Advising instructions 1xbet best casino website

Kathy Schedule

Click HERE to schedule an appointment with Kathy through the Navigate/SSC.

Dear 1xbet best casino website Majors:

Students should make an appointment with a 1xbet best casino website advisor each semester to review their progress toward their degree, consider courses for future semesters, and discuss their academic progress and career plans. Enrollment for the following semester occurs during between the ninth and twelfth weeks of each regular semester (so late October through mid November to plan for the spring semester, and mid March through mid April to plan for the summer and fall sessions). Here are the steps students should follow each semester when advising season approaches:

1. Check 1xbet best casino website enrollment time in KSIS.
This will be clearly displayed in 1xbet best casino website Student Center. In order to ensure that the information on course availability will be current, appointments with advisors may be scheduled no earlier than 1 week prior to the time you will be allowed to enroll. Seniors and high-level juniors: you can get 1xbet best casino website advising appointment completed much earlier than 1xbet best casino website enrollment date, so as soon as you get an email from Kathy, schedule an appointment!

2. Schedule 1xbet best casino website advising appointments through Navigate/Student Success Collaborative.
If you are unfamiliar with using Navigate/SSC, please follow these instructions.

3. Review 1xbet best casino website DARS report to see what requirements you need to fill. 1xbet best casino website DARS report is available through KSIS, and you should review it each semester.

4. Look over the course schedule for the semester for which you are applying, and--MOST IMPORTANTLY--put together a schedule or at least a list of courses that you can discuss with 1xbet best casino website advisor.

5. Check out the additional Undergraduate progron the 1xbet best casino website Department’s Web site.
Forms at this site include the template for a B.S. and B.A. degree in the College of Arts & Sciences; the template for 1xbet best casino website majors, double-majors, and minors; and a page that the distribution requirements for 1xbet best casino website classes.

Best wishes!
Kathy Lillich
1xbet best casino website & Political Science Student Advisor


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