1xbet sports betting Pledge Violations (AUGUST 2004-JULY 2005)

The 1xbet sports betting violations of the 1xbet sports be occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some 1xbet sports betting & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:



1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 127-- A Master degree graduate 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have plagiarized numerous times from two different sources while completing an internship report. The Professor stated that the paper consisted of egregious plagiarism in the form of simple "cut and paste" of a paper written by another Graduate 1xbet sports betting . The professor also indicated that another section of the paper was mildly edited from a chapter in a book. The Professor indicated that the 1xbet sports betting was given the opportunity to provide proper citations, but failed to comply with the request. The Professor requested that the Honor & Integrity System investigate the incident and recommended that the 1xbet sports betting be removed from the graduate program and from the university. An Honor Council hearing panel found the 1xbet sports betting in violation of the Honor Pledge. The 1xbet sports betting 's F on the paper was upheld. The Council also suggested the 1xbet sports betting make use of the graduate grievance process to change his committee members. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 126-- While borrowing a laptop computer a student was alleged to have copied picture files from the laptop by dropping them onto storage space located on a server. The student then submitted those those pictures as partial fulfillment for a class assignment. The reporter indicated that there would be a meeting of the Alleged Violator, the Student Reporter, the Instructor of the class, and the Director of Publications to resolve the issue. The student reporter was to have communicated the outcome of this meeting to the Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The student reporter contacted the Director at a later date and stated that the situation was not resolved due to the postponement of the meeting. The Director of the Honor & Integrity System asked the student reporter to come into the Honor & Integrity System office to file a report and provide the names of the Alleged Violator and the Instructor. The student reported failed to respond to this request. After numerous attempts to contact the student reporter, the student was informed that the 1xbet sports betting would be closed due to lack of information. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 125--A Senior was alleged to have used another 1xbet sports betting 's creative design as a part of a project completed while engaged in pro bono work for an organization outside of the university. An investigation was conducted. The investigation resulted in the determination that the actions occurred outside the university and therefore were beyond the limits of the jurisdiction of the Honor & Integrity System. The investigation identified a need to educate students about property rights as they apply to works of art. Efforts are being made to support future artists by helping them decipher the intricacies of law as it applies to created works of art. Additionally, the Honor & Integrity System recommended that the Reporter seek legal council for the purpose of protecting his/her right of property.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 -124-- A sophomore was alleged to have illegally obtained copies of notes that were subsequently used to study for a final exam. An investigation was conducted. The investigation concluded that the instructor of the course allowed the sharing of notes. Therefore, the fact that the 1xbet sports betting used the notes on the final exam was not beyond the boundaries as set by the instructor. However, the allegation that the notes were obtain in an illegal fashion was considered to be beyond the jurisdiction of the Honor & Integrity System. The recommendation was that the victim of the incident pursue legal action through the appropriate law enforcement agency. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 123-- A sophomore was alleged to have copied answers from another student while taking a final exam. The student was sanctioned with an Incomplete in the course pending the successful completion of the academic integrity course. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 122-- A sophomore was alleged to have looked at a fellow student's test paper while taking the final exam and then changed answers that had already been recorded. The student was sanctioned with an Incomplete in the course pending the successful completion of the academic integrity course. The sophomore made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided to contest the allegations. A 1xbet sports betting investigation is underway. 1xbet sports betting Pending.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 121-- A senior was alleged to have plagiarized by submitting a homework assignment and a project that incorporated source code that was downloaded from the Internet. The student was given a reduced grade on the homework assignment and the project. The student was notified by the Honor & Integrity System director to make an appointment to review the 1xbet sports betting . Attempts to reach the student have failed. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 120-- A senior was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source while completing the report section of an in-class project. The student was sanctioned with reduced points on the report section of the project. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 119-- A senior was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source by stitching together sentences from an Internet site to complete the report. The 1xbet sports betting was sanction with reduced points on the report section of the project. The senior has since graduated and moved from KSU. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 118-- Two seniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a project. The Associate 1xbet sports betting sanctioned the students by withholding a portion of their score on the assignment. Both students admitted the collaboration. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 117-- Two seniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a project. The Associate 1xbet sports betting sanctioned the students by withholding a portion of their score on the assignment. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 116-- Three seniors were alleged to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on numerous projects throughout the semester despite numerous warnings. The Associate Professor sanctioned the students by reducing the grade on the assignments in question. All three students made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 115-- A Junior was alleged to have copied test answers on an exam and to have submitted a lab report on which unauthorized aid was received. The Professor sanctioned the student with and XF for the course and the requirement that the student take the Academic Integrity course prior to retaking the course. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 114 -- A Graduate student plagiarized Internet sources on a research report. The student also provided false citations for some of the copied material. The Associate Professor sanctioned the student with an XF for the course. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 113 -- A Graduate student plagiarized Internet sources for a report assigned as a follow up to his master's exams. The Assistant Professor administered a warning to the student. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005 - 112 -- A Junior was alleged to have copied test answers on the final exam. The Professor sanctioned the student by assigning an incomplete for the class and having to take the Academic Integrity course. Upon successful completion of the Academic Integrity course an adjusted grade will be administered. The student made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and decided not to contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-111--A Senior used unauthorized aid in completing a home work assignment and received a zero on the assignment by the Lab Director. The Senior did 1xbet sports betting . 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-110--A Junior taking a KSU distance education course on the Internet was alleged by a GTA to have plagiarized part of what was to have been an entirely original comment submitted for credit. As a result, the GTA assigned an XF for the course. The 1xbet sports betting attempted to drop the course to avoid the XF but was reinstated in the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-109--A Graduate student turned in a final course paper which had significant portions plagiarized from an Internet source. The Professor requested that this 1xbet sports betting be investigated and adjudicated by an Honor Council Hearing Panel. When the student came in for the 1xbet sports betting Review, the Associate Director suggested going back to the instructor for further clarification. During the meeting, the Professor was able to clarify further and decided to help the student through a rewrite. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-108--A Junior, using ITAC experience, allegedly gained access to an Associate Professor's On Line grade book and altered test grades. The Associate Professor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course and to recommend dismissal from the University. A 1xbet sports betting investigation was not needed since the Junior admitted to being responsible for violating the Honor Pledge in such a premeditated and flagrant way. An Honor Council Hearing Panel met to decide what further sanctioning, if any, was needed. The decision of the Hearing Panel included the following: 1) recommending to the Provost suspension for the 2005/2006 year, 2) enrolling in and successfully completing the Academic Integrity course in the immediate fall 2005 semester, 3) retaking the course of violation, and 4) making 5 community service presentations each of the 2006/2007 semesters when the Junior returns. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-107--A Graduate 1xbet sports betting plagiarized Internet sources for a paper without providing appropriate attribution. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-106--A Sophomore plagiarized portions of an assigned text for a course paper without placing the plagiarized portions in quotation marks, although the text was sited in the paper. The Associate Professor explained to the Sophomore how this was plagiarizing, sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the paper and filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System office. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-105--A Sophomore plagiarized portions of an assigned text for a course paper without placing the plagiarized portions in quotation marks, although the text was sited in the paper. The Associate Professor explained to the Sophomore how this was plagiarizing, sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the paper and filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System office. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-104--A Freshman plagiarized portions of an assigned text for a course paper without placing the plagiarized portions in quotation marks, although the text was sited in the paper. The Associate Professor explained to the Freshman how this was plagiarizing, sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a reduced grade on the paper and filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System office. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-103--Two Sophomores participated in unauthorized collaboration on numerous assignments during the semester, including their final project. The Assistant Professor sanctioned both with zeros on the collaborative assignments and one-half credit for the final project. In addition, both are required to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to the end of fall 2005 semester or their final grade in the 1xbet sports betting will revert to an XF. The students contested the allegations and an investigation was conducted. The students reviewed the CI reports and decided not to contest further. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-102--A Freshman is alleged to have turned in a written assignment which the GTA recognized as having been submitted for credit by another Freshman who had taken the course the previous semester. The Freshman made an appointment for a 1xbet sports betting Review and admitted the violation, deciding not to contest. The Freshman who GAVE unauthorized aid will receive an Incomplete in the English course until the Academic Integrity course has been successfully completed. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-101--A Sophomore plagiarized an Internet source for a paper, turning it in as original work. The GTA suspected the writing style to be too sophisticated for an undergraduate, typed a few choice phrases into Google, and found the entire purloined paper. The Sophomore was rewarded with a zero on the paper and required to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-100--A Junior was alleged to have copied quiz answers from another 1xbet sports betting in the class. The Assistant Professor noticed while grading that the Junior had correct answers for the other version of the quiz. The 1xbet sports betting was sanctioned by having to pass the Academic Integrity course and will receive a reduced grade for the semester quizzes. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-99--A Junior and a Senior were alleged to have participated on unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. The GTA sanctioned both with a zero on the assignment. The students did 1xbet sports betting . 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-98--A Sophomore and Junior turned in remarkably similar assignments with respect to both content and format, which were to have been done individually. The Assistant Professor noticed the similarities and confronted both students individually and both provided similar answers to how the similarities could have occurred. The Assistant Professor sanctioned both students with a reduced grade on the assignment. The students will have ten calendar days to contest the allegation. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-97--A Senior plagiarized numerous sources on a paper, failing to provide quotation marks for direct quotes and erroneously attributing information to the wrong sources. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the Senior with a zero on the assignment and required that the Senior pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-96--A Senior plagiarized an Internet source for a writing assignment and was sanctioned by the Instructor with an XF for the 1xbet sports betting . The Senior did not contest the allegation.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-95--A Senior and a Junior engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an in-class video assignment. The Associate Professor has sanctioned both by requiring both to re-do the assignment and make an appointment with the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System to review the violation report. Both students made an appointment with the Associate Director and reviewed the 1xbet sports betting Report. Conflicting information led to another meeting between the students and the Associate Professor. In the mediation meeting, both the Associate Professor and the students agreed to a redo of the assignment. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-94--Two Juniors, enrolled in different sections of the same 1xbet sports betting , were alleged to have participated in unauthorized collaboration on the re-write of an exam, even though collaboration was specifically not allowed. The GTA noticed identically worded answers on the re-write of both exams and assigned each an XF. The students contested the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-93--A Freshman plagiarized an Internet source for an assignment without providing appropriate attribution. The Graduate Teaching Assistant decided to sanction the student with an XF for the course. This was the student's second Honor Pledge violation. Consequently, an Honor Council Hearing Panel was convened to consider an additional sanction. The Hearing Panel listened to the admitted violator of the Honor Pledge in two instances. Since the student had not taken the Academic Integrity class assigned in the previous 1xbet sports betting AND because the violations occurred within the same week, the Honor Panel decided on the following additional sanctions: 1) join HIPE (Honesty and Integrity Peer Educators), 2) give 5 community service public presentations, 3) work 30 hours (in two semesters) for the Honor & Integrity System, 4) immediately enroll in the AI course, and 5) removal of the X portion of the XF only AFTER the four obligations above had been met. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-92--An Assistant Professor, while grading homework assignments, noticed that a Sophomore 1xbet sports betting 's and a Freshman 1xbet sports betting 's homework assignments were identical, or nearly so. "It appeared that one 1xbet sports betting simply modified a file generated by the other 1xbet sports betting ." As a result, the Assistant Professor issued a warning to both students and required them to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The students contested the allegations and an investigation ensued. A date for a Panel Hearing was set at the end of the spring semester. Neither 1xbet sports betting could make the hearing. Another hearing was set at the beginning of the fall semester. Again, neither 1xbet sports betting wanted to attend, with one writing a scathing e-mail to the Director. It was decided that both students be assigned an XF for the course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-91--Two Freshmen were alleged by an Instructor to have participated in unauthorized collaboration during On-Line quizzes. The Instructor noticed that all their quiz answers were identical or nearly identical. Both the 1xbet sports betting syllabus and the quiz instructions warned that quizzes were to be done individually. The Instructor decided to assign both students with an XF in the 1xbet sports betting . The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-90--A Senior plagiarized significant portions of a paper from an Internet site without providing appropriate attribution. The Associate Professor twice attempted to meet with the Senior to discuss the situation but the Senior failed to keep both appointments. As a result, the Associate Professor decided to sanction the Senior with an XF in the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-89--A Sophomore was alleged by an Instructor to have plagiarized an Internet source for a paper, without providing appropriate attribution. The Sophomore was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and required to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-88--A Graduate 1xbet sports betting was alleged by an Associate Professor to have plagiarized significant portions of a paper, claiming the work to be original. The Associate Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and required passage of the Academic Integrity course. An Honor Council Hearing Panel upheld the allegation of an Honor Pledge violation. The 1xbet sports betting is also required to pass the Academic Integrity course by the end of fall 2005 semester.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-87--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized two Internet sources for a take-home exam, failing to provide appropriate attribution. The Associate Professor sanctioned the Junior with an XF for the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-86--A Sophomore made use of unauthorized aid on a homework assignment by plugging in numbers from a previous semester's assignment, which didn't work for the current semester's assignment. When confronted by the Instructor, the Sophomore admitted the transgression and was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-85--A Junior turned in a paper which had been plagiarized from a number of sources. The Associate Professor, after discussing the paper with the Junior, decided that the problem may have been rooted in ignorance or poor training and decided to provide the Junior with the opportunity to rewrite the paper, include the appropriate citations, and receive a lower grade. In addition, the Junior must pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The Junior will have five class days to contest the allegation.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-84--A Senior plagiarized an Internet source for a paper, claiming it as original work. The Assistant Professor, suspicious of the sophisticated writing, found the original source with a Google check and sanctioned the Senior with a zero on the assignment, which represented 20% of the final grade. When confronted, the Senior admitted the 1xbet sports betting Pledge violation and accepted the sanction. Should the Senior be found to be responsible for a second 1xbet sports betting Pledge violation, an 1xbet sports betting Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider an additional sanction which could include suspension or expulsion from the University. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-83--A Sophomore plagiarized an Internet site for a writing assignment and turned it in as original work and was sanctioned by the Graduate Teaching Assistant with a zero on the assignment. The Sophomore has been warned that a second 1xbet sports betting Pledge violation will result in an 1xbet sports betting Council Hearing Panel being convened to consider whether an additional sanction should be imposed which could include suspension or expulsion from the university. The Sophomore did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-82--A Teaching Assistant alerted the Instructor of the course of the suspicion that homework assignments which were turned in appeared to be nearly identical, involving three Juniors and one Sophomore. The Instructor reviewed each of the 1xbet sports betting 's work and agreed that unauthorized collaboration had occurred. Each 1xbet sports betting was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and warned that a similar occurrence in the course will result in an XF. The students did not contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-81--Two Juniors engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment that was to be accomplished individually. The Instructor rewarded their lack of effort with a zero on the assignment and required them to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The Juniors did not contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-80--A Freshman plagiarized an Internet source for a paper and turned it in as original work. The GTA allowed the 1xbet sports betting to re-write the paper for 50% credit but also required that the 1xbet sports betting pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The Freshman did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-79--Another two Freshmen also engaged in falsifying class attendance rosters when one of them was absent from class. Both students were requested to meet with the GTA to explain their deception. The 1xbet sports betting who complied and admitted the Honor Pledge violation was sanctioned by having to pass the Academic Integrity course and having their class grade capped at a B. The 1xbet sports betting who ignored the requests to meet was sanctioned with an XF in the course.The 1xbet sports betting later requested a meeting with the GTA, the Associate Director and Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The 1xbet sports betting accepted responsibility for the Honor Pledge violation, apologized to the GTA, and acknowledged the harm to the other 1xbet sports betting involved, to the class and to the academic integrity of the University. As a result, the GTA rescinded the previously assigned XF, capped the 1xbet sports betting 's earned grade for the course at a B, and also required the 1xbet sports betting to pass the Academic Integrity course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-78--Two Freshmen engaged in falsifying class attendance rosters when one of the students was absent. The GTA began counting the number of Scranton and the number of students per row and detected the scam. Both students admitted their Honor Pledge violation and were sanctioned with having to take the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade for the class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-77--An Associate Professor suspected a paper was plagiarized because it didn't answer the question asked and didn't use the assigned sources. An Internet search also discovered that part of the paper was taken from "the unfortunately named eCheat.com," and as a result, the Sophomore was sanctioned with an XF in the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-76--A Junior is alleged to have copied the test answers of a student seated nearby. The Graduate Teaching Assistant turned the 1xbet sports betting over to the Honor & Integrity System for an investigation and a hearing before an Honor Council Hearing Panel. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the 1xbet sports betting and found the Junior responsible for an Honor Pledge violation. During the hearing, the Junior claimed that it was the other student who was the cheater, but since the other student's exam score was considerably higher than the Junior's and because the other student Witness demonstrated mastery of the material, that claim was not persuasive. The Junior was sanctioned with an XF in the course. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-75--A Junior plagiarized an Internet source for an On-Line exam and was caught by an Associate Professor, who decided to assign an XF for the course. The F indicates failure; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The X can only be removed by passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade, used to calculate the grade-point-average. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-74--A Freshman used a personal experience of a friend for an oral presentation which was supposed to be of a personal experience. Unfortunately, the Freshman's friend was enrolled in another section of the same class and used the same story for the assignment. Two different GTAs taught the two sections and were talking about this particular unusual personal experience and realized that it was unlikely that both students had the identical experience. After confronting each of the students, the Freshman admitted to having used the other 1xbet sports betting 's story instead of an original story. The GTA sanctioned the Freshman with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-73--A Sophomore attempted to use crib notes during a makeup exam and was caught by the Instructor. The Sophomore attempted to claim that the course syllabus allowed notes during an exam but when challenged by the Instructor to find that passage in the syllabus, could not do so. The Instructor sanctioned the Sophomore with a reduced grade on the exam and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-72--A Senior plagiarized a paper and turned it in as original work. The Associate 1xbet sports betting detected the plagiarism and sanctioned the Senior with a zero on the assignment. The Senior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-71--An Assistant Professor noticed that some of the wrong test answers of a Junior matched the correct test answers of a student seated nearby. The Assistant Professor concluded that the student had violated the Honor Pledge by copying a neighbor's test answers and the Sophomore acknowledged that indeed had been the 1xbet sports betting . The Sophomore was sanctioned with a zero on the exam and will have to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade and will have to take future exams seated in the front row. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-70--An Assistant Professor noticed that some of the wrong test answers of a Sophomore matched the correct test answers of a student seated nearby. The Assistant Professor concluded that the student had violated the Honor Pledge by copying a neighbor's test answers and the Sophomore acknowledged that indeed had been the 1xbet sports betting . The Sophomore was sanctioned with a zero on the exam and will have to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade and will have to take future exams seated in the front row. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-69--A Junior turned in two plagiarized papers in an attempt to receive transfer credit for a course taken at another university. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting by requiring passage of the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The Junior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-68--Two Seniors turned in identical homework assignments. The Professor noticed the identical assignments and called in both Seniors who admitted to having engaged in unauthorized collaboration. The Professor asked for the Senior's recommendation as to the consequences and the Seniors recommended that they each receive a zero on the assignment. The Professor agreed to their recommended sanction and then reported the incident to the 1xbet sports betting & Integrity System office. Should either Senior be found to be responsible for a second 1xbet sports betting Pledge violation at some time in the future, an 1xbet sports betting Council Hearing panel will be convened to consider an additional sanction which could include suspension or expulsion. The Seniors did not contest the allegations. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-67--A Junior was observed by a Lab Assistant to be copying test answers from another 1xbet sports betting . The Lab Assistant reported the incident to the Instructor, who confronted the Junior with the allegation. The Junior acknowledged copying test answers and was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment. The Junior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-66-- --A Freshman was observed participating in unauthorized aid by taking long looks at another 1xbet sports betting 's quiz. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and required passage of the Academic Integrity course. The Freshman decided to contest the allegation. An Honor Council Hearing Panel determined that sufficient information did not exist to support the charge of an Honor Pledge violation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

December-End of Fall 2004 1xbet sports betting

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-65--A Senior used a paper from another 1xbet sports betting from a previous semester as the basis for a group project in a current 1xbet sports betting . Another Senior and a Junior joined in the project, adding small sections to the paper which was also to be presented orally as a group project. The Assistant Professor was suspicious of plagiarism due to the use of sophisticated language including numerous foreign spellings, interspersed with language more typical of an undergraduate writer. With the help of the Honor & Integrity System Directors, the main part of the paper was traced to another 1xbet sports betting taken by the Senior; the Instructor of that 1xbet sports betting was able to corroborate that the paper was submitted for credit a previous semester. The two Seniors and the Junior were confronted by the Assistant Professor and claimed to not realize that their work constituted the use of unauthorized aid. The students received a reduced grade on the project and their names submitted to the Honor & Integrity System as having violated the Honor Pledge. Should any of the students receive a second Honor Pledge violation at some time in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider an additional sanction which could include suspension or expulsion from the university. The students will have five class days to contest the allegation. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-64--Two Freshmen were alleged by a GTA to have collaborated on a final assignment although the syllabus stated that collaboration was not allowed. The GTA requested that the students be sanctioned with an XF in the course. The students will have five class days to contest the allegation. The students contested the allegation. Two Honor Council members investigated the 1xbet sports betting and concluded that sufficient information DID NOT exist to support the charge of an Honor Pledge violation. The Director concurred with that decision. The student's earned grade will be recorded for the class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-63--A Freshman was alleged by an Instructor to have plagiarized the work of another 1xbet sports betting and turned it in as original work. The Freshman claimed that the computer was being used by two students and that by mistake, the wrong paper was downloaded, although the font had been changed to make it appear to differ from the original paper. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The X can only be removed by passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the 1xbet sports betting 's transcript although the course can be repeated for an additional grade, use to calculate the grade-point-average. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest. Cased 1xbet sports betting .

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-62--A Freshman was alleged by two Professors, who were co-teaching a course, to have falsely claimed to have written two exams although no record supported that claim. [See 1xbet sports betting #60 above.] As a result, the student's final grade was changed from an F to an XF. The student contested the allegation. An Honor Council Hearing Panel determined that an Honor Pledge violation did occur and upheld the XF sanction. Since this was the student's second Honor Pledge violation, the Hearing Panel decided to recommend to the Provost that the student be expelled until January 2007 semester. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-61--A Freshman suspected that a roommate was stealing completed work, having noticed that the roommate was in possession of a copy of one of the Freshman's completed papers, retyped with the roommate's name on the paper. The 1xbet sports betting is currently under investigation. The Freshman did not wish to pursue the allegation and lacking sufficient information, the 1xbet sports betting is reluctantly closed. Cased 1xbet sports betting .

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-60--A Freshman was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have falsely claimed to have completed a final lab exam although no record supported that claim. As a result, the 1xbet sports betting 's final grade was changed from an F to an XF. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The X can be removed by passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will permanently remain on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade. The 1xbet sports betting contested the allegation. An Honor Council Hearing Panel determined that an Honor Pledge violation did occur and upheld the XF sanction. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-59--A Sophomore was alleged by an Instructor to have plagiarized an assignment of another student in the class, turning it in as original work. Since the allegation seems to involve the unauthorized access of another student's electronic files, this 1xbet sports betting will proceed through the adjudication process. Two Honor Council members investigated the 1xbet sports betting . The Sophomore admitted to the Honor Pledge violation and agreed to accept the Instructor's recommended sanction of a one grade level reduction in the final grade for the course and a requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course. An Incomplete will be recorded until the Academic Integrity course is completed. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-58--An Instructor noticed that two Sophomores had turned in nearly identical reaction papers for an assignment. When they didn't respond to an email request for an explanation, the Instructor decided to sanction both students with a final grade reduction and require both to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. The students will have five class days to contest the allegation. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-57--A Freshman and a Sophomore were alleged by an Assistant Professor to have engaged in unauthorized collaboration on multiple homework assignments involving spreadsheets, including one which included the same SS#. The students were enrolled in different sections of the same 1xbet sports betting . Both students were sanctioned with an XF for the 1xbet sports betting . The F indicates failure; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The students will have ten calendar days to contest the allegation. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-56--A Junior was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source for a final paper. The Instructor located the sites and sanctioned the Junior with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure; the X indicates an Honor Pledge violation. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-55--A Freshman plagiarized Internet sources without providing appropriate attribution for a research paper and was sanctioned with an XF by the GTA. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-54--A Sophomore plagiarized an Internet source without providing appropriate attribution. The Instructor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-53--A Senior plagiarized a research paper for a seminar course and when confronted by the Professor, admitted to the allegation. The Professor gave the Senior a choice between an XF for the course or taking a zero on the assignment, writing an acceptable paper on honesty in one's academic work, and a D for the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-52--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized a speech previously delivered in class for another assignment. The GTA recognized the information as having been previously delivered and reviewed the tape of the previous speech to confirm suspicion and then sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-51--A Junior properly included all sources in the bibliography but failed to specifically attribute direct quotes and paraphrasing in the text of the paper. The Associate Professor assigned a zero on the paper and offered to show the Junior how to appropriately attribute phrases and ideas that belong to someone else. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-50--A Senior was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized an Internet source without providing appropriate attribution. Since this was the second Honor Pledge violation in the course, the Assistant Professor decided to sanction the Senior with an XF in the course. The second violation also means that an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider whether the Senior should be subject to an additional sanction which could include suspension or expulsion from the University. An Honor Council Hearing panel additionally sanctioned the Senior; following completion of the Academic Integrity course, the Senior is to make five presentations to various 1xbet sports betting groups regarding the importance of academic integrity. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-49--A Sophomore plagiarized a paper from a 1xbet sports betting previously enrolled in the course and turned it in as original work. The 1xbet sports betting who was copied from had also copied the same paper from a previously enrolled 1xbet sports betting in the course and had received an Honor Pledge violation as a result. The Sophomore was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and an Incomplete in the course and required to enroll in the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-48--A Senior was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized an Internet source without providing appropriate attribution and sanctioned the Senior with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-47--Two Juniors and a Freshman engaged in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. The instructions for the assignment were articulated verbally in class and in the Syllabus. One of the students claimed not to be in class the day the assignment was given and had not read the syllabus. All three were sanctioned with zeros on the assignment and they must pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-46--Two Freshmen engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment which required individual work. The Instructor detected the collaboration and sanctioned both with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-45--A Freshman and a Sophomore engaged in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment which required individual work. The Instructor detected the collaboration and sanctioned both with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-44--1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-44--A Senior plagiarized a major lab report of another student in the class. The Associate Professor confronted the suspected student who admitted to the allegation. The Senior was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and will also have to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The Associate Professor originally was also going to sanction the student who had shared the lab work with the Senior but relented after being convinced that the student had warned the Senior "not to do anything stupid," like plagiarizing the lab. A check with the Honor & Integrity System data base revealed that this was the Senior's second Honor Pledge violation. An Honor Council Hearing Panel additionally sanctioned the Senior by recommending to the Provost that the Senior be suspended from the university for one semester. The Senior will be allowed to re-enroll in classes for summer 2005 semester. The Provost is currently considering the recommendation of the Hearing Panel. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-43--A GTA noticed during an exam that a Junior had wandering eyes, repeatedly looking at the test papers of other student seated nearby. The GTA decided to turn the 1xbet sports betting over to the Honor & Integrity System for adjudication but with the recommendation of an XF for the course. The 1xbet sports betting is currently under investigation. Two Honor Council members investigated the 1xbet sports betting and concluded that sufficient information DID NOT exist to support the charge of an Honor Pledge violation. The Director concurred with that decision. The student's earned grade will be recorded for the class. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-42--Two Freshmen participated in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment, turning in identical work and getting identical answers identically wrong. The GTA sanctioned both with a zero on the assignment. In addition, one of the students was required to pass the Academic Integrity course while the other 1xbet sports betting was required to write a paper on the importance of academic integrity. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-41--An Associate Professor noticed a plagiarized portion of a Senior's final paper. The professor notified the 1xbet sports betting to come in to discuss, giving also a deadline to do so. The 1xbet sports betting did not come in within the allotted time and the professor withdrew the Incomplete in the course and assigned the Senior an XF. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-40--An Associate Professor noticed a sophisticated writing style interspersed with less sophisticated portions in a Senior's assignment--a red flag for some instructors. After consulting with files kept on material for research papers, the Associate Professor found 60-65% of the paper to be "cut and pasted" from a pamphlet, definitely NOT original 1xbet sports betting work. An XF was assigned for the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-39--Another Freshman plagiarized an Internet source for an assignment that was to have been originally composed. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and warned that a second Honor Pledge violation at some time in the future would automatically convene an Honor Council Hearing Panel which would consider suspension or expulsion from the university. The Freshman did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-38--A Freshman plagiarized an Internet source for an assignment that was to have been originally composed. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and warned that a second Honor Pledge violation at some time in the future would automatically convene an Honor Council Hearing Panel which would consider suspension or expulsion from the university. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-37--Another Junior was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized an Internet source on a paper without providing appropriate attribution and was sanctioned with an XF in the 1xbet sports betting . The Junior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-36--A Junior was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized an Internet source on a paper without providing appropriate attribution and was sanctioned with an XF in the course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-35--Test Proctors and the Instructor noticed a Senior with "wandering eyes" during an exam. When confronted, the Senior was contrite and admitted the transgression, also acknowledging that cheating was commonplace "in my country," saying that cheating was a hard habit to break. The Instructor is requiring the Senior to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. The Senior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-34--Two Graduate students were alleged by an Associate Professor to have either participated in unauthorized collaboration or made use of an unnamed source on a final paper. Both students denied the allegation and the Associate Professor requested that the 1xbet sports betting be adjudicated by an Honor Council Hearing Panel. Following an initial investigation, the 1xbet sports betting Investigators concluded that sufficient information DID NOT exist to support the charge of an Honor Pledge violation. The Associate Professor agreed with that conclusion. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-33--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized an essay from the Internet without providing appropriate attribution. The Freshman also admitted to the instructor that the paper handed in was also a paper from the 1xbet sports betting 's high school experience. THIS IS ASSUMPTIVE BEHAVIOR THAT IS NOT CONDONED BY ALL UNIVERSITY FACULTY. 1xbet sports betting should ask instructors if this is allowable. The GTA sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment although the assignment is to be completed anyway and will not receive credit. In addition, the Freshman is to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The Freshman accepted the sanction and will not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-32--A Junior using a "clicker" device to answer quiz answers was discovered by the Professor to be in possession of two clickers. The second clicker belonged to a 1xbet sports betting who was absent from class. The Junior in possession of the two clickers acknowledged the Honor Pledge violation and the Professor has sanctioned both students with zeros on all quizzes and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The two students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-31--A Sophomore was alleged by a GTA to have copied test answers from another student in the class and turned the 1xbet sports betting over to the Honor & Integrity System for adjudication. An Honor Council Hearing Panel took three and one-half hours to hear the 1xbet sports betting and determined that the Sophomore was responsible for an Honor Pledge violation. The Sophomore was sanctioned with an XF in the course and it was recommended to the Provost that the Sophomore be immediately suspended from the University. The Hearing Panel found there was insufficient information to charge the other two involved students. The Provost decided to suspend the Sophomore for the fall 2005 semester and allow the Sophomore to enroll in the Academic Integrity course during summer 2005 semester. The Sophomore will be expected to perform community service in the form of a series of speaking engagements on the importance of academic integrity to a variety of student groups during spring 2006 semester. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-30--During an exam, other students noticed a Freshman using unauthorized aid and alerted the exam Proctors who also witnessed the Honor Pledge violation. The Freshman was confronted following the exam, admitted the use of unauthorized aid and then rationalized the behavior offering a number of excuses. The Associate Professor sanctioned the Freshman with a zero on the exam and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. The Freshman did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-29--A Sophomore allegedly copied exam answers from another 1xbet sports betting in the class and tried to cover it up by marking the incorrect exam version on the Scranton but was caught trying to leave the room in possession of the exam. The Professor noticed the discrepancy and that the Sophomore's exam answers matched the exam answers of another version. When confronted, the Sophomore admitted to having "wandering eyes" and accepted the sanction of a zero on the exam and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course. The Sophomore did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-28--A Junior is alleged to have possessed unauthorized aid during an exam. When confronted by the Instructor, the Junior acknowledged possession of the unauthorized aid but claimed it was not used to cheat on the exam. The Instructor requested that this 1xbet sports betting be adjudicated by an Honor Council Hearing panel. When the 1xbet sports betting Investigators interviewed all parties, there was not sufficient information to take the 1xbet sports betting to a hearing panel. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-27--A Graduate 1xbet sports betting was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet site for a written assignment without providing appropriate attribution. The Associate Professor confronted the Graduate 1xbet sports betting who admitted the Honor Pledge violation and was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment. The Graduate 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-26--A Senior was alleged to have copied quiz answers from another 1xbet sports betting in the class. The Associate Professor confronted the Senior who denied having copied quiz answers but willingly accepted the sanction of a zero on the quiz. Hmmmmmmm. The Senior was warned by the Director that a second violation could result in suspension or expulsion from the university. The Senior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-25--A Senior plagiarized significant portions of a paper without providing appropriate attribution and turned it in as original work. The Professor noticed an unusually sophisticated writing style and British spellings and then located the original source. The Professor decided to turn the 1xbet sports betting over to the Honor Council for adjudication. The Junior requested that the Professor assign an XF and that the 1xbet sports betting not be adjudicated by an Honor Council Hearing Panel. The Professor agreed. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-24--Two Freshmen participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. The Freshmen told their GTA that they had not read the instructions prior to turning in the assignment and did not realize that they were not to collaborate. The GTA was not amused and sanctioned them both with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. The Freshmen did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-23--Two Sophomores participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment and again on an in-class exam. The Professor confronted both students who admitted to the homework collaboration. Later the Professor discovered that both students had identical answers to the exam. Although both students dropped the 1xbet sports betting , the Professor has sanctioned them by requiring them to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting . The Honor & Integrity System Director is requiring both students to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting by the end of summer 2005 semester or go before an Honor Council Hearing Panel to explain why they should not be suspended or expelled from the university. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-22--A Freshman was alleged by a GTA to have plagiarized an Internet source for an assignment without providing appropriate documentation. As a result, the GTA decided to sanction the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and file a report with the Honor & Integrity System. Should the Freshman be found to be responsible for a second Honor Pledge violation at some time in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider suspension or expulsion from the university. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-21--A Junior plagiarized an Internet source for a written assignment even though external sources were not allowed. The Assistant Professor was alerted by a sophisticated writing style and a paper that did not specifically answer the assignment. The Junior was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and required to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade. Should the Junior be found to be responsible for an Honor Pledge violation at some time in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider suspension or expulsion from the university. The Junior did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-20--A Sophomore plagiarized an Internet source on an essay assignment that was to be individually written. The Assistant Professor noticed the sophisticated ideas and writing style, typed a few phrases into Google and found the Internet site. The Sophomore was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and required to pass the Academic Integrity course. The Honor & Integrity System data base revealed that this was the Sophomore's second Honor Pledge violation. An Honor Council Hearing Panel sanctioned the Sophomore with an XF in the course and suspension from the University for spring 2005 semester. If the Sophomore returns to KSU after the suspension period, immediate enrollment in the Academic Integrity course will be mandatory plus five presentations to various 1xbet sports betting groups on the issue of academic dishonesty. The Hearing Panel was somewhat dismayed by the Sophomore's apparent lack of understanding or comprehension regarding the importance of academic integrity. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-19--A Freshman plagiarized an Internet source without providing appropriate attribution on an assignment and was sanctioned by the Graduate Teaching Assistant with a zero. Even though the Freshman decided to drop the course, the Honor Pledge violation will stand. Should the 1xbet sports betting be found to be responsible for a second Honor Pledge violation in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to determine whether the 1xbet sports betting should be suspended or expelled from the University. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-18--Two Freshmen participated in unauthorized collaboration on an outside report, essentially turning in duplicate assignments when individual work was required. As a result, the Graduate Teaching Assistant sanctioned both students by requiring them to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to receiving a final grade in the class. The students did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-17--This 1xbet sports betting mirrors 1xbet sports betting #16 with the same result. The student did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-16--A Sophomore was found by an Associate Professor to have used unauthorized aid on a mid-term exam. The Associate Professor had allowed students one page of personal notes or an outline and to turn the notes in with the exam. The Sophomore had included information from an Internet web site and had not provided appropriate attribution. As a result, the Sophomore was sanctioned with a zero on the essay portion of the exam and required to pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade class. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-15--A Junior and a Senior turned in similar assignments even though the written instructions made clear that work was to be done individually. The Associate Professor assigned each an XF in the course. The students contested the allegations and an Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the 1xbet sports betting . The hearing panel determined that an Honor Pledge violation did not occur. The XFs were rescinded. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-14--A Junior took advantage of an Associate Professor having neglected to log off a computer and while the Associate Professor was distracted, the Junior allegedly changed an exam score. The Associate Professor detected the change, consulted with the KSU electronic gurus and had the change confirmed. The Associate Professor requested the 1xbet sports betting be adjudicated by an Honor Council Hearing Panel. An Honor Council Hearing Panel determined that the Junior was responsible for an Honor Pledge violation and sanctioned the Junior with an XF in the course. The Junior, however, appealed the decision of the Hearing Panel on the grounds of procedural irregularities; the Director did not provide sufficient notification for the hearing. The Director agreed and a new Hearing Panel was chosen to hear the 1xbet sports betting again. In preparation for the appeal hearing, the Associate Director called the Junior to inquire why the hearing packet had not been picked up since the hearing was to occur that evening. The Junior responded that the hearing was not that evening but the following day and then became verbally abusive and contemptuous. The Associate Director hung up the phone and conferred with the Director who decided to cancel the hearing and rescind the appeal. The XF decision of the previous hearing panel will stand.The Associate Director filed a student conduct violation report for abusive language. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-13--A Freshman was alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source without providing appropriate documentation. The GTA decided to sanction the 1xbet sports betting by requiring passage of the Academic Integrity course prior to being issued a final grade in the class. The GTA is also allowing the Freshman the opportunity to rewrite the paper but will receive a grade no higher than C. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-12--A Sophomore and a Senior participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment and were sanctioned by the GTA with zeros. Neither 1xbet sports betting contested the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-11--A Junior plagiarized an Internet source for an essay writing assignment. The Instructor was not amused and decided to send the 1xbet sports betting to an Honor Council Hearing Panel to determine whether an Honor Pledge violation occurred, and if so, to determine the sanction. An Honor Council Hearing Panel determined that an Honor Pledge violation occurred and sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and having to pass the Academic Integrity course.1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005/10--A first year 1xbet sports betting was alleged by a Graduate Teaching Assistant to have plagiarized an Internet source for a personal essay assignment and sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity course. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation.1xbet sports betting Closed.


1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-09--A first year 1xbet sports betting turned in an assignment that was discovered by the Professor to have been "significantly" plagiarized from an Internet web site, although individual responses were assigned. The Professor sanctioned the 1xbet sports betting with a zero on the assignment. The 1xbet sports betting did not contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-08--A Junior was discovered by a Professor to be handing in lab reports from a previous semester. The Junior will receive a zero on the most recent lab report and has been required to resubmit all previous lab reports for re-examination for authenticity. After listening to the Junior's explanation of how the assignment was completed and reviewing the Junior's other completed lab assignments, the Professor decided to withdraw the charge of an Honor Pledge violation. Records of this 1xbet sports betting will be deleted. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-07--A Senior was alleged by an Instructor to have falsified an interview for a paper. The Instructor happened to have been in contact with the interviewee and discovered that the interview between the Senior and the interviewee never occurred. The Instructor was not amused and turned the 1xbet sports betting over to the Honor & Integrity System for adjudication. An Honor Council Hearing Panel determined the Senior was responsible for an Honor Pledge violation and upheld the Instructor's recommendation of a zero on the assignment, a formal apology to the interviewee and a written paper on the importance of ethical decisions in one's professional field. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-06--An Instructor, reading a paper which didn't exactly answer the assignment, typed a suspicious sentence into a google search and out popped a significant portion of the paper. The Sophomore was rewarded for a lack of creativity with an XF. The F indicates failure in the class; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The Sophomore decided to contest the allegation and a 1xbet sports betting investigation followed. Following the 1xbet sports betting investigation and just prior to the hearing, the Sophomore decided to not contest the allegation since an Honor Pledge violation had already been admitted and the Hearing Panel's responsibility was only to affirm or not affirm that an Honor Pledge violation had occurred. Hearing Panels do not alter an Instructor's sanction unless they first determine that an Honor Pledge violation did not occur. The previous sanction of an XF will stand. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-05--Two Seniors were sanctioned by the same Assistant Professor in the 1xbet sports betting below with the same results. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-04--An Assistant 1xbet sports betting noticed that a Junior and a Senior turned in identical homework assignments and concluded that they either participated in unauthorized collaboration or one copied the work of the other. Both students were sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and required to write a 2-3 page essay which responded to the following question.

  1. Why was this action a violation of the 1xbet sports betting & Integrity System?
  2. How did this action negatively affect the 1xbet sports betting , the classmate, and the instructor?
  3. How can students assist fellow students without violating the 1xbet sports betting Pledge?
  4. How might this action hinder 1xbet sports betting 's and classmate's professional growth.

1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-03--This time a Senior made the same mistake as below with the same consequences including the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting . The conflict is whether there will be an opening in the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting prior to the Senior's scheduled graduation. The Senior will have five class days to contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-02--Another Junior made the same mistake as below with the same consequences. A careful comparison of the purloined answer to the assigned question alerted the Assistant Professor to suspect Internet plagiarism; a quick google search confirmed the suspicion and that followed with the sanction of a zero on the assignment plus the requirement to pass the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting . The Junior will have five class days to contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.

1xbet sports betting #2004/2005-01--A Junior was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized two Internet web sites on a two page paper. The Assistant Professor was not amused and sanctioned the Junior with a zero on the assignment and an Incomplete in the class pending completion of the Academic Integrity 1xbet sports betting . The Junior will have five class days to contest the allegation. 1xbet sports betting Closed.