly the same with minor changes to pronouns throughout the paper. The 1xbet online games login reported the incident to the RA of the dorm who informed the instructors for the course of the situation. After being confronted by the instructors the 1xbet online games login admitted to copying two papers from the roommate and submitting the papers as original work. The instructors sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on both papers and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-052-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. The 1xbet online games login allegedly submitted a final formal paper which contained text that was directly copied, both in paraphrased form and verbatim from scholarly sources without the use of quotation marks or proper citation. The faculty reported did note the works were cited in other portions of the paper but in five instances the use of another's work was not cited directly by the 1xbet online games login . The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-051-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. According to the instructor the 1xbet online games login repeatedly used passages which were not cited throughout the final term paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a requirement to resubmit the paper with a 15% reduction on the final grade. In addition, the 1xbet online games login is required to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course offered through the Honor & Integrity System. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-050-A senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login ’s paper contained copies of Internet sources without adequate attribution. The instructor noted the similarities and confronted the 1xbet online games login with the information. The 1xbet online games login acknowledged using the material but claimed it was sloppy work on the part of the 1xbet online games login and unintentional. The reporter agreed with this statement and sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-049-A Junior is alleged engaged in plagiarism on the final paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the instructor located numerous unquoted passages taken from a web source. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-048-A Sophomore and a Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration during a final exam. Upon grading the exam the GTA noticed “improbable and identical arithmetic errors” which could not simply be explained away by the argument that two students “studied together” in preparation for the exam. The reported also noted these were not the only identical errors contained on the exams. The Professor and course coordinator has requested and Honor & Integrity System investigation into this matter. If found responsible the faculty member has recommended the students be given the choice of a zero on the exam or having the opportunity to retake the exam. Following further examination of the information, the reporter withdrew the case. Case Dropped.


Case #2009/2010-047-A senior is alleged engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login ’s paper was identical to a paper which could be found online at www.e-cheat.com. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. After conversation with the 1xbet online games login , the Professor decided to drop the case as it was determined that the 1xbet online games login submitted the incorrect paper to the professor. Case Dropped.

Case #2009/2010-046-A graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a book review for grading after having met with graduate advisors for previous plagiarism concerns. The reporter stated that the 1xbet online games login had numerous citation errors as well as direct quotes from sources without any citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login a cap on the course of violation as a C and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-045-A graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading after having met with graduate advisors for previous plagiarism concerns. The reporter stated that the 1xbet online games login had numerous citation errors as well as direct quotes from sources without any citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login a cap on the course of violation as a C and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-044-A senior is alleged engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login ’s paper was identical to a paper which could be found online and bought via a “paper-mill” website. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-043-A senior is alleged to have plagiarized five internet sources while completing and submitting a graded paper. Specifically, the reporter stated that the 1xbet online games login used large quantities of texts, either verbatim or with minimum changes, from various sources in an assignment without acknowledgement. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-042-A freshman is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a final portfolio. No attempt was made to attribute the original words to any of the original authors of the work. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-041-A freshman is alleged engaged in plagiarism on four papers submitted for grading. Specifically, the reporter stated that the 1xbet online games login was informed of the problems with the first two papers submitted, but after two additional papers were submitted, they were nearly identical to a paper which could be found online via a “paper-mill” website. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course with the requirement to successfully complete the Development and Integrity course prior to re-enrolling the course of violation. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-040-A sophomore is alleged engaged in plagiarism on a paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login ’s paper was nearly identical to a paper which could be found online via a “paper-mill” website. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-039-A senior is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading. No attempt was made to attribute the original research to any of the original authors of the work. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to resubmit the paper for grading with a 15% reduction of grade for the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-038-A non-degree 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading. No attempt was made to attribute the original research to any of the original authors of the work. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to resubmit the paper for grading with a 15% reduction of grade for the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-037-A senior is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading. No attempt was made to attribute the original research to any of the original authors of the work. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with the requirement to resubmit the paper for grading with a 15% reduction of grade for the paper. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-036-A senior is alleged to have plagiarized one document while completing and submitting a paper for grading. The reporter stated that the 1xbet online games login submitted a paper in which presented text that was copied verbatim without using quotation marks or citing the source anywhere in the work. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-035-A senior is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading. No attempt was made to attribute the original research to any of the original authors of the work. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-034-A freshman is alleged engaged in plagiarism and falsification on a paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login ’s paper was nearly identical to another paper submitted in a separate section of the same class. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. After further review, the GTA dropped the case after determining that the 1xbet online games login from case 09/10 – 033 took the paper from this 1xbet online games login without knowledge or permission. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-033-A freshman is alleged engaged in plagiarism and falsification on a paper submitted for grading. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login ’s paper was nearly identical to another paper submitted in a separate section of the same class. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-032-A junior is alleged engaged in falsification of documentation to earn extra credit points. Upon review, the reporter called the individual who had signed the extra credit form. The reporter was informed that the 1xbet online games login had not completed volunteer hours at that organization nor had the individual signed the extra credit form. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a cap on your course grade of one letter grade below earned grade in the course and the requirement to complete 20 hours of community service to be completed by May 14, 2010. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-031-A graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading. No attempt was made to attribute the original research to any of the original authors of the work. The reporter stated that passages in the final paper were both direct word-for-word and paraphrased from these internet sources without citation. After talking with the 1xbet online games login about this situation, the 1xbet online games login submitted an additional paper with plagiarized sections within the paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF for the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-030-Three Juniors and one Senior are alleged to have plagiarized an Internet sources in a project submitted for grading. The students submitted a design project which contained plagiarized designs for paper airplanes. The designs are located athttp://www.funpaperairplanes.com/Plane%20Downloads.html and while six of the designs were included in the final project, no attempt at attribution was made by the students. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-029-A Senior is alleged to have plagiarized multiple Internet sources. While working on a group project, the 1xbet online games login 's peers reported to the instructor that the 1xbet online games login had submitted a portion of the group project that had been plagiarized. The instructor confronted the 1xbet online games login and required the 1xbet online games login to redo the project independently. The 1xbet online games login later submitted another paper. This paper also was plagiarized from multiple websites. The instructor then regraded the paper the 1xbet online games login was required to complete independently. The revised paper still contained multiple instances of plagiarism. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-028-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for a given assignment. Upon grading the paper the instructor found that the majority (three complete passages) of the paper had been copied and pasted from the website "Psywarrior". The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed .

Case #2009/2010-027-A Freshman is alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source. When the 1xbet online games login presented a project to the class the instructor noted a difference in style and communication from earlier projects presented by the same 1xbet online games login . The 1xbet online games login did cite two sources however, given the amount of statistics cited in the project, the instructor felt this was insufficient citation. The instructor conducted a search on the Internet and located the exact same introduction to the project as an advertisement for a speech that could be purchased for .00 on line. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity class.Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-026-A graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized multiple sources while completing and submitting a paper for grading. The instructor noted while grading the paper that several of his own published works were copied and pasted in the document without in text citation. No attempt was made to attribute the original research to any of the original authors of the work. However, a works cited page was attached which identified all of the published works found within the paper. The 1xbet online games login admitted to using the material in the paper and copying it without giving adequate attribution to the authors within the text. However, the 1xbet online games login did state that it was the 1xbet online games login 's belief that simply including the works in a reference page was sufficient attribution. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-025-A Junior is alleged to have falsified attendance data related to a course grade. The instructor of the course required attendance at events outside of the regular meeting times for the class. Students were required to sign in before the beginning of the event and sign out following the conclusion of the event. Upon arriving at the event, the 1xbet online games login was reported to have signed in and out at the same time and then left the building. This information was reported by the event coordinator who monitored the sign in sheet for the first 30 minutes of the event. The 1xbet online games login has denied the allegation. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-024-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and falsification. Upon examining a paper submitted by the 1xbet online games login and an analysis of the paper conducted by Turnitin, the instructor noted several passages that were copied directly from Internet sources without attribution. In addition, the 1xbet online games login falsified citation information for these passages in at least three instances. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning, a zero on the assignment, and the requirement to enroll in, and successfully complete, the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-022 and 023 -Two Juniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration resulting in one 1xbet online games login plagiarizing the work of the other. Upon grading the papers for the semester the instructor noted that a Turnitin report analysis of one of the papers from the current semester contained notable overlap with a paper that had been submitted during the spring 2009 semester by the other Junior. Given the notable identical phrasing contained in both papers the instructor believes the students engaged in unauthorized collaboration (share of papers from current or previous semesters was prohibited by the instructor). In addition, the instructor has charged one 1xbet online games login with plagiarism. The Assistant Professor has sanctioned both students with an official warning from the Honor & Integrity System and additionally, the 1xbet online games login who is currently taking the course is to receive a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-021-Two students, a Freshmen and a Sophomore, are alleged to have engaged in falsification. An electronic response device was used by one of the students to submit responses for a 1xbet online games login who was not physically in class during the time when the questions were posed. The instructor observed one 1xbet online games login operating two electronic "clickers" during the class. Upon checking the students responses with the responses for the 1xbet online games login who was absent but had answers submitted, the instructor noted that the answers to the five questions were identical. The identical answers included two incorrect responses in which the same incorrect response was submitted by both response devices. The Assistant Teaching Scholar sanctioned the students with the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-020-A Freshmen is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login submitted a book review that was an identical copy of a review posted at an on line site. While grading the assignment the instructor noted inconsistencies in writing style and a familiarity with the content of the review. Upon closer examination and a Google search the instructor was able to locate and exact copy of the review written by another author. The instructor deduced the 1xbet online games login copied the review and submitted the work as the original author. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course, and official warning through the Honor & Integrity System, and the requirement to complete the Development and Integrity course prior to retaking the course in which the violation occurred. Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-019-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in falsification. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment that clearly demonstrated a command of language not previously demonstrated by the 1xbet online games login . The paper was compared to works submitted prior to, and after the composition had been submitted. There exists distinct differences in the papers. When confronted the 1xbet online games login indicated a tutors assistance had been used. However, the 1xbet online games login was unable to read the composition when given the opportunity. It should be noted the composition was written in a foreign language. The 1xbet online games login was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and required to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-018
-A Freshman is alleged to have plagiarized work posted by two other students. Specifically, the students were required to participate in an on line discussion. The posts were available for all members of the class to see prior to posting their individual responses. Upon grading the posts, the instructor noted that one post appeared to be similar to previous posts. Upon closer examination the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login had copied two different paragraphs from two different students who had posted earlier in the day. The Research Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-017-A Sophomore and a Graduate 1xbet online games login are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a laboratory practical assignment. The instructors noted suspicious behavior on the part of the graduate 1xbet online games login and following the lab assignment another 1xbet online games login reported to the instructors that the Sophomore had allowed the Graduate 1xbet online games login to look at the students recorded answers during the lab practical assignment. The Graduate Teaching Assistants have sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-016-A Freshman is alleged to have committed an Honor System violation. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login allowed another person to take an in-class exam in place of the Freshman. When confronted by the instructor the following class period, the 1xbet online games login admitted to the violation. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the exam. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-015-A Graduate 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized while writing a response to one question for the students doctoral preliminary exam. Specifically, the 1xbet online games login submitted the responses and upon reading, the major professor noted an exceptionally well written response to one question. Upon checking that question, the Professor noted that the entire response had been copied from a website. The doctoral committee sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with failure on the exam without the opportunity for a redo. This essentially is considered a dismissal from the graduate program in that particular department. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-014-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. Following the submission of the paper, an outside reader alerted the instructor to the fact that the paper may contain plagiarism. Upon further examination the instructor noted several suspicious passages. A search of Internet resources quickly identify multiple sources from which sentences and paragraphs were copied wholesale into the body of the paper. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-013-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid on an in-class exam. Students were allowed the use of a 3 x 5 notecard during the exam. Instructions for the exam expressly prohibited the use of any notecard with a greater surface area than that found on a 3 x 5 card. At the conclusion of the exam the instructor required all students to submit the notecards with the exams. The senior submitted a 4 x 6 notecard. The instructor noted the 1xbet online games login had access to the use of more surface area than all other students. Prior to the exam an electronic communication was sent to students stating that the use of a notecard containing a surface area greater than that of a 3 x 5 notecard would constitute an honor system violation. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a warning.Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-012-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for a given assignment. Upon grading the instructor found that the majority (all but five sentences) of the paper had been copied and pasted from two different Internet sites. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-011-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. The 1xbet online games login submitted a paper for a given assignment. Upon grading the instructor found that the majority (all but six sentences) of the paper had been copied and pasted from two different Internet sites. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-010-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration during the completion of a project submitted for grading. Specifically, the instructor indicated two identical drawings were submitted for a class project. The drawings contained identical errors and subjective interpretations which strongly suggest one 1xbet online games login copied from another. The Assistant Professor has sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-009-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid on a midterm exam. While proctoring the examination the instructor noticed the 1xbet online games login making an unusual amount of movement. Upon further observation she noted the 1xbet online games login continued these movements. Approximately five minutes prior to the end of the exam the instructor approached the 1xbet online games login and noticed a piece of paper on the floor by the 1xbet online games login 's feet. Upon examination she noted the paper contained information relevant to the exam and was typed in a extremely small font. Following the exam the 1xbet online games login approached the instructor in her office and informed her that the 1xbet online games login did not have time to study and had prepared the "cheat sheet" prior to the exam. However, the 1xbet online games login claimed to have dropped the paper at the beginning of the exam and stated that it was not used during the examination. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a 25% reduction on the midterm examination and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-008-Eighteen students (2 Freshman, 10 Sophomores, and 5 Juniors) were alleged to have plagiarized a solutions manual when submitting four assignments. The instructor noted incorrect consistencies within the students papers. Upon consultation of the solutions manual the faculty member was able to identify four problems, in four different assignments, that were incorrect or missing information within the solutions manual. Upon checking the 1xbet online games login homework the faculty noted three students had the same solutions as the manual for all four problems, ten students had the exact same answers for three problems, an five students had the same response as the solutions manual on two of the problems. The Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on each of the assignments for which it is documented they plagiarized from the solutions manual. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-007-A Junior and a Senior were alleged to have collaborated on outside assignments resulting in identical submissions for two assignments. The instructed noted both assignments submitted by the students were identical. Given the nature of the assignments and stated that given the nature of the assignments there is no reasonable way the assignments could be identical. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on both assignments. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-006-A Senior is believed to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading submitted papers the instructor noted two papers that were similar in content, style, and formating. Upon closer examination the instructor believes the Sophomore (Case #2009/2010-005) copied the paper from the Senior. Due in part to the ambiguity associated with how the 1xbet online games login from Case 005 acquired the paper, the instructor has requested an Honor Council investigation into the Seniors involvement in this incident. If found responsible for this violation the Instructor has recommend the 1xbet online games login be sanctioned with an XF. If no complicity is identified the Instructor recommends the 1xbet online games login be exonerated and the earned grade for the paper be assigned. The 1xbet online games login contested the allegations and after a case investigation was completed and the 1xbet online games login from case 2009/2010-005 admitted all responsibility, this case was dropped. Case Dropped.

Case #2009/2010-005-A Sophomore is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism. While grading submitted papers the instructor noted two papers that were similar in content, style, and formating. Upon closer examination the instructor believes the Sophomore copied the paper from the other 1xbet online games login (see Case #2009/2010-006) The Graduate Research Assistant/Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an zero on the paper and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.


Case #2009/2010-004-A Sophomore and a Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment submitted for grading. While grading the assignment the instructor noted similarities in the formating of the assignments. Upon closer scrutiny the instructor noted four distinct and incorrect components of the assignment. Given the type and location of the errors the instructor identified that the students had collaborated on the assignent. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-003-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted an assignment which was similar to one submitted by another 1xbet online games login . Upon investigation the instructor discovered the 1xbet online games login from Case 003 acknowledged copying the idea from the Freshman and submitting the work as original. Additionally, the 1xbet online games login presented a topic to the class for which no verbal citation was given nor did the 1xbet online games login submit a work cited page. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the assignments and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-002-A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login submitted a assignment which was similar to another students paper. When confronted by the instructor the 1xbet online games login indicated that upon arriving unprepared to submit the assignment the 1xbet online games login look at the paper of anther 1xbet online games login and copied down the other students idea for submission as original work. Additionally, the 1xbet online games login presented a topic to the class for which no citation were noted. The 1xbet online games login failed to provide citation either orally during the presentation or in writing with the submitted presentation notes. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a reduced grade on the assignments and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2009/2010-001-A Senior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The 1xbet online games login was observed looking at other students papers during an in-class quiz. The two students around the Senior were moved during the middle part of the quiz. Upon completion of the quiz, the students papers were compared. The students responses on the first part of the quiz exactly match the 1xbet online games login on the Senior's left. The responses on the third part of the quiz exactly match the responses of the 1xbet online games login on the right of the senior. Examination of the Seniors paper after the two students were moved, showed the Senior received 4.5/18 points on the remaining portions of the quiz while the Senior scored a 9.5/10 on the sections completed while the students were in close proximity to the Senior. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with a zero on the quiz and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. The 1xbet online games login did not contest the allegation. However, this was the second violation for this 1xbet online games login . A mandatory hearing was convened, the hearing panel considered both violations and recommended to the Provost that this 1xbet online games login be suspended from the university for 1 year. In addition, the panel sanctioned the 1xbet online games login with an XF in the course and the requirement to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Case Closed.