Honor Pledge Violations (AUGUST 2002 -july 1xbet online games login 2003)

The following violations of the Honor Pledge occurred at Kansas State University.
Most recent occurrences are listed first.


Case #2002/2003-79--A Sophomore falsified reasons for missing class, claiming to have been out-of-state to see a doctor, although others on campus observed the Sophomore attending other campus activities on that day. The Instructor, after numerous email exchanges, finally tired of the lies and sanctioned the Sophomore with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason was an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain on the transcript although the Sophomore could repeat the course for an additional grade, used to calculate the grade-point-average. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-78--Two Juniors participated in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment, turning in similar/same answers on a homework assignment. The Associate Professor was not amused, especially when one of the Juniors at first denied copying the assignment of the other Junior, but later acknowledged the 1xbet online games login . The Associate Professor decided to sanction the two Juniors by requiring them to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. In addition, the two Juniors were required to do the assignment in question again, this time individually. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-77--A first-year student was alleged by an Instructor to have plagiarized an assignment. The clues included a submitted paper that was twice the length required, many more sources than were required, an outline of the paper that was not required, and a critiqued draft of the identical paper submitted by the student's roommate for the same course two semesters prior with the roommate's name still attached. When confronted by the Instructor, the first-year student admitted plagiarizing and received a zero for the assignment. The Honor & Integrity System Director decided to expand the inquiry, however, to answer the question how the first-year student managed to acquire a roommate's paper. Did the roommate "give unauthorized aid" or did the first-year student somehow manage to acquire the paper without the roommate's knowledge? An investigation concluded that the student acquired the plagiarized material without the roommate's knowledge; the roommate will not be charged with providing unauthorized aid. Usually in these cases, the Reporter will require the Alleged Violator to take the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. In this case, the Reporter did not do so. Both the Director and the Associate Director urged the student to take the Academic Course voluntarily and the student agreed to do so. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-76--A Senior was alleged by an Instructor to having falsified a lab quiz, claiming that it had not been entered in the Instructor's grade book. The Instructor was puzzled by the sudden appearance of the quiz, but then noted that although the grade was penned in the Instructor's trademark green ink, the handwriting was not that of the Instructor's. The Instructor decided to sanction the Senior with an XF in the course. The Senior decided to appeal. On the day of the scheduled hearing the Instructor requested that the hearing be cancelled and that the Senior receive the earned grade in the course. The Instructor's reasons included an uncertain memory of the specifics of the alleged violation. The XF was rescinded and the Senior's earned grade restored. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-75--A Senior was alleged to have plagiarized a term paper from Internet sources and was sanctioned by the Associate Professor with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Senior chose not to appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-74--A Sophomore was alleged by an Associate Professor to have plagiarized substantial portions of a term paper "either word for word or with minimal changes" from an Internet source. The Associate Professor sanctioned the Sophomore with an XF for the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Sophomore decided not to appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-73--A Junior "loaned" a drawing to another Junior who copied the drawing and turned it in as original work. The Instructor discovered the plagiarism, sanctioned the students and reported the incident to the Honor & Integrity System Director. The Honor & Integrity System Director ran a data-base check and discovered that the Junior who plagiarized had a previous 1xbet online games login in another academic unit two years ago. The Honor Council Hearing Panel met and recommended to the Provost that the student be suspended but receive a full refund of tuition. After reviewing the documentation for both previous Honor Pledge violations and consultation with the Director and Associate Director, the Provost decided to postpone suspension from the university providing the Junior satisfy the following conditions: 1) Enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course during fall 2003 semester; 2) Continue receiving personal issue counseling from University student services, 3) Reduce current course load (with tuition refunded) to 15 hours plus the Academic Integrity course; 4) Implement a satisfactory plan with the Associate Director to make a series of public presentations to student groups including greek houses about the importance of academic honesty. If the Junior fails to perform any of these requirements, expulsion will be immediate and indefinite which will require the student reapply for admission to Kansas State University at some time in the future. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-72--A Junior was alleged by an Associate Professor to have plagiarized from Internet sources on one of two essay questions on a take-home exam. Since this was the second allegation of plagiarism by the Junior, the Associate Professor decided to sanction the Junior with an XF for the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Junior decided to appeal and attending an Honor Council Hearing where the Panel upheld the XF sanction of the Associate Professor. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-71--A Senior was alleged by a Professor to have falsified two tests and scores which turned out to be the tests and test scores of another student in class. The Professor first determined that the second student, whose tests were "borrowed" to use as a study guide, was unaware of how the tests were used. As a result, the Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Senior did not request an appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-70--A First-Year student was observed by a GTA to be copying final exam answers from another student in the class. As a result, the GTA decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The student had ten calendar days to request an appeal and chose not to appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-69--During a final exam, a Senior was observed by a Department Head and a test proctor, making it easy for the Junior sitting behind to copy test answers. Comparing the two completed tests revealed the same score, the same wrong answers, and a large number of erasures changed to the correct answer on the Junior's final. The Instructor confronted both students separately at the end of the exam and both denied acting suspiciously. Both also denied knowing the other although the Campus Phone Book revealed that both lived in the same residence hall and both were known to frequent each other's company. A further check revealed that both students had identical course schedules. The Instructor decided to sanction both with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the student's transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade. The students had ten calendar days to request an appeal and did not do so. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-68--A First-Year student was alleged by a GTA to have participated in unauthorized collaboration or plagiarizing on a worksheet exercise; the student accidentally included a copy of the purloined worksheet with another student's first name on it. When confronted with the evidence by the GTA, the student refused to divulge the last name of the other student. Instead of receiving a zero on the assignment, the GTA decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The student chose to appeal and the Case Investigators recommended a hearing be conducted. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the case and decided to uphold the XF sanction. The Hearing Panel also suggested that the GTA reconsider the XF and instead sanction the student with a zero on the assignment and the requirement that the student enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course. The GTA declined the suggestion because the student had not cooperated in the investigation; the XF will remain. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-67--Case #2002/2003/67--A First-Year student was alleged by a GTA to have used unauthorized notes during a final exam supervised by Disability Support Services and was sanctioned with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course can be repeated for an additional grade. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-66--Two Seniors were alleged by an Associate Professor to have participated in unauthorized collaboration on an extra credit assignment and as a result were sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and denied the possibility of earning a letter grade of A in the class. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-65--A First-Year student was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have plagiarized the work of another student in an in-class assignment. The student was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and required to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class.Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-64--A Sophomore and a First-Year student were alleged by an Associate Professor to have participated in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment and as a result were sanctioned by reducing their earned grade on the assignment to half credit and to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-63--A Sophomore was alleged by an Assistant Professor to have falsified data on a report, which later was corrected in an email message. The Assistant Professor's report indicated that, "reporting of made-up values is in violation of the Kansas State University Honor Pledge, albeit a minor one." The Assistant Professor sanctioned the Sophomore with a grade reduction and filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System. The Sophomore had ten calendar days to request an appeal and did so. After reviewing the 1xbet online games login Report, the student decided the behavior merited the sanction compared to what other students had been sanctioned in previous cases. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-62--A First-Year student was alleged by a GTA to have extensively plagiarized Internet sources on a paper without appropriate attribution. The GTA decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the student's transcript. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-61--A Senior plagiarized Internet sources without appropriate attribution in both the first and second papers for the course, receiving a mild rebuke the first time. The second time, the Assistant Professor sanctioned the Senior with a zero on the assignment and the additional requirement to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-60--A Junior falsified the inclusion of an omitted assignment. The Instructor detected the falsified document and sanctioned the Junior with a zero on the assignment and required that the Junior enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade for the course. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-59--Two First-year students used unauthorized collaboration on an assignment. The Instructor used technological processes to find the 1xbet online games login . The instructor assigned a zero on the assignment and the Academic Integrity course. The students did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/58--An Associate Professor noticed a first-year student arriving late for an exam and informed the student it was too late to take the exam. Later, the student approached the Associate Professor with an exam and Scranton form, claiming to have arrived on time. The Associate Professor again refused to count the exam and filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System. Since not taking the exam constituted failure in the course, the Associate Professor decided to take no further action, other than filing a report with the Honor & Integrity System. Should the student be found to be responsible for a second 1xbet online games login at some time in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be informed of the previous violation. The student had ten calendar days to request an appeal and did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-57--Three students witnessed three other students in what seemed to be unauthorized aid on a quiz. They notified the Associate Professor who instructs the class. Since the instructor had not witnessed the episode, the three students were referred to the Honor & Integrity System Director. Two of the students have written a chronology of what they perceived happened. The alleged violator was seen taking a quiz early, and then possibly using a cell phone to give unauthorized aid to three students who had yet to take the quiz. The behavior of all involved led the three witnesses to believe these three other students received aid (in the form of a cell phone call) from the student who took the quiz early. A Case Investigation concluded that there was insufficient information to proceed to a hearing. The Director wrote each of the four students a letter detailing their observed behavior but concluding that none of them would be charged. None of the four took objection to the Director's letter. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-56--An Associate Professor alleged that a Senior plagiarized--used verbatim language--an Internet essay. The student handed in the 4-page paper as the student's own work. The professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-55--Two First-year students plagiarized Internet sites without appropriate attribution. The Instructor assigned each a zero on the assignment but offered the opportunity to repeat the assignment earning a letter grade no higher than a C. The Instructor also filed an Honor & Integrity System Violation Report and warned the two students against receiving a second 1xbet online games login . Should either student receive a second 1xbet online games login , an Honor Council Hearing Panel would be convened to consider suspension or expulsion from KSU. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/54--A First-year student is alleged to have plagiarized two essays. The Instructor noticed a remarkable improvement in writing quality from assigned paper number two to number three, including MLA citation attribution that had not been part of the course. The Instructor requested that the case be adjudicated by the Honor Council. After receiving a letter from the Director, the student emailed a response, indicating that the allegations were true. The student met with the Director and acknowledged breaking in to the computer of another student and stealing that student's papers. The GTA decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-53--An Instructor alleged a Senior and a Sophomore had participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment and sanctioned them both with a zero on the assignment and filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System. Should either student be found to have violated the Honor Pledge at some time in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be informed of the previous 1xbet online games login ; the result could be suspension or expulsion from the university. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/52--An Instructor alleged a first-year student plagiarized significant portions of a composition from an Internet source without appropriate attribution. The Instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment plus the requirement that the student enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/51--An Associate Professor alleged a Senior plagiarized a paper from several web sites and informed the Honor & Integrity System but has not as yet filed the appropriate documentation which would provide the Senior with the right to appeal. The Honor & Integrity System Director, after waiting several weeks for the Associate Professor to file an Honor & Integrity System Violation Report, decided to send the Senior a letter which alleged the 1xbet online games login including the stipulation that the Senior had the right to appeal. The Senior declined to appeal and accepted the Associate Professor's sanction, though the exact sanction was not revealed. The Associate Professor was annoyed with the Honor & Integrity System Director for sending the Senior a letter which formalized the 1xbet online games login . The Director's letter, however, formalized the allegation and protected the Associate Professor from undue legal recourse for not following established university procedure. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/50--A Senior was alleged by a Professor to have copied the answers of an exam of the student seated nearby. The Professor first determined that the student who was copied from was knowledgeable with the exam content. The Professor then decided to sanction the Senior with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Senior has a previous XF in another course although the Senior has not as yet enrolled in nor passed the Academic Integrity course despite repeated email requests by the Associate Honor & Integrity System Director to do so. The Senior has decided not to return to the University. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-49--A Junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login allegedly plagiarized Internet sources without including proper attribution. The Associate Professor confronted the student who claimed to not have taken Expository Writing I or II from KSU and was thus ignorant of knowing how to cite sources. The Junior also missed the class day when the Associate Professor talked about how to properly cite research sources. The Junior was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and will have five class days to request an appeal. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-48--Two freshmen and one sophomore are alleged by an Assistant Professor to have participated in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment. The three students separately gave conflicting accounts of how the assignment was completed. The Assistant Professor decided to sanction each of the students with a zero on the assignment but also provide each of them the opportunity to complete the assignment on their own for credit. The Assistant Professor filed the case with the Honor & Integrity System. Should any of the three students be found to be responsible for a second 1xbet online games login at some point in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel could decide to recommend that they be suspended or expelled from the university. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-46 & 47--Two freshmen with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login submitted similar personal essays in separate sections of the same course. The GTAs of each section coincidentally exchanged papers and noticed the similarities in the two essays. The GTAs also noticed that the two freshmen were roommates in the same social organization and decided to turn the case over to the Honor Council for adjudication. An Honor Council Hearing Panel will first decide whether sufficient information exists to support the charge of an 1xbet online games login and if so, determine the appropriate sanction. During the case investigation, one of the two students agreed to meet with the Case Investigators and acknowledged plagiarizing the other student's essay, claiming the other student should not be held accountable.The second student did not respond to repeated email requests to meet with the Case Investigators. A close examination of the second student's essay led to suspicion that it was not original. It included dated references to persons and events which seemed inconsistent with that of a first semester student who had only been on-campus for a few weeks. The Honor Council Hearing Panel sanctioned both students with an XF in the course and further recommended to the Provost that the second student be immediately suspended from the University for the remainder of the calendar year due to non-cooperation with the Honor & Integrity System adjudication process. The second student will be allowed to re-enroll in January 2004. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-45--An Instructor teaching a large lecture class noticed that after giving an exam in the morning section of the course, that there was an extra Scantron form with an indecipherable name and an ID# missing two digits. After accounting for each of the exams, the Instructor concluded that a student from the afternoon section slipped into the morning section exam, probably to have an early look at the exam to be taken in the afternoon section. Both exams are similar although the questions are scrambled and two versions are given to each section. The Instructor decided from now on to require a KSU ID of all exam-taking students in the future. Although a specific student was suspected, the Director and Associate Director, after meeting with the Assistant Professor, decided there was insufficient information to proceed to an investigation. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-44--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source without attribution. The GTA decided to send the case to the Honor Council for adjudication. The Sophomore claimed that turning in the Internet paper had been a mistake, that by accident the Sophomore's written paper had been inadvertently destroyed and not saved to a disk. Oddly enough, the Sophomore's title page and the re-titled Internet paper were the same. An Honor Council Hearing Panel sanctioned the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason was an 1xbet online games login . Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-43--Two Freshmen participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. The GTA noticed the unusual similarity in the two papers and confronted the two, both of whom admitted the 1xbet online games login . The GTA decided to sanction the two Freshmen with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course, prior to receiving a final grade in the course. Neither student appealed the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-42--An Assistant Professor noticed that two papers, turned in for homework credit, appeared to be similar. Suspecting unauthorized collaboration, the Assistant Professor asked to meet with one of the students, who at first denied collaborating, but later returned and admitted the 1xbet online games login . The Assistant Professor asked the Senior to provide the name of the other collaborator in exchange for a zero on the assignment; otherwise, the sanction would be an XF in the course. The Senior initially declined but later relented and confirmed the name of the other student. The other Senior was called in and denied the allegation, claiming that the other Senior must have stolen and copied the second Senior's homework. The Assistant Professor filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System Director who wrote a letter to both Seniors. The first Senior was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment. The second Senior was to go through the adjudication process with the Assistant Professor's recommendation that the second Senior receive an XF for the course. Upon receiving the letter, the second Senior returned to the Assistant Professor and acknowledged having participated in unauthorized collaboration. The Assistant Professor decided to change the sanction to a zero on the assignment for both Seniors. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-41--A Senior is alleged to have violated the Honor Pledge during a final exam by receiving unauthorized aid. The Professor decided to fail the student for the course and not report the allegation with the Honor & Integrity System. The Senior first complained to the Professor's Department Head. The Department Head asked the Dean to hear an appeal. The Dean turned the matter over to the Honor & Integrity System for adjudication. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the case and determined there was insufficient information to support the change of an 1xbet online games login and requested that the Professor grade the final exam and submit a course grade. The Professor complied with the request. Case Closed.

December--End of Fall 2002 Semester

Case #2002/2003-40--Two first-year students participated in unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism on what was supposed to be a personal essay. The Instructors noticed the similarity in the two papers and called each of the students in for an explanation. The students admitted working together on the assignment although they each gave somewhat conflicting accounts. The Instructors decided to sanction each with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Students did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-39--A first year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized a published source for an assignment and turned it in as original work. The Associate Professor recognized an advanced writing style and odd references to aspects of the performance the student was to have reviewed, that didn't occur in that production. A quick search in <Google.com turned up the original professional review of another production. As a result, the Associate Professor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-38--A Junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login is alleged to have copied the final exam answers of another student in the class who had a different version of the final exam. The student compounded the violation by falsifying a name on the test questions, later claiming that the GTA had lost the student's final exam test. The GTA keeps meticulous track of all tests and Scantron form answers and was not amused by this comedy of errors and decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the Indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course offered each fall and spring semester by the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade used to compute the GPA. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-37--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized extensively without proper attribution. The Associate Professor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course offered each fall and spring semester by the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade used to compute the GPA. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-36--A senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login falsified a quiz claiming to have been in class on a day when the Instructor's records showed the student to have been absent. As a result, the student was sanctioned with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course offered each fall and spring semester by the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade used to compute the GPA. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-35--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login turned in an extra credit project which had been plagiarized from the Internet. The Professor decided to sanction the student with a course grade reduction and the requirement that the student enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-34--Two Seniors with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login were observed by another student in the class to have arrived late for an exam and then engaged in test copying. The student reported the observations to the Professor who took no action. The student filed an Honor & Integrity System Violation Report. The case will be adjudicated when spring 2003 classes resume. Following meetings with the Professor, the student and a student witness, the Case Investigators concluded that there was insufficient information to proceed to a hearing. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-33--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized the work of a student from a previous semester and claimed it as original work. The Assistant Professor detected the plagiarism, confronted the Sophomore who admitted the 1xbet online games login . The Assistant Professor decided to sanction the Sophomore with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-32--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login repeatedly turned in test answers to a quiz after the answers had been posted OnLine. The Instructor noticed the suspicious pattern of the Senior always turning in the assignment late and instructed the course GTA to not post the answers to the final quiz. When the Senior did not turn in the final assignment, the Instructor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The Senior did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-31--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized the work of a student from a previous semester and turned it in as original work. The Assistant Professor made the discovery and decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course offered each fall and spring semester. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the student may repeat the course for an additional grade, used to compute the GPA. The student requested an appeal. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the case and upheld the previously requested XF sanction. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-30--First-year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source and used it as the basis for a speech without appropriate attribution. The GTA has requested that the student be sanctioned with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course offered fall and spring semesters by the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade used to compute the GPA. The student will have 10 calendar days to request an appeal. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-29--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login was alleged to have flown a KSU plane to an unauthorized location. As a result the Department Head has requested that an Honor Council Hearing Panel hear the case with the recommendation that the student receive an XF in the course and be required to perform 20 hours of service by speaking with fellow students on the issue of professional integrity. An Honor Council Hearing Panel decided to uphold the recommended sanction by the Department Head; the Sophomore received an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason was an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-28--A Senior with no prior history of an Honor Pledge violations plagiarized a published essay and turned it in as original work. The Assistant Professor recognized key sentences and quickly located the original essay. The Senior was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment and additionally required to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The student admitted the 1xbet online games login . Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-27--A first-year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login is alleged to have fabricated a letter from a commanding officer in the military and used the letter as an excuse for missing two assignments. The letter was not on military letterhead so the Instructor called to check the authenticity of the letter and discovered it to be a fabrication. The Instructor was not amused and the student was sanctioned with an XF for the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The student will have ten calendar days to appeal. The Student did not appeal the sanction within the required time limit, claiming to have been called to active duty in the armed forces. The case may be reopened later at the Student's request. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-26--A Junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login is alleged to have fabricated a bibliography entry for an assignment. The instructor became suspicious while noting that the bibliography entry was of a male while the agency in question catered entirely to female concerns. Upon calling the agency for confirmation, the Instructor learned that the named person in the bibliography had never been employed at that agency. The Instructor confronted the student and told of the conversation with the agency. The Instructor then sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment. The student also will receive an Incomplete in the class and be required to enroll in and successfully complete the Academic Integrity course taught be the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The student will have ten calendar days to appeal the sanction. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-25--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized a "professional paper" and turned it in as original work. The Instructor recognized that the submitted paper was rather sophisticated for undergraduate work. The Instructor confronted the Senior who then admitted the 1xbet online games login . The Instructor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course, offered each fall and spring semester. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade, used to compute the GPA. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-24--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source instead of writing an original essay on an assigned topic. The GTA noticed the suspiciously advanced level of writing, checked on the Internet and found the original source. The GTA decided to turn the case over to the Honor Council for lan investigation and hearing to determine whether the Sophomore should be held responsible for an 1xbet online games login , and if so, what the sanction should be. An Honor Council Hearing Panel sanctioned the student with an XF for the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course can be repeated for an additional grade, used to compute the GPA. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-23--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source instead of writing an original essay on an assigned topic. The GTA noticed the suspiciously advanced level of writing, checked on the Internet and found the original source. The GTA decided to turn the case over to the Honor Council for an investigation and hearing to determine whether the Senior should be held responsible for an 1xbet online games login , and if so, what the sanction should be. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the case and determined that the Senior should be held responsible for an 1xbet online games login and sanctioned with a Zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity Course prior to receiving a final grade in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-22--A senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source and turned the paper in as original work without attribution. The Assistant Professor located the original source on the Internet and decided to sanction the student with a zero on the assignment and a requirement to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-21--A Junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source and turned the paper in as original work. The Assistant Professor was suspicious of the level of writing, checked the topic on the Internet, and located the original information source. The Assistant Professor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course can be repeated for an additional grade, used to compute the GPA; the X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course taught fall and spring semester by the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-20--A senior with a recent prior 1xbet online games login and currently enrolled in the Academic Integrity course was alleged to have fabricated a project assignment. The student admitted typing the transcript by hand, but claimed that the attempt was to reproduce an unrecorded computer session that had previously solved the assigned problem. The Associate Professor questioned the student and determined that the student had little or no understanding of how to solve the problem and decided to sanction the student with a zero on the assignment. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the case and determined the Senior to be responsible for an 1xbet online games login . The Hearing Panel was then informed by the Director of the prior 1xbet online games login . Following deliberation, the Hearing Panel decided to assign an XF for the course and require the Senior to perform community service under the direction of the Associate Director of the Honor & Integrity System. Community Service in this case would consist of a series of oral presentations by the Senior to various student groups on the issue of academic integrity as it relates to moral growth and responsibility. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-19--Two sophomores and one first year student are alleged to have collaborated in providing and receiving unauthorized aid by filling out lecture survey forms for each other when the other two were not present in class. Both the course syllabus and an Academic Honesty Quiz made clear that this sort of collaboration was not authorized. The Associate Professor decided to sanction all three with an XF in the course. The students did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-18--A first year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized an Internet source without proper documentation and turned it in as original work as a class assignment. The Instructor decided to sanction the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for a new grade, used to compute the GPA. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-17--A first year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized numerous Internet sources without appropriate attribution. The GTA became suspicious when the student read the speech, mispronouncing various technical terms throughout. A quick search of the Internet uncovered the original sources. The student was sanctioned with an XF in the course. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-16--A senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source and turned in the assignment essay as original work. In several instances the student substituted original words, however most of the sentence structure and order were essentially the same as the Internet source. The Instructor asked the student for an explanation, but the student claimed not to know when to use quotation marks, never admitting to copying entire passages and trying to discuss references instead. The Instructor felt that the student was trying to use this excuse to make the assignment correct. The Instructor sanctioned the student with an XF and sent the report to the Honor & Integrity System office. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-15--A senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source and turned it in as an original essay. The Assistant Professor decided to sanction the repentant student with a zero for the assignment, a 10% reduction in the final grade which will result in no better than a C for the course, and the requirement that the student enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course by the end of spring 2003 semester. If the student does not pass the Academic Integrity course, an XF will be assigned. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-14--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized two text books for a paper, using whole paragraphs without placing the author's words in quotation marks. The Sophomore claimed ignorance of having to use quotation marks for exact quotes, pointing out that the sources were cited. The Professor explained the nature of plagiarism to the Sophomore and sanctioned the paper with a zero and also required the Sophomore to enroll in and pass the Academic. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-13--A Junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source on a take-home mid-semester exam without appropriate attribution. The Associate Professor decided to award the student a zero on that part of the assignment and file a resort with the Honor & Integrity System. Should the student be found responsible for a second 1xbet online games login in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider suspension or expulsion from the university. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

#2002/2003-12--A Sophomore with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login was observed by two test proctors to be looking at the test papers of students seated in front. The Professor decided to sanction the student with a zero on the assignment and file a report with the Honor & Integrity System. Should the student be found responsible for a second 1xbet online games login in the future, an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider suspension or expulsion from the university. The student will have five class days to appeal the suspension. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-11--A Junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized two Internet sources for a paper, trying to make it appear to be original work. The Assistant Professor noticed the change in writing style and through the use of an Internet search engine, located both Internet sources. The student contritely acknowledged the plagiarism and was sanctioned with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade, used to compute the grade-point-average. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-10--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login copied an entire article from a syndicated newspaper and referenced it only on a "Works Cited" page behind the paper. The student thought the article could be copied as long as it was referenced, however the student used no quotation marks in the body of the paper, making the paper appear as original work. The Assistant Professor assigned a 0 on the assignment and reported the violation to the Honor & Integrity System. Should the student be found responsible for a future 1xbet online games login , an Honor Council Hearing Panel could consider suspension or expulsion from the University. The student did not appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-09--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized three sentences from the Internet without attribution. The Associate Professor decided to penalize the paper and file an Honor & Integrity System Violation Report. Should the student be found guilty of a future 1xbet online games login , an Honor Council Hearing Panel could consider suspension or expulsion from the University. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-08--A first year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized an Internet source borrowing words and ideas without proper attribution. The Associate Professor required the student to re-write the paper and to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity class prior to receiving a final grade for the course. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-07--A previous KSU student now attending another Regents' institution called the Honor & Integrity System office wishing to confess to a previous 1xbet online games login which occurred during the 1999-2000 academic year. The Director conferred with the Department Head to determine the appropriate sanction. The Director also asked the student to write a letter which documents what occurred, why it occurred, why it was important to be resolved, and what advice the student had for current KSU students. The Collegian published a letter (COLLEGIAN September 2, page 5) written by the Honor & Integrity System Director which includes substantial quotations from the student's letter. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-06--A Senior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized extensively from the Internet, failing to cite sources and use quotation marks and claiming that it was a "blunder." The Associate Professor requested the student be assigned an XF for the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an 1xbet online games login . The X can only be removed by successfully passing the Academic Integrity course, taught each semester by the Associate Director. The F will remain permanently on the transcript although the course can be repeated for an additional grade, used to compute the grade point average. The student will have five class days to request an appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-05--Two sophomores with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login turned in identical homework assignments; collaboration was not authorized for this assignment. As a result, the Associate Professor requested that both students be assigned an XF for the course. An Honor Council Hearing Panel upheld the Associate Professor's XF sanction, but recommended that it be reconsidered in light of the relative value of the assignment in relation to the whole course. The Associate Professor agreed and decided instead to sanction the students with a zero on the assignment and require them to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-04--Three seniors and one junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login plagiarized pictures from the Internet for a group project and neither acknowledged intellectual indebtedness during the oral presentation nor in the written report. The Assistant Professor sanctioned the four students by giving no credit for the report and requiring the students to prepare another report. The students were also required to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity class prior to receiving a final grade for the course. If the students are found to be guilty of a future 1xbet online games login , an Honor Council Hearing Panel will be convened to consider suspension or expulsion from Kansas State University. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-03--A junior with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login is alleged to have plagiarized the quiz of another student in the class and turned it in as original work. The student also appears to have included a word-processed letter to the GTA which confesses to the act though the letter was not signed. The GTA requested that the student receive an XF for the course. The student appealed. An Honor Council Hearing Panel decided sufficient information did not exist to support the charge of an 1xbet online games login . The Hearing Panel did, however, request that the student meet with the Assistant Dean of Student Life to review the KSU Student Conduct Code with respect to class conduct. The student agreed to the request. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-02--Two sophomores with no prior history of Honor Pledge violations participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. The Professor noticed their answers were remarkably similar and called each of them in to inquire. Both mounted various defenses including, "It's just homework," although the course syllabus states, "You must work on your own on all assignments unless collaborative work is specifically assigned . . . ." Both were given a warning and an Honor & Integrity System Violation Report was filed with the Honor & Integrity System Director. Should either be found guilty of a second 1xbet online games login , an Honor Council Hearing Panel could consider suspension or expulsion from the university. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-01--A first year student with no prior history of an 1xbet online games login was found to have crib notes during a re-take exam. The Instructor confiscated the notes and requested the student receive an XF for the course. Since the violation occurred prior to the last day to drop the class, the student will be required to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to being allowed to drop the course without failing. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.