honor 1xbet sports betting Pledge Violations (AUGUST 2005-JULY 2006)

The following violations of the Honor Pledge occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link: TERM

This site was last updated on Friday, October 13th at 9 a.m.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -127--Two Juniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment. The assignment was to have been completed individually. The two students submitted almost identical assignments containing 14 errors. Each of the errors was repeated in both assignments. The instructor indicated that making the exact same mistake 14 times is a near impossibility. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment, a zero on the accompanying quiz, and further required that they take the Development & Integrity course. One 1xbet sports betting did not contest and completes the D&I class during the fall semester. The other 1xbet sports betting contested the allegations, was heard by an Honor Hearing panel, and was found in violation. This 1xbet sports betting will complete the D&I course in the spring semester. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -126--Two Seniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a lab report. The assignment was to have been completed individually using original wording. Both students submitted papers containing identical wording in three sections of the lab report. The GTA sanctioned the students with a grade decution on the lab report. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -125--A Senior, a Junior and a Sophomore were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on two lab reports submitted for grades. The assignments were to have been completed individually using original wording. In addition, all graphs were to be completed by hand. All three students submitted the same computer generated graph. The majority of the text submitted in the lab reports was identical indicating that the students collaborated on the reports. The GTA sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -124--A Junior and a Freshman were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on two assignments submitted for grades. The assignments were to have been completed individually using original wording. The students submitted almost identical work indicating that they did not complete the assignment individually. The GTA sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -123--Investigation stage. 1xbet sports betting Pending.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -122--Investigation stage. 1xbet sports betting Pending.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -121--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on a paper for class. Specifically the 1xbet sports betting failed to appropriately attribute direct quotes to the author of the material. In several instances the instructor noted the 1xbet sports betting 's failure to use quotation marks and page numbers when using the exact words of the author. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -120--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized while completing a paper outside of class. The paper was submitted late. Upon receiving the paper the instructor believed that the content of the paper was taken directly from the cited sources without adequate citation. Upon investigation the instructor discovered this to be the case. Several sentences were included in the paper for which quotation marks were not used. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -119--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on a paper for class. Specifically the 1xbet sports betting failed to use appropriate citation methods when using the exact wording from a definition taken from the Wikipedia website.The definition was copied directly from the Wikipedia web site and used without quotation marks. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting review the Honor & Integrity System web site and provide a written review of the cite for the instructor. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -118--A Sophomore incorrectly cited an assigned paper and the Associate Professor gave a strong warning and reported the situation to the Honor & Integrity System. The 1xbet sports betting 's name has been entered in the Honor & Integrity System database. A second uncontested violation will result in an automatic Honor hearing with stronger sanctions possible. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -117--A Junior was required to submit a position paper on a debate topic as a make-up assignment. The instructors discovered upon review, that the entire paper had been lifted from the Internet. The Associate Professor sanctioned 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -116 --Report Withdrawn

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -115 --Report Withdrawn

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -114--Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration with each other while completing outside of class reports. The content and sequence of the reports is too closely aligned to be coincidental. The Associate Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and has required that both students enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. In addition, both students will receive a B in the course once they have completed the DI class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -113--A Senior plagiarized the first paragraph of an outside assignment. The remaining portions of the paper did not match the grammar and structure of the first paragraph. This prompted the Instructor to conduct a search on the Internet. The instructor located a website from which the first paragraph was taken verbatim without citation. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF for the course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -112--A Sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized while completing a written assignment. The Instructor noted that several sentences used in the paper came directly from websites without citation. The majority of the paper was free from plagiarism and the instructor noted that the 1xbet sports betting appeared to have the essence of the need for citation but did not have adequate knowledge of the citation process. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with warning and is requiring the 1xbet sports betting to enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. This is the Sophomore's second uncontested Honor Pledge violation. An automatic hearing was conducted at the beginning of the fall term. The Honor Hearing panel additionally sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with community service in the form of conducting HIPE presentations to the campus community. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -111--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized several internet sources while completing an assignment. The assignment was a part of a rewrite required of the 1xbet sports betting . The portions involving the plagiarism issues are contained in the rewritten portions of the paper. Upon completing an Internet search several instances of plagiarism were evident. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and is further requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -110--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized several internet sources while completing an assignment. Upon receiving the paper the Instructor sensed that the paper was not original work. Upon completing an Internet search several instances of plagiarism were evident. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and is further requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -109--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet website while completing a paper as a part of a group project. The instructor noted that several phrases and statements contained within the paper seemed out of place. A simple Internet search revealed that much of the paper had been copied directly from multiple Internet sources without citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper portion of the group project. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -108--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized in a paper submitted for a grade. The Instructor noted that the paper was well written but also noted that this was not uncommon for this 1xbet sports betting . Upon a normal citation checking procedure the instructor found that the 1xbet sports betting had directly copied sections of the paper from the web site. Upon further investigation the instructor found that all parts of the paper, with the exception of transition statements and the conclusion, had been cut and pasted from various web sites. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a rewrite for no more than 80% credit and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -107--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet site while preparing and presenting a speech in class. Upon hearing the speech the instructor felt that the phrasing of the speech was different than had been presented by the 1xbet sports betting previously. Upon conducting and Internet search the instructor found two articles from which significant portions of the speech had been copied verbatim. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -106--An Associate Professor is using OPTION 2 in reporting a case of alleged plagiarism. OPTION 2 reports refer students to the Honor & Integrity office for investigation and possible Honor panel hearing. The 1xbet sports betting is temporarily away from the university and the case will continue upon the 1xbet sports betting 's return. 1xbet sports betting Pending.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -105--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on an assignment submitted for a grade. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which was not consistent with the 1xbet sports betting 's normal writing patterns and was more sophisticated in terms of grammar usage than is typical of previous work submitted by the 1xbet sports betting during the semester. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning and a required rewrite of the paper prior to receiving a grade for the course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -104--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized while writing a paper. The 1xbet sports betting failed to recite sources while changing subjects in the paper. The 1xbet sports betting met with the associate professor and completed a rewrite of the paper. The Associate professor allowed the 1xbet sports betting to rewrite the paper with a 15% deduction on the grade and filed an official warning in the Honor & Integrity System office. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -103--A Senior was alleged to have committed plagiarism by using multiple pictures in a paper without providing adequate source citation. The Associate professor allowed the 1xbet sports betting to rewrite the paper with a 15% deduction on the grade and filed an official warning in the Honor & Integrity System office.Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -102--A Junior was alleged to have falsified the contents of a report based upon a lecture attended by the 1xbet sports betting . The 1xbet sports betting is specifically alleged to have falsified his attendance at the lecture by submitting the report containing information on the lecture. However, the information presented in the lecture did not match the report. Further investigation uncovered that the presenter changed the presentation topic for the spring semester. The 1xbet sports betting apparently did not attend the lecture but acquired notes or information from a previous semester and used that as a basis for the report. The co-reporters have sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the assignment. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -101--A Freshman plagiarized a significant portion of a paper submitted for grading. The instructor found, using a search engine, three Internet sources that were used word for word in the paper. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -100--A Junior engaged in unauthorized aid while taking an in class examination. The 1xbet sports betting looked at the paper of the 1xbet sports betting in the next seat and repeatedly wrote down answers from the other students paper. All of the responses on the submitted tests match the other students exam. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning and required the 1xbet sports betting to retake a different version of the exam. Cased Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -99--A Junior and a Senior collaborated on a project which resulted in both students submitting papers that contained the much of the same responses. The Reporter stated that one paper had been plagiarized from the other but was unable to determine which was the original. The Assistant Professor sanctioned both students with a reduced grade on the assignment and is requiring that they enroll in and successfully complete the Development and Integrity course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -98--Report Received. Graduate 1xbet sports betting notified. Awaiting closure. 1xbet sports betting Pending.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -97--A Senior had one very minor issue with quoting a reference correctly. The Associate Professor sanctioned with a zero on the assignment until the 1xbet sports betting revised the paper. No contest by the Senior. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -96--Report Withdrawn

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -95--A Sophomore falsely reported to a department person that assignments had been turned into an instructor. The department person asked for the instructor's name. The 1xbet sports betting could not name the instructor, so was asked to go get the instructor's initials. The Sophomore forged initials of a non-existent instructor and turned the assignment back into the department person. When questioned, the Sophomore admitted falsifying the initials. The 1xbet sports betting was sanctioned with an XF in the course. The Sophomore did not contest the allegation. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -94--An Assistant Professor discovered that a Graduate 1xbet sports betting plagiarized solutions authored by the professor and did not furnish a citation in the work. The professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to take the Development & Integrity course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -93--Hearing completed, found in violation. 1xbet sports betting is appealing decision of the Honor Hearing panel. 1xbet sports betting Pending.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -92--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized while completing a paper for class. The instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in the Development and Integrity course and complete revisions on the submitted paper, specifically that the 1xbet sports betting use personal language and quotes where material was directly quoted from manuals. The Senior did not contest. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -91--A Junior, a Senior, and a Sophomore were alleged to have submitted identical quizzes in a class. Noting irregularities in the testing results the professor questioned the class with respect to testing protocol. The professor requested that all students involved in the unauthorized collaboration come forward after class. Three students came forward and admitted to turning in the same quiz. The Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the quiz, inclusion of their names in the Honor & Integrity System database, an official letter of reprimand in their files (to be destroyed upon successful completion of the degree program), and an additional assignment to review parts of the Development and Integrity course web site.ased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -90--A Sophomore is alleged to have plagiarized from an Internet source while completing a response paper. The Instructor located the plagiarized material and listed the web site in the report. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is further requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Development & Integrity (formerly Academic Integrity) course. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -89--1xbet sports betting Withdrawn.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -88-- Two Freshman are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an outside writing assignment. One 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have coerced the other 1xbet sports betting into collaboration by stating that "everyone else is doing it" and "we can get done faster." The Assistant Professor has sanctioned the initiator of the coercion with the requirement to take the Development and Integrity course and the other 1xbet sports betting with a warning. Since this is the 2nd violation for the initiator, a hearing panel is automatically involved. The hearing panel decided to:

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -87--A Junior was alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration during an in-class exam. When the 1xbet sports betting turned in the exam the instructor noted several similarities between the 1xbet sports betting 's exam and a nearby 1xbet sports betting 's exam. The instructor also noted several erasures on the exam paper. In addition, the two exams were different versions of the same test. Incorrect answers on the 1xbet sports betting 's exam would have been counted correct if alleged 1xbet sports betting had the second version of the exam. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Development and Integrity course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest. Since this was the 1xbet sports betting 's 2nd violation, a hearing panel is automatically involved. The hearing panel decided to:

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -86--Investigators did not find enough information to carry the 1xbet sports betting forward. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -85--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet site by copying directly from the site without adequate citation. The 1xbet sports betting claimed to have used the site to get ideas for the paper. The 1xbet sports betting claimed that all material used was changed from its original format. The Associate Professor compared the information presented in the paper with the information found on the web site. In many instances exact matches were discovered. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Development & Integrity (formerly Academic Integrity) course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -84--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized on an assignment. Following the submission of the assignment, the Associate Professor noted striking similarities between one 1xbet sports betting 's solutions and the solutions provided by the professor to a previous class. The similarities were exact on one particular exercise and similar on two other exercises. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. Cased Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -83--A Graduate 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have falsified data as a part of a research project. Upon receiving completed scantron sheets for a research survey, the Assistant Professor noted irregularities in the bubbled-in sheets. Upon further examination, the data was found to be fraudulent. When confronted by the Assistant Professor and the Department Head the 1xbet sports betting acknowledged that in an effort to meet the time constraints on the data collection the 1xbet sports betting bubbled in random bubbles prior to submitting the data. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by requiring enrollment in the Development and Integrity (formerly Academic Integrity) course. The 1xbet sports betting is also being required to conduct a research project involving development and administration of a survey instrument. Following data collection, the 1xbet sports betting will be required to analyze the data and disseminate the data at the department level. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest and is enthusiastically working on the research project. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -82--This 1xbet sports betting was an appeal to 1xbet sports betting #2005/2006-26. Another pair of 1xbet sports betting Investigators were used and another unrelated Hearing Panel came to the same conclusion. The XF was upheld. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -81--A Sophomore and a Senior were alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid on an in-class exam. The Sophomore is alleged to have copied multiple answers from the Senior's paper during the in class exam. The Sophomore acknowledge looking at parts of the Senior's exam. The Senior denied any knowledge of the action. Based upon the available information the Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the Senior with a warring and the Sophomore with a zero on the exam. The Sophomore admitted and the Senior contested the allegations. After a period of time, the Senior withdrew the contestation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -80--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized while completing a written assignment for class. The instructor conducted an Internet search and discovered that significant portions of the paper were paraphrased and in some cases copied directly from at least three Internet sites. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course and required that the 1xbet sports betting take the Academic Integrity course. The Junior did not contest. Cased Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -79--Two students, a Junior and a Senior, were alleged to have collaborated on a lab experiment without permission. Upon receiving the reports, the instructor noticed that one of the answers was incorrect on both papers. In addition, the errors in the solution were identical. The instructor also noticed that material submitted as a part of the lab did not contain markings that are characteristic of a completed lab. The Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that they enroll in and successfully complete the Academic Integrity class. For the Junior, this was the second violation within a few days. An Honor hearing panel added additional sanctions. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -78--A Sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized at least four sources while completing a report. The Instructor alleged that following the 1xbet sports betting 's submission of the report the instructor became suspicious due to the complexity of the language used and the high level of comprehension of the literary elements. The Instructor conducted an Internet search and found at least four sources from which material was used in the report. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment, a cap on the course grade of 79%, and is the requirement that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Academic Integrity course. The Sophomore did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -77--Two graduate students were alleged to have used unauthorized aid in completing a lab assignment. The completed reports contained similarities to other students' work. Upon closer examination it was evident that the reports were copied from the same source. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that they successfully complete the Academic Integrity class. They are currently enrolled in the AI class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -76--Three undergraduate students, a Sophomore, a Junior, and a Senior were alleged to have used unauthorized aid in completing a lab assignment. The completed reports contained similarities to other students work. Upon closer examination it was evident that the reports were copied from the same source. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that they successfully complete the Academic Integrity class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

End of Fall 2005 Semester


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -75-An Instructor assigned the class a set of exercises to be accomplished individually. The topic of unauthorized collaboration was discussed in class as the assignment was given out. The syllabus stated, "On your own (you may NOT work with someone else on this!! Remember the honor code folks.)" During grading, it was noted that numerous statements turned in by students were nearly identical. In some cases, students who were not doing well in the class were suddenly able to submit perfect work. The GTA helping with the class determined several students had received help on the project. Students were told in class that if they met with the Instructor before a certain deadline, they would be given a zero on the project and that would be the end of the matter. A sophomore in the class did not meet with the Instructor. The Instructor had information justifying the Sophomore's involvement with unauthorized aid. At first the Sophomore denied the allegation, but after seeing the information, decided to accept the zero on the assignment and the mandate to take the Academic Integrity course. The Sophomore did not contest the allegation and is enrolled in the AI course this spring. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -74--A Graduate 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have plagiarized during an oral presentation. While presenting during a seminar class the 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have copied figures, layouts, and quotes from a presentation found on the web without appropriate citation. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF for the seminar class. The Graduate 1xbet sports betting contested the allegation and asked for an investigation and hearing. The Honor Council hearing panel struggled with the decision, but ultimately voted that the 1xbet sports betting did not violate the Honor Pledge. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -73--A Senior was alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a test. The Instructor alleged that following the return and review of a test the 1xbet sports betting picked up another 1xbet sports betting 's test and altered the name on the test. The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have then claimed ownership of the paper by submitting it for grade correction. The instructor contacted the 1xbet sports betting who's original name was on the paper and that 1xbet sports betting identified that test and claimed original ownership. Additionally, a handwriting analysis was conducted that further supported the correct ownership of the paper. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. After the Case Review the 1xbet sports betting contested the allegation. A hearing panel found the 1xbet sports betting in violation and upheld the sanction.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -72--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on a case report for class. The Instructor reported that the numerical data and analyses were identical to the author's end notes. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -71--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized on a research paper. Upon checking the 1xbet sports betting 's references the Instructor noted that they were all unusual references and not easily accessible. Upon further examination the Instructor noted that in two of the citations the page numbers did not match the sources nor did the content. In addition, one of the listed sources is so obscure that there is no electronic copy available and there is no paper copy located at KSU. The Instructor states that the only thing common to these references is that they are all listed on the same web site. The Instructor's conclusion is that the 1xbet sports betting went out of the way to select obscure references to insert into the paper to give a false appearance that some research was done. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Academic Integrity course. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -70--Two names were furnished to the Director in a 1xbet sports betting report stemming from a previous 1xbet sports betting . The Director appointed two 1xbet sports betting Investigators to look at information and talk with both students. The CIs did not find enough information to move the 1xbet sports betting to a hearing and the Director closed the 1xbet sports betting . 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -69--A Sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized while writing a research paper. The 1xbet sports betting failed to meet the expectation for citation of reference outline by the instructor. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and a required rewrite for reduced credit. In addition, if the 1xbet sports betting fails to submit the rewrite the sanction will include the Academic Integrity course. The Sophomore did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -68--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized on a research paper. Following a clearly outlined procedure for citing sources within a research paper, the 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper without proper citations used within the body of the paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and a required rewrite for reduced credit. In addition, if the 1xbet sports betting fails to submit the rewrite the sanction will include the Academic Integrity course. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -67--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized on a research paper. Although clear directions were provided related to appropriate citation method and expectations, the 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have not cited reference material in the text of the paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the paper and a required rewrite for reduced credit. In addition, if the 1xbet sports betting fails to submit the rewrite the sanction will include the Academic Integrity course. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -66--A Freshman was alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on two lab reports and a quiz. Specifically, the 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have submitted two lab reports, after grading, that the 1xbet sports betting claimed had been recorded inaccurately. The Instructor stated that neither of these lab reports contained the required TA signatures nor were scores recorded in the grade book. the Instructor also stated that following the final exam, the 1xbet sports betting presented a quiz to the TA claiming that the grade once again had been recorded in error. The Professor stated that the name and signature have been erased and written over. The Professor continues by stating that the hand writing on the quiz that was turned in doesn't match the 1xbet sports betting 's handwriting on the final exam. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class and is requiring that he take the Academic Integrity class. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -65--Several students were alleged to have used Face book, a message board site, to post "The Word of the Day" which was given at the end of each class for the purpose of crediting those students who did attend class. Six students (3 Sophomore and 3 Freshman) were alleged to have either supplied information or requested information related to "The Word of the Day." The Professor sanctioned the students with an official warning from the Honor & Integrity System office. In addition, 107 other students were identified to be members of the message board. Twenty-five of these students were not in the section of the course taught by the Professor but were enrolled in a second section offered by the university. The second section did not utilize "The Word of the Day." Two other members of the message board have not been identified as students at the university. The 1xbet sports betting Investigators were unable to determine if any of these 107 students actually used the message board to obtain information related to "The "Word of the Day." Therefore, each of these students will receive a letter informing them that they are receiving an unofficial warning by the Honor & Integrity System Office. An unofficial warning means that their names will not be entered into the database of Honor Pledge Violators but that they have been investigated for an Honor Pledge Violation. The purpose of this letter is to clearly articulate the violation that occurred and to prompt the students to use care in their future academic endeavors. (For related sanctions see 1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -07) 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -64--A Freshman is alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid on two exams during the semester. The 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have conspired to submit a copy of an exam for grading purposes in such a manner that allowed him to work on the exam outside of class for a longer period of time than was given to complete the exam. The exam was then turned in by another participant who claims the exam was found outside of the classroom on the night the exam was given. On the second exam the 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have changed the name on a submitted exam by erasing the original 1xbet sports betting 's name and substituting the 1xbet sports betting 's own name for the purpose of receiving credit for another 1xbet sports betting 's work. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF for the class. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -63--A Sophomore and a Junior were alleged to have plagiarized on a final lab group summary submitted for class. Specifically, the instructor stated that the summary contained sentences that were copied without appropriate citation (failure to use quotation marks) from the lab text. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. The students did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -62--A Senior is alleged to have plagiarized while submitting a report for a distance education class. The 1xbet sports betting was required to write a report on "Way Out There in the Blue." The instructor alleges that the 1xbet sports betting copied material without appropriate citation from Amazon.com and Simon and Schuster. The Graduate Post-Doctorate sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -61--A Junior is alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration while taking both the mid-term exam and the final exam. Upon noticing similarities in two students mid-term exam, the Instructor created two separate versions of the final exam. The Instructor then monitored the students during the exam. The Instructor repeatedly identified one 1xbet sports betting copying off of the other 1xbet sports betting 's paper. The instructor also called in another person to witness the copying behaviors. In addition, upon comparing the students' results the instructor noticed that both papers matched even though the symbolization was different on the separate versions of the final exam. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class. The Junior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -60--A Freshman is alleged to have plagiarized while writing a report for an outside of class assignment. The instructor became curious about the content and structure of the paper, when it was received. An Internet search was conducted using the first line of the submitted paper. The search resulted in identifying a paper entitled "A Different View of the Homeless." Further comparison identified an exact match between the submitted paper and the paper located on the Internet. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -59--Report Withdrawn

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -58--Four Seniors were alleged to have taken exam questions out of the classroom without permission. This was done for the purpose of reconstructing the exams outside of class to use as study aids. This violation, although occurring in the fall 2003 semester, was discovered during the fall semester of 2005. The Instructor discovered that students were circulating study sheets that were almost exact matches to the tests used in the class. Following an investigation by the instructor the parties responsible were identified and an Honor & Integrity System Violation report was filed. The Associate Professor sanctioned the students with a 10% reduction in the course grade and the requirement to take the Academic Integrity class. (See 1xbet sports betting 59 for related information). None of the students contested, however they did write a statement for their files. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -57--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized on a short report for class. A large portion of the paper was directly quoted without the use of quotation marks or citations. As a result, the Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by allowing the 1xbet sports betting to rewrite the paper with a reduced grade on the assignment (grade capped at a 70%) and is requiring the 1xbet sports betting to take the Academic Integrity course. The Junior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -56--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized while making a class presentation. The 1xbet sports betting used quotes taken directly from two internet web sites during the presentation of a speech. The 1xbet sports betting did list one of the web sites in the bibliography but failed to reference the other site from which the bulk of the presentation was taken. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Academic Integrity course. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -55--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on an assignment for class. During an oral presentation the Graduate Teaching Assistant noticed that the 1xbet sports betting was reading the speech from a web page. Upon investigation the Instructor was able to match several direct quotations to a specific web site. The allegation is that the 1xbet sports betting did not reference the source at any time during the presentation. Specifically, the 1xbet sports betting failed to paraphrase, refer to the statements as quotations, or orally cite a source for the information. The Graduate Teaching Assistant has sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Academic Integrity class. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -54--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized on an assignment for class. The Instructor discovered that the 1xbet sports betting had plagiarized a paper from a Penn State research web site. The instructor identified the plagiarism through an Internet search engine. The 1xbet sports betting was given the opportunity to rewrite the paper with no penalty. Following the submission of the rewritten paper the instructor believes that the 1xbet sports betting again plagiarized another source. The Graduate Teaching Assistant asked the Director to assign an XF in the course. The GTA also required the 1xbet sports betting to take the Academic Integrity class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -53--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on an assignment for class. The plagiarism was identified following a search for key words and phrases using an Internet search engine. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -52--A Freshman and a Sophomore were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an in-class quiz. The Freshman was alleged to have provided two answers to the Sophomore prior to submitting the quizzes for grading. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a warning. An official warning by an instructor requires the Honor & Integrity System Director to add the name of the students to the Honor & Integrity System data base. Should either 1xbet sports betting be reported and found in violation in the future, an automatic hearing is convened to assign any additional sanctions such as suspension or expulsion. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -51--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on an assignment for class. The 1xbet sports betting submitted a paper which almost entirely consists of direct quotes and close paraphrases, without attrition, of material from <http://www.sparknotes.com/www.sparknotes.com The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on that assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Academic Integrity class. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -50--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized the majority of a an assignment for class. The 1xbet sports betting directly copied parts of a speech from the Internet site <http://kidshealth.org/http://kidshealth.org without appropriate citation. The 1xbet sports betting 's outline has multiple occurrences of plagiarism from this web site as the 1xbet sports betting directly copied words, phrases, sentences and ideas from the article, never giving recognition to the original author. The 1xbet sports betting did finally cite the web site at the end of the assignment but failed to mention that most of the discussion was based on the information provided by the web site In one instance the 1xbet sports betting copied a sentence directly from the web site and credited the words to a different source. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting successfully complete the Academic Integrity class before repeating the class. The 1xbet sports betting contested and asked for an investigation and hearing. The hearing panel found the 1xbet sports betting in violation and upheld the XF. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -49--A Freshman was alleged to have 1) copied test answers from another 1xbet sports betting during an in-class exam, 2) falsified information on the test booklet (recorded a false name) and 3) sent fraudulent email messages to the GTA and Instructor stating that the 1xbet sports betting had recorded the incorrect test version on the scantron sheet in an attempt to match the answers on the test to the correct version. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the exam, the requirement to take the Academic Integrity course, and an X beside the recorded grade. The 1xbet sports betting does not have enough points in the class to achieve a grade higher than an F. Therefore an XF would be recorded for the 1xbet sports betting 's grade. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -48--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized from an Internet source while writing a paper. The instructor suspected that the wording used by the 1xbet sports betting was unusual. Suspecting that the 1xbet sports betting had used other sources the instructor typed certain phrases into an Internet search engine. The results indicate that the 1xbet sports betting had used exact wording found on numerous sites. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting is also required to take the Academic Integrity class. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -47--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized from an Internet source while writing a paper. The 1xbet sports betting used direct quotes from the site without citing the source. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting is also required to take the Academic Integrity class. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -46--A Sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized from an Internet source by paraphrasing parts of the site without appropriate citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and requiring the 1xbet sports betting to take the Academic Integrity class. The Sophomore did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -45--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized from an Internet source while writing a paper. The 1xbet sports betting used slight paraphrase within the paper without citing the Internet source. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting is also required to take the Academic Integrity class. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -44--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source, through slight paraphrase, without appropriate citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment without the opportunity to rewrite the paper. In addition, the 1xbet sports betting is required to take the Academic Integrity course. The Junior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -43--A Sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized an online handout from another university through paraphrasing without citation. In addition the 1xbet sports betting plagiarized the 1xbet sports betting textbook in two different parts of the paper. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment but allowed a full credit rewrite. As an additional sanction the 1xbet sports betting is required to take the Academic Integrity class. The Sophomore did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -42--A Sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized the Internet site "Sparknotes" while completing a paper. The 1xbet sports betting used phrases and statements uncommon among undergraduate students. When these statements were placed into a search engine the results indicated exact matches from the web site The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Academic Integrity class. The Sophomore did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -41--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized the Internet site "Sparknotes" while completing a paper. This is the second violation for this 1xbet sports betting in the same class. The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have plagiarized in the same manner as in the previous case (See Case 40). The Assistant Professor has sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class and further requires that the 1xbet sports betting successfully complete the Academic Integrity course prior to being allowed to repeat the class in which the violation occurred. The Junior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -40--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized while completing a paper. Upon encountering phrases not commonly associated with undergraduate writings, the instructor typed the phrases into a search engine. The results of the search indicated exact wording and phrasing on the web site"Sparknotes". The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to take the Academic Integrity course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -39--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized the Internet site "Sparknotes" while completing a paper. In addition, the 1xbet sports betting 's paper is remarkably similar to another 1xbet sports betting 's paper. Another 1xbet sports betting asked the Junior to turn the paper in during class that evening. The Junior had access to the paper during the day prior to the evening class in which it was to be turned in. The other 1xbet sports betting was not charged with an Honor Pledge Violation as there is not indication that she encouraged the plagiarism. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an F on the assignment with the opportunity to rewrite the paper for full credit. In addition, the 1xbet sports betting is required to take the Academic Integrity course. The Junior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -38--A Sophomore and a Freshman were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an outside assignment. Both students turned in almost identical papers. It appears as though one 1xbet sports betting completed the paper and the other 1xbet sports betting changed words and phrases however, the papers are almost identical in content and the order in which the content appears. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and is requiring them to take the Academic Integrity class. The students did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -37--Two Freshman were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration to falsify attendance records for the purpose of earning points for a lecture that one of the students failed to attend. One of the students signed and turned in an attendance slip during a lecture for the other 1xbet sports betting . The Professor assigned the students a zero on the attendance portion of the lecture class and is requiring that they take the Academic Integrity course. The students did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -36--A Freshman attempted to procure an examination without permission from the appropriate authority. Another 1xbet sports betting reported to the Assistant Professor observing the Freshman placing the examination test booklet into a backpack.The Reporter stated that when confronted by the Proctor of the examination, the Freshman denied the allegation and was asked to remain in the room. While the Proctors were collecting other students' tests, they observed the 1xbet sports betting removing the test booklet from the backpack and placing it under a chair. The alleged action is a breach of test security and constitutes an Honor Pledge violation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the Freshman with an XF. The Freshman did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -35-- Report Withdrawn

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -34--A Sophomore was alleged to have used two essays from www.123helpme.com as a source for generating two papers turned in to the instructor. The submitted assignment contained several identical phrases and were essentially the same in content as the two essays located on the site. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class. The Sophomore reviewed the case information and decided not to contest the allegation.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -33--A Professor started a quiz in the classroom, then asked that the last 1xbet sports betting take the quizzes to the faculty member's office. A couple of students reported (by note on the quiz and by e-mail) that the unproctored nature of the quiz environment was abused. Students were reported to have used textbooks, notes, and discussion to answer the quiz items. This case was investigated by Honor Council investigators. Based on case investigator findings, the Professor agreed with the recommendations to sanction four students--one Senior, two Juniors, and one Sophomore with unauthorized aid on a quiz. Three students decided not to contest, but added a statement in their files. One 1xbet sports betting is contested, was investigated, and went through the hearing process. The Honor Council hearing panel found the 1xbet sports betting in violation and the 1xbet sports betting will fulfill sanction obligations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -32-- A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized on two separate occasions. On the first assignment the 1xbet sports betting copied a ten page extra credit assignment from another 1xbet sports betting and made minor changes to the document prior to submission. The second instance of plagiarism occurred during a review of a peer-reviewed journal article. The 1xbet sports betting is alleged to have copied sections of the article without proper citation. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the extra credit assignment and the 1xbet sports betting is not allowed to complete extra credit assignments for the remainder of the semester. In addition, the 1xbet sports betting was sanctioned by having to take the Academic Integrity course. The Senior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -31-- Two Sophomores and a Junior were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a take home quiz. Upon grading the quiz the instructor noticed that the three students appeared to have similar answers. Upon further comparison the instructor concluded that the answers were the same. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the quiz and a verbal as well as official warning through the Honor & Integrity System Office. All three students did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -30-- Two Juniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a take home quiz. When the instructor evaluated the quizzes turned in by the students, he noticed that the answers were exactly the same. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a warning and a reduced grade on the quiz. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -29-- Two Juniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an out of class quiz. The students submitted responses to a take home quiz that were identical. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a warning and a reduced grade on the quiz. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -28-- Two Freshman were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on test corrections to be submitted for extra credit on the test grade. The students submitted test corrections that were similar with respect to phrasing the correct and incorrect answers. The Instructor met with both students and they stated that they did collaborate on the test corrections. The Instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the extra credit portion of the test and is requiring that they take the Academic Integrity course. One 1xbet sports betting has admitted the behavior, the other contested stating there was no collaboration on the part of the 1xbet sports betting . An Honor Council hearing panel decided the contesting 1xbet sports betting had not violated the Honor Pledge. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -27-- Two Sophomores were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an out of class assignment. The Instructor of the course indicated on the assignment sheet as well as through verbal directions that students may collaborate on the data collection for the project but must write individual reports. When the two students submitted the assignments the papers were nearly identical. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and is requiring that they take the Academic Integrity course. Both students have contested the allegations. A hearing panel upheld the allegation that an Honor Pledge violation occurred. Both students were sanctioned with the Academic Integrity class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -26--1xbet sports betting Being Appealed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -25-- A Graduate 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on exams. The Graduate 1xbet sports betting attended class and took the exams at the given time. Two Teaching Assistants were proctoring and subsequently grading the exams. One of the Teaching Assistants became suspicious of the grading practices of the other Teaching Assistant. The Teaching Assistant noticed discrepancies in the grading of the exams of one particular graduate 1xbet sports betting . Specifically that the test turned in by the graduate 1xbet sports betting was changed to match the grading key following submission for grading. The Professor has submitted the case for investigation by the Honor & Integrity System with a recommendation of an XF as the sanction. The 1xbet sports betting contested and a hearing panel sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -24-- A Senior was alleged to have engaged in plagiarism while completing a writing assignment. The paper submitted by the 1xbet sports betting contained numerous direct quotes that were not surrounded by quotation marks and were not identified as statements obtained from other written material. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning stating that another incident of plagiarism would be followed by the assignment of an XF in the class, a zero on the assignment, and a requirement to attend mandatory tutoring with a specified tutor. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -23-- A Junior was alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an in class exam. The Reporter noticed the 1xbet sports betting looking at another 1xbet sports betting 's paper at least five times during the first part of the exam. The Reporter warned the 1xbet sports betting about looking on other 1xbet sports betting 's papers and the behavior was not repeated. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -22-- A Freshman and a Sophomore are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an outside assignment. Both students submitted identical papers for an outside assignment. The papers were identical in content and format. The Instructor sanctioned both students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to help make presentations with HIPE. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -21-- Three freshmen are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an outside assignment. All three students submitted an identical paper in response to an outside assignment. The papers were identical in content and format. The Instructor sanctioned all three students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to help make presentations with HIPE. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -20-- One Sophomore and Two freshman are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an outside assignment. Each of the students submitted an identical paper including formatting. The Instructor sanctioned all three students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to help make presentations with HIPE. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -19-- Two freshmen are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an outside assignment. One of the students uploaded a homework assignment to K-State on-line by using the file drop box. When the file was opened the header contained the name of the other 1xbet sports betting . The Instructor further investigated by asking CIS about possibilities with K-State on-line. It was discovered that two freshmen had NOT collaborated and the case was dropped.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -18-- A junior was alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration by looking on another students paper during and in-class quiz. The 1xbet sports betting 's paper contained answers and solutions as well as errors that were on only those two quiz papers. The 1xbet sports betting acknowledge to the instructor that, due in part to his lack of preparedness, he succumbed to the pressure he felt to look on another students paper. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the quiz and provided an opportunity to regain some of the lost points through the completion of additional work outside of class. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -17-- A Sophomore and a Junior were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a take home quiz. The students turned in papers that contained similar errors that were unique to these two papers. The instructor talked with the students at different times. Each 1xbet sports betting submitted a letter acknowledging the collaboration and apologizing. The GTA sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and provided an opportunity to regain some of the lost points through the completion of additional work outside of class. The students contested the allegation, were investigated, and continued to the hearing phase. An Honor Council hearing panel upheld the allegation and the students will fulfill their sanction obligations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -16-- Two Freshmen were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration through the falsification of attendance records. The first freshman signed in at the beginning of class and left prior to the end of class. The 1xbet sports betting also signed in a second 1xbet sports betting who was not in attendance for any part of the class. The instructor assigned both students the Academic Integrity class as a sanction. Further investigation revealed that attendance in the class was not a part of the final grade for the class. (Violations of the Honor Pledge must involve breaches in academic areas. Misconduct, such as forging another's name on an attendance sheet will be adjudicated through K-State's judicial branch of 1xbet sports betting Life. An exception to this procedure occurs when the syllabus clearly states what percentage of the final grade (academic work) is based on attendance.) 1xbet sports betting Closed.


#2005/2006 -15--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source while completing an assignment. The specific allegations are that the 1xbet sports betting cut and pasted phrases from at least three Internet sources without appropriate citation. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the 1xbet sports betting did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -14--Four Sophomores were alleged to have turned in almost identical homework papers as a result of copying the original author's work. Although the Assistant Professor does encourage students to discuss homework and even to compare answers, it is clearly stated in the syllabus that "copying, giving your homework to someone else, and not making the assignment your individual work is unacceptable." The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignment. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -13--Two Freshmen were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment resulting in plagiarism. One freshman asked another to see a completed paper that was due for a class assignment. The first freshman allowed the second freshman to see the paper. The second freshman copied significant parts of the paper and turned it in as original work. The first freshman claimed to have no knowledge of the plagiarism. As a result the Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the first freshman with a reduced grade on the assignment for unauthorized collaboration and sanctioned the second freshman with an XF in the course and the requirement to take the Academic Integrity course for plagiarizing on the assignment. A hearing panel was convened for one freshman who also violated the Honor Pledge in Case #12. The hearing panel decided that since the violations were in the same class and before the 1xbet sports betting had the opportunity to become more knowledgeable about the seriousness of violating the Honor Pledge, no additional sanctions were assigned. The 1xbet sports betting has an XF in the course, needs to retake the class for credit, and is enrolled in the spring semester AI class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -12--Two Freshmen were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment resulting in plagiarism. The assignment required originality, explanation and individual assessment. The students turned in an assignment that contained many identical answers. Some of the answers that were not identical were strikingly similar. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignment and required the students to take the Academic Integrity course. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -11--Two Seniors are alleged to have engaged in the use of unauthorized aid while completing an assignment. The assignment was to have been done individually. However, when both assignments were handed in they were almost identical, including formatting errors. The Instructor sanctioned both students with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to take the Academic Integrity course. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -10--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet site while completing a written assignment. Specifically, the 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have copied phrases from a web page without properly citing the source. The Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -09--Two Freshmen were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment. Both students turned in the an assignment containing identical programming code. The instructor sanctioned the students by giving the students a zero on the assignment and a warning and the students did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -08--A Sophomore is alleged to have turned in the same paper as another 1xbet sports betting from the class. The paper contained changes to the first sentence, the title, and the 1xbet sports betting name. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and did not allow the 1xbet sports betting to participate in the extra credit opportunity on the specific assignment. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

#2005/2006 -07--Several students were alleged to have used Face book, a message board site, to post "The Word of the Day" which was given at the end of each class for the purpose of crediting those students who did attend class. The site was alleged to have been created by a 1xbet sports betting for the purpose of sharing the "Word" of the day with those students who did not attend class. The investigation of Case 07 was concluded on December 4, 2005. The Case Investigators presented the final report to the Honor & Integrity System Director and the Reporter of the alleged violation. The conclusions presented in the report were based upon electronic and paper copies of the message board prior to its removal from the Face book site. In addition, numerous interviews were conducted with individuals who had either posted on the site or had information about the postings. Sufficient information did exist to identify the creator of the message board and those individuals who posted or requested information related to "The Word of the Day" on the web site The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting who created the message board with a warning and is requiring that the 1xbet sports betting take the Academic Integrity course. (For related sanctions see Case #2005/2006 -65) 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -06--A Sophomore and a Junior are alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a written assignment. The submitted papers were almost identical. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -05--A Senior was alleged to have used unauthorized aid while taking an in-class exam. The 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have looked on another 1xbet sports betting 's exam and recorded those answers on the test. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the class. Since the Senior did not contest this allegation and has a prior violation, a hearing panel was automatically convened. The hearing panel sanctioned the Senior with 5 hours a week of community service for the remainder of the semester, as well as the continued service through the spring semester. The senior will not have the opportunity to remove the X portion of the XF since the AI course had already been taken. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -04--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized Internet sources by not giving appropriate credit to the sources. In addition, the paper was to have been written in a specific foreign language. The 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have obtained assistance with the paper from someone who was fluent in the foreign language. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and a warning. The Junior did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 - 03-- A senior was alleged to have engaged in plagiarism when completing a written assignment. The 1xbet sports betting failed to provide documentation of outside source when presenting material that was not considered common knowledge. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning and a reduced grade on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 - 02-- A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized resources by not providing written references or documentation when turning in the assignment. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a warning and a reduced grade on the assignment. The Senior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2005/2006 -01--A Sophomore was alleged to have used unauthorized aid while taking an in-class quiz. The alleged violated was seen to be repeatedly examining his notes and writing answers down during the quiz. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by having the 1xbet sports betting enroll in and successfully complete the Academic Integrity course. The Sophomore did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.